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Daniel M. Kimmel

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Daniel M. Kimmel (born 1955) is an American film critic and author.


No page numbers, as all quotes are from the e-book edition published by Fantastic Books
  • You’ve heard of “Rocks for Jocks,” the gimme course that departments of geology often offer? The physics department offering was called—among the faculty, anyway, “Quarks for Dorks.” Lucky me, I got to teach it.
    • Chapter 2, “Pair of Docs”
  • “Let me guess. Las Vegas had time machines as well.”
    “No,” said Price, “but they had something just as troublesome: the Treasury Department.”
    • Chapter 7, “Future Tense”
  • College, after all, was a place where one had most of the privileges of adulthood and very few of the responsibilities. Who wouldn’t want to stay there forever if one could?
    • Chapter 9, “The Meter Is Running”
  • “You’re a theoretician. I’m more at home in applied physics.”
    He reached for his pipe and tobacco pouch. “Ah yes, the great divide in physics. It’s like the nature versus nurture arguments the biologists and psychologists have.”
    “I wonder what they argue about in the chemistry department,” I wondered.
    “Probably who has to pick up the check, if they’re anything like the professors I know. If it doesn’t smell or blow up, they seem more interested in mixing drinks than chemicals.”
    • Chapter 12, “Department Meeting”
  • I got what he was saying. It wasn’t just about crunching numbers. It was about understanding them. It was about seeing the unexpected connections.
    • Chapter 12, “Department Meeting”
  • I now know the answer to the riddle as to which came first, the chicken or the egg? The correct answer is, “Yes.”
    • Chapter 12, “Department Meeting”
  • Don’t underestimate the power of nerds with access to Internet search engines.
    • Chapter 17, “The Night Owl”
  • There are times when you’re incredibly sensitive and insightful. This isn’t one of them.
    • Chapter 18, “Jolts”
  • As a journalist, he was used to being lied to.
    • Chapter 19, “The Home Stretch”
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