Talk:Henri Laborit

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Henri Laborit page.


These should be provided with sources before being moved back into the article.
  • In times like this escape is the only way to stay alive and continue to dream.
  • The essential of a being to be it's being ...
  • The human-being is animal who talk and believe in the reality of his own words ...
  • All those are just words, for us they are mechanisms ...
  • Without memory there is no Love , no pain , no pleasure, no satisfaction ...
  • A brain (nervous-system) is not made to think but to act !
  • The order can only be from the disorder cause only the disorder can make new associations ...
  • We are only the others cause they (the others) full filed our memories ...
  • How could we believe in the existence of the unconscious because this one is by definition unconscious ...
  • To go on the moon, we need to know the laws of gravity, when we know those laws it doesn t mean that we free ourselves from them but we can use them for something else ...
  • It's for this reason that I'm fighting against "freedom" ...
  • Douter ca ne peut être que bon, le doute ce n’est pas la négation, c’est l’attente de quelque chose d’autre… le doute c’est de ne jamais croire qu’on est arrivé à appréhender l’ensemble.
    • Doubting can only be a good thing, doubt is not a negation, but the waiting of something else. ... Doubting, it’s believing that we never had understood the whole thing.
  • Je me demande toujours Pourquoi? Pourquoi la vie? Pourquoi la peur? Ma plus grande peur c'est de claquer sans avoir compris Pourquoi la peur?
    • I always wonder Why? Why life? Why fear? My biggest fear in life is to die without having understood Why the fear?