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Eric Adams, Joey DeMaio, Donnie Hamzik and Karl Logan

Manowar is an American heavy metal band from Auburn, New York, which formed in 1980.


  • I believe in the fans, I believe in metal more than anybody you've ever met. And you've known me a long time. I've never pissed on you even though you constantly do it to me. And I don't stab the fan in the back. And another thing, I'm prepared to die for metal. Are you?
    • Joey DeMaio, during a 2006 interview in Rock Hard magazine's April issue.
  • Heavy Metal will never die!
    • Joey DeMaio, during the Monsters of Rock in Brazil 2002, recorded on the DVD Fire and Blood
  • This is not Iron Maiden. This is not Judas Priest. This is not fucking Metallica. This is Manowar!
    • Joey DeMaio, during performance in Moscow's DS Luzhniki, April 7, 2007.
  • It's a shame that future musicians growing up now are being influenced by trash; it's really upsetting. You are basically formed by what your influences are and if you've got losers for influences, you're going to have a hard time overcoming that.
    • Eric Adams in an interview conducted in 1988.
  • He who refuses to take part in modern mediocrity will forever stand alone, an outcast. He is the bringer of change, changes that instill fear in all who go with fashion's flow. Their power comes from others, not from within. They are false! Woe unto them for the bringers of change have banded together. The time is now! We cannot be stopped! We are riding up,,

Ohskiwiwi,oskiwawa,,,after we no steste mo ste Mora high,,,moral danger ,,,,danger moral seage,,,moral swagar,,,,

Song lyrics

Oh, Manowar
Born to live forever more
The right to conquer every shore
Hold your ground and give no more

All lyrics written by Joey DeMaio.

  • I hear the sound
    In a metal way
    I feel the power
    Rolling off the stage
    Cause only one thing
    Really sets me free
    Heavy Metal
    Loud as it can be
    • Metal Daze
  • Oh, Manowar
    Born to live forever more
    The right to conquer every shore
    Hold your ground and give no more
    • Manowar
  • ...And they placed in his hands
    A sword
    Made for him
    Called Vengeance
    Forged in brimstone
    And tempered
    By the woeful tears of the unavenged
    And to carry him up on his journey
    Back to the upper world
    They brought forth
    Their Demon horse
    Called: Black Death
    A grim steed
    So fiersome in might
    And black in colour
    That he could stand as one with the darkness...
    • Dark Avenger
  • To the battle we ride
    We crossed a starlit sky
    No space no time
    We'll catch the wind
    Strange losses, men died
    We crossed a starlit sky
    And still no space or time
    We'll catch the wind
    • Battle Hymns
  • Sons of destiny shall wield.
    Hear Wisdom's voice.
    Rise, know the strength that you feel.
    Hold in your heart, but never reveal
    You were called by the Gods, their powers to wield.
    Guard well the secret of steel.
    • Secret of Steel
  • Off with the lights, hear the screams
    See the banging heads awaken to their dreams.
    The sound of metal so loud it cracks the beams
    Played by warriors called the Metal Kings.
    • Gloves of Metal
  • Valhalla the Gods awaits me
    Open wide Thy gates, embrace me
    Great hall of the battle slain
    With sword in hand

    All those who stand on shore
    Raise high your hands
    To bid a last farewell, to the viking land

    • Gates of Valhalla
  • Swear the creed of unity by the circle of blood
    We are one, we know not fear, born to fight not run
    • March for Revenge (By the Soldiers of Death)
  • Three sons have I, and they
    Ride by my side. The fierce,
    The black, and the wicked are
    their names-we ride down my
    enemies on their half-hearted flight.
    No voice of mercy-no evangels of light.
    • March for Revenge (By the Soldiers of Death)
  • Strong she stands-reaching her
    Hand. Brave and grant. On English
    Ground-we were born. Proudly
    We return. -To English shore.
    • Hail to England
  • You stood beside us,
    The false ones cries.
    Your love is judgment,
    You gave us life.
    You wait in the rain, you walk through the snow.
    We give you our blood, we want you to know.

    In our eyes you're immortal
    In our hearts you'll live forever

    • Army of the Immortals
  • Let each note I now play
    be a black arrow of death
    sent straight to the hearts
    of all those who play false metal
    • Black Arrows
  • Slowly crossing as the river runs below
    Never stopping for whats waiting soon will show
    And this last time looking back I'll see
    My home for he awaits me reaching for my
    soul. He calls my name, and waves me on
    The fallen one he stands in flame
    • Bridge of Death
  • I made a rock-n-roll sin
    When I tried giving in, to make money had to turn down loud
    They said, "Why be proud, don't play so loud
    Be like us and get a sound that's real thin
    Wear a polyester suit, act happy, look cute, get a haircut
    And buy small gear"
    That's when I turned to them and said, hold it, right there
    • All Men Play on 10
I'm in the ground,
I'm in the air, I'm all
I live in the hearts of all men
I'm the call to greatness
Not all can hear
I awaken the creator, in those who dare
And the day will come,
when we all must die
And enter the mountainside
  • I'm in the ground, I'm in the air, I'm all
    I live in the hearts of all men
    I'm the call to greatness
    Not all can hear
    I awaken the creator, in those who dare
    And the day will come, when we all must die
    And enter the mountainside
    • Mountains
  • Four sworn to vengeance, see the hate in our eyes
    Called by the gods and given a sign
    • Sign of the Hammer
  • Let loose the knot that binds
    The spirit and flesh, let it fall
    For only courage and heroism linger after death
    So, hold fast thy sword, rejecting pain, feel the dragons breath
    • The Oath
  • Thank you for the kool aid reverend Jim
    We're glad to leave behind their world of sin
    Our lifeless bodies fall on holy ground
    Rotting flesh a sacrificial mound
    • Guyana (Cult of the Damned)
  • Now people keep asking if we're going to change
    I look'em in the eye
    Tell'em no way
    Stripes on a tiger don't wash away
    Manowar's made of steel not clay
    • Fighting the World
  • The north star always guides me
    When winter skies are gray
    And I wait for the sun when all are one
    I shall not betray
    Calling at me
    I'm waiting when all are led astray
    • Carry On
  • When you are old enough to read these words
    Their meaning will unfold
    These words are all that's left
    And though we've never met, my only son
    I hope you know
    That I would have been there to watch you grow
    But my call was heard and I did go
    Now your mission lies ahead of you
    As it did my so long ago
    To help the helpless ones who all look up to you
    And to defend them to the end
    • Defender
  • Damnation, Religion
    Salvation, Fire and Steel
    • Drums of Doom
  • Brothers of metal know no masters
    Metal's our religion
    Take it to the grave
    Rulers of the earth
    Our dawn of glory
    All reborn we live again
    Hold true, ye sacred army
    Our last battle is at hand
    Sweep these dogs from our kingdom
    Bless this ground, our holy land
    • Holy War
  • Black Dogs howl in the night
    The Lion is dead!
    A Solitary Messenger
    The Master of Revenge
    • Master of Revenge
  • Full moon's light is calling me
    My kingdom lies within
    The mystic soul and lion's heart
    Brought by the talisman.
    The ecstasy of battle takes me
    Where the falcons fly.
    Immortal youth was granted me
    I will never die.
    • Black Wind, Fire and Steel
Other bands play Manowar kill
  • Other bands play Manowar kill
    • Kings of Metal
I fight the world
and take all they can give
There are times my heart hangs low
Born to walk against the wind
Born to hear my name
No matter where I stand I'm alone
  • I fight the world and take all they can give
    There are times my heart hangs low
    Born to walk against the wind
    Born to hear my name
    No matter where I stand I'm alone
    • Heart of Steel
  • Stand and fight
    Live by your heart
    Always one more try
    I'm not afraid to die
    Stand and fight
    Say what you feel
    born with a heart of steel
    • Heart of Steel
Odin I await thee
Your true son am I
I hail you now as I die
I pledge you my sword
and to no man I kneel
Ours is the Kingdom of Steel
  • Odin I await thee
    Your true son am I
    I hail you now as I die
    I pledge you my sword and to no man I kneel
    Ours is the Kingdom of Steel
    • The Crown and the Ring (Lament of the Kings)
  • See the white light
    The light within
    Be your own disciple
    Fan the sparks of will
    For all of us waiting
    Our kingdom will come
    • Kingdom Come
  • Kingdom coming
    Another kingdom falls
    The rightful are waiting
    But all are not rightful
    Wait and receive the weight of the fall
    • Kingdom Come
  • My father was a wolf
    I'm a kinsman of the slain
    Sworn to rise again
    I will bring salvation, punishment and pain
    The hammer of hate is our faith
    Power and dominion are taken by the will
    By divine right hail and kill
    • Hail and Kill
  • Gods of war I call You. My sword is by my side.
    I seek a life of honor, free from all false pride.
    I will crack the whip with a bold mighty hail.
    Cover me with death if I should ever fail.

    Glory, Majesty, Unity
    Hail, Hail, Hail

    • The Warrior's Prayer
  • On a crusade
    The world we bring
    Four Kings of Metal
    Four Metal Kings
    Death to the false ones
    Dance on a string
    'Til the blood on your sword is the blood of a king
    'Til the blood on your hand is the blood of a king
    • Blood of the Kings
  • I hear the silent voices I cannot hide
    The gods leaves no choices so we all must die
    Oh Achilles let thy arrows fly.
    Into the wind, where eagles cross the sky
    Today my mortal blood will mix with sand
    It was foretold I will die by thy hand
    Into Hades my soul descend
    • Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts
  • Heavy metal or no metal at all wimps and posers leave the hall
    • Metal Warriors
  • If you're not into metal, you are not my friend
    • Metal Warriors
  • Rule in hell or serve in heaven choose an altar or throne
    All Commandments and the laws of man disown
    Now eat the fruit of knowledge unto no one ye atone
    Into the fire with your soul!
    • Ride the Dragon
  • The trail of tears began for all the Cherokee
    The white men came to trade & borrow but then they would not leave
    Some of us were taken by boat, and died at sea
    Those of us who lived were sold to slavery
    • Spirit Horse of the Cherokee
  • Crawl to the silence renounce and deny,
    The stars and the numbers foretold of this time,
    To the words and the wisdom too the promise of lies
    By their anger and fury the strong will survive.
    • Burning
  • The clash of honor calls
    I will stand when others fall
    Open magic doors
    They will know the power of my sword
    • The Power of Thy Sword
  • In the place where evil dwells death can live when all life dies
    Wage eternal war on heaven immortal hate below the sky
    Your scripture and your sermons, are leaves born on the wind
    To heal the unrepentant one needs a greater sin
    • The Demon's Whip
  • Far beyond the sun across the western sky
    Reach into the blackness find a silver line
    In a voice I whisper a candle in the night
    We'll carry all our dreams in a single beam of light
    • Master of the Wind
Falling stars now light my way
My life was written on the wind
Clouds above, clouds below
High ascend the dreams within
  • Falling stars now light my way
    My life was written on the wind
    Clouds above, clouds below
    High ascend the dreams within
    • Master of the Wind
  • Time to burn you losers better learn
    No one controls our goddamn lives
    We'll do just what we feel riding horses made of steel
    We're here to burn up the night
    • Return of the Warlord
  • Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none
    And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son
    • Brothers of Metal Pt. 1
  • We are the true believers
    It's our turn to show the world
    In the fire of heavy metal we were burned
    It's more than our religion it's the only way to live
    But the enemies of metal we can't forgive
    • The Gods Made Heavy Metal
Battles are fought by those
with the courage to believe
They are won by those
who find the heart
Find a heart to share
This heart that fills the soul
will point the way to victory
If there's a fight then I'll be there
  • Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe
    They are won by those who find the heart
    Find a heart to share
    This heart that fills the soul will point the way to victory
    If there's a fight then I'll be there, I'll be there
    • Courage
  • Today is the day all the training through
    We have come for the number one not the number two
    Let the contest begin play hard fight to win
    Immortality victory and fame
    • Number 1
  • Into the fight of hopes and dreams
    The master of the wind knows nothing's what is seems
    The melting of the soul the wish of those who scheme
    The taking of the will by destroyers of the dream
    They live to spread the fear of the wrong of right of self
    They want us all to live like books upon a shelf
    But we know we have the power to fight and make a stand
    Strike when we are challenged all across the land to be king
    • King
  • All of the dreams held deep inside have a meaning to the soul
    Freedom to bring a thought to the wing is waiting to unfold
    For the crown and the ring
    The power of the man who would be king
    • King
  • This power's greater than love and of hate
    This is the power of will and of fate
    The power to kill the power to feel
    The power of blood the triumph of steel
    Greater that the power of a priest or a sinner
    The power to defy to fight and be the winner
    • The Power
  • There's a sound heard across the land
    It's heard across the sea
    You'll only hear it if you listen with your hearts
    And one day hope to be free
    • The Fight for Freedom
Call the witch to cast the runes
Weave a magic spell
We who die in battle are born
Not for heaven, not for hell
  • Call the witch to cast the runes
    Weave a magic spell
    We who die in battle are born
    Not for heaven, not for hell
    • Swords in the Wind
  • Many stand against us, but they will never win
    We said we would return and here we are again
    To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain
    We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain.
    • Warriors of the World United
  • Into the darkness I command my soul
    Never shall I repent, never shall I be saved
    I go into the house of death
    Before my last breath my enemies all shall die
    • House of Death
  • Power of the Universe had sired a Son
    He was baptized by Fire Water Earth and Sky
    From darkness he rose up in Triumph
    To ascend the Throne of Light
    And He Alone shall forever be known
    As the King of Kings
    • The Ascension
All the days of his life
He walked without fear
All whose lives he touched
Were made better for knowing him
As he returned goodness with good
So true is justice and retribution were unfailing
  • All the days of his life
    He walked without fear
    All who's lives he touched
    Were made better for knowing him
    As he returned goodness with good
    So true is justice and retribution were unfailing
    • King of Kings
  • His sacred blood mixed with black wind and rain wept down from the world tree deep into the earth.
    He commanded the earth to crack open and to spew forth the strongest of the strong!

    On this day he did bestow unto the world the sons of Odin!

    • The Blood of Odin
  • ...And in their hour of need
    He sent forth onto them The Berserker Rage
    Now gods embed
    They rose up from the ground
    Screaming like wild animals
    Such is the gift of absolute power
    No blade or weapon would hurt them
    They killed them and horses alike
    And all who stood before them died that day
    Hail Gods Of War
    • The Sons of Odin
  • I kneel to no one except the lord
    And my lord is steel
    • The Lord of Steel
I was born with a hero’s soul
If you got one then you know
  • I was born with a hero’s soul
    If you got one then you know
    • Touch the Sky
  • Into thy hands I Commend my soul -
    And thy service attend
    Justice and truth live in the world
    In those we defend
    Now is the hour upon us
    Each one of us will decide
    Take up the sword
    And live and by your heart
    Into glory we ride
    • The Kingdom of Steel


  • For the weak of heart I will be strong
    To the defenders of faith I will belong
    Till the last of us fight till we die
    Till the keys of the kingdome are mine
  • Remember me as one who would not kneel
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