Egan O'Rahilly

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Egan O'Rahilly or Aogán Ó Rathaille (Gaelic name: Aodhagán Ó Rathaille) (16701726) was an Irish language poet.


  • For the future I cease, Death approaches with little delay,
    Since the dragons of Laune and Lane and Lee are destroyed;
    I’ll follow the heroes far from the light of day,
    The princes my ancestors followed before Christ died.
    • Closing lines of his last known poem (c.1729)
    • Translated from the Irish by Owen Dudley Edwards, as quoted in Webster's New World Dictionary of Quotations (2005), p. 626
  • That my old bitter heart was pierced in this black doom,
    That foreign devils have made our land a tomb,
    That the sun that was Munster's glory has gone down
    Has made me a beggar before you,Valentine Brown.
    • "Valentine Brown", as quoted in An Anthology of Irish Literature (1954), p. 239
    • Variant translation:
      Because all night my mind inclines to wander and to rave,
      Because the English dogs have made Ireland a green grave,
      Because all of Munster's glory is daily trampled down,
      I have traveled far to meet you, Valentine Brown.

Quotes about O'Rahilly

  • Aodhagán Ó Rathaille sang this sang
    That I maun sing again;
    For I've met the Brightness o' Brightness
    Like him in a lanely glen.
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