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What do I know?
I speak the truth, not my fill of it, but as much as I dare speak; and I dare to do so a little more as I grow old.

E is for Energy — and Essays — and MANY other things.

This is one place where I might eventually link to essays major and minor, primarily on my own user pages, on themes and ideas which I believe can or should be significant for the development of Wikiquote, and many other wikis, and many other forms of fair consideration of social, unsocial, anti-social impulses of most individuals, including myself, in what I hope will be interesting, entertaining and educational ways.

Very early in my life, by the time I was 5 or 6, the Essays of Michel de Montaigne and various thoughts upon them had inspired me, and I had recently been thinking of bringing up some of the reasons why in some comments or minor essays of my own. Today's "Picture of the day" at the Wikimedia Commons, and some remarks I have just recently read and which prompted thoughts of Wittgenstein and various psychological ideas and theories with which I am familiar, prompted me to actually begin this page.

I am developing my "Chalkboard" page as a primary personal reference point, to remind me of various short-term tasks to do here, as well as some eternal ideals. This page and a few others, might serve as further "Chalkboards" for initial work on some ideas I am thinking of presenting or developing in the months and years ahead, and some ideas of how to arrange or present them.

As should be clear to most who are familiar with me, I am a rather intelligent and in some ways a very persistent person. I know that both my intelligence and persistent absurdism, as well as my complex forms of absurd stupidity, silence and odd humor regarding many things can be frustrating to the aims and inclinations of others, as well as beneficial in ways they might not immediately be able to appreciate. I know that I can seem a strange paradox, to many, in many ways, but all human beings are creatures of paradox, whether they know this or not, or believe it or not, or even understand much of what I imply or intend to imply or not. I believe I have few apologies to make, in the broadest sense of the term, for many of my inclinations, but believe that I will eventually make at least a few of these here, in ways which I hope will satisfy the curiosities or perplexities of at least some whom I have troubled with actions or attitudes beyond their clear understanding.

In my life I have conversed, usually quite casually, rather than burdened with many intense formalities, with many hundreds of people of diverse philosophical, religious, scientific, or practical inclinations, of many diverse levels of awareness, and many very diverse views, on many diverse subjects, related to general human interests, as well as professional concerns, and the ultimate interests of all Humanity.

Contemplating these in both generalizing and specialized ways, I haver written tens of thousands of pages of notes, both onscreen, in English, and on paper (most of these in a peculiar "shorthand" I developed for myself when quite young). These deal with various subjects with varying degrees of worth, and in coming years I intend to review many of my past writings, statements and presentations, as well as editing or extending upon them, and organizing and configuring many of the ideas and presentations in new ways — and providing primarily elsewhere access to many of these. Here I intend to only present or develop only a few which I believe will be somewhat beneficial to the project and the understanding of others here, and even some which might eventually be recognized as having broader significance than might immediately be apparent, in various ways.

Humanity loves MANY vantage points, and Eternity permits MANY — let us provide MANY to each other, and for sake of all, celebrate what we can of ALL.
There are some obvious and many obscured meanings in ALL that I state here, as there are with ALL things within the All.
So it goes

~ Kalki·· ~