Rockefeller Foundation

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The Rockefeller Foundation is an American private foundation dedicated to philanthropic funding of medical research and cultural arts.


  • Mr. Rockefeller was not a man to be hurried into precipitate action. Careful study and long deliberation were for him invariably prerequisite to any move in an unknown field. It was two years before the idea was sufficiently matured in his mind to enable him to go forward, and during this period there were many conferences between him and Mr. Gates. On June 29, 1909, he signed a deed of trust, turning over to three trustees—his son; Harold McCormick; and Mr. Gates—72,569 shares of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, valued at $50,000,000, the trust to be known as the "Rockefeller Foundation."
  • The offices of the Rockefeller Foundation were in the RCA builing on West 50th Street, fifty-fourth floor, and from there they had their public health and research empire all over the world, where they had considerable weight in various countries. It was interesting. It served a very useful purpose, I think. The foundation never got full credit, in my estimate, for all the things it did for mankind. It didn't want it. It always kept a low visibility. But they did some wonderful things, especially in malaria and hookworm in the south—that's how they started, working on hookworm—and then they went into malaria, which was and still is a great problem.