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Jack T. Chick

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Jack Thomas Chick (April 13, 1924October 23, 2016) was an American publisher, writer, and comic book artist of evangelical fundamentalist Christian tracts and comic books.


Christ's finished sacrifice was sufficient. By participating in the mass, Roman Catholics are calling Him a liar!
Mary is embarrassed, because the people are bowing down to statues of her.
In these last days, the key to pulling all the religions together is the worship of the satanic mother goddess.
God gave His laws to Moses… and like it or not, God condemns the sin of homosexuality.
We're all like zombies. The spirits inside our souls are dead, thanks to Adam.
Jesus will destroy the sinful Vatican.

"Holocaust" (1984)

  • Bob:  The inquisition in Europe was masterminded by the Jesuits… Only this time instead of Dominican monks wearing rives, the Vatican used the Gestapo wearing Nazi uniforms.
  • BobAdolph Hitler was never excommunicated as a Catholic for his crimes against the Jews.  Instead, the Vatican considered him to be a hero.
  • Bob:  Today the Vatican is a tremendous political and religious power.  It has one billion citizens, and it controls the wealth of the world.
  • BobOur government's friendly policies attract millions of Catholic immigrants.
  • Mr. Weiss:  What will stop the Vatican?
    BobJesus Christ will stop it!
  • Mr. Weiss:  I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
  • Christ's finished sacrifice was sufficient.  By participating in the mass, Roman Catholics are calling Him a liar!  It's an abomination in the eyes of God.
  • Mary is embarrassed, because the people are bowing down to statues of her.
  • Mary sheds tears because men call her "The Mother of God."
  • Mary weeps because men teach she was really sinless.
  • In these last days, the key to pulling all the religions together is the worship of the satanic mother goddess.

"Doom Town" (1991)

  • It took guts for Noah to build the ark because it had never rained.  Got watered the earth with a mist.
  • The documents proving the ark existed were given to a Russian soldier to deliver to the Czar.  When he reached Moscow, he was captured by the Communists.  Rumor has it he was shot, and the documents fell into the hands of Trotsky, the Communist leader.  All the documents disappeared!

"Doom Town" (1991)

  • God gave His laws to Moses… and like it or not, God condemns the sin of homosexuality.
  • Because I really care about homosexuals… and I want them to know that they will face a horrible judgment.
  • My friend, the moon god was Allah.  He was just one of 360 idols in the Ka'aba in Mecca.  And Muhammad knew all about this.  The crescent moon is everywhere in Islam.  Even Ramadan begins and ends with the crescent moon.  Ask your mullah why!
  • Don't tell God they were only little globs of tissue.  They were real live persons, being formed in their mother;s womb.
  • Germany is rebuked for its past.  But look at the new holocaust!
  • Boy dressed as the devilEverybody's afraid of the devil!
    Girl:  Not me!
    Boy dressed as a ghost:  How come?
    Girl:  Because Jesus loves me and the devil is afraid of Jesus.

"Sin City" (2001)

  • Cop:  Stinking straight!
  • Bob:  To God, homosexuality is no joke!
  • Ray:  Oh God, I'm in trouble…How many young people have I enticed into the gay lifestyle?  I'm facing God, covered with the responsibility of ruining their lives.

"Holy Joe" (2002)

  • Holy Joe:  And on the day of judgment everything will be replayed, even your thoughts
  • Those dinosaurs that were in the ark were "fruitful and multiplied" like other animals. But now the dinosaurs had a big problem... THE AIR HAD CHANGED! Remember those trillions of destroyed plants? They made the air rich with oxygen. And big animals need lots of it to survive. In the thinner air it was harder to breathe - they got slower and easier to catch. Now you know how the dinosaurs really died. Because of sin, the Lord destroyed the earth by water. But the next time... IT WILL BE BY FIRE!
  • John:  [S]piritually, you're as dead as a doorknob and heading straight for hell!.
  • John:  We're all like zombies.  The spirits inside our souls are dead, thanks to Adam.
  • By nature, we're Adam's children  - not God's.  Because of Adam's sin, his kids became sinners, and spiritually children of the devil.
  • The most beautiful home on earth is just a dump compared to the magnificent mansion Jesus is building for you up in heaven.

"Twin Towers" (2013)

  • Catholicism is a religion of idols.
  • Jesus will destroy the sinful Vatican.
  • But you can't kill a demon because they're evil spirits, like a ghost.
  • Demons control all kinds of religions.
  • The biggest sin is unbelief.  God wants us to believe Him.  But we rebel against God when we refuse to trust Him.
  • God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven is absolutely free!

"Meet Jack Chick," an interview with Jimmy Akin (2004)

  • I think [the movie Light of the World] will help a lot of pastors.  It should get a lot of people sold—uh, saved.
  • I love Catholics.
  • I'm sure the pope will have seen this movie by next week.
  • They have all my stuff at the Vatican.  I'm one of the few who stands up against Rome.  That all started years ago when I met Alberto.
  • I don't let my picture be taken.  I'm on too many hit lists.

Quotes about Jack Chick

  • It was occurring to me that, despite his friendliness, Chick might well be uncomfortable with my presence—especially if he really was the paranoid conspiracy nut he outwardly appears to be.  He probably was not looking forward to watching the film with a presumed Jesuit agent sitting by his side.
  • As I drove home, I reflected on my meeting with the king of Fundamentalist kitsch.  He came across as a kind, gentle old man.  He was nothing but polite.  He smiled.  He laughed.  Unlike the characters in his comic books, he didn't saw[sic] "Haw! Haw!" when he laughed.  From meeting him one would never suspect him to be the most infamous broadcaster of hate and paranoia in the Christian comics world.
  • Jack Chick was a graphic artist who lived his delusional life in lies, prejudice and paranoia, promoting racist, sexist credo-specific bigotry against everyone smarter than him, or who understood things better than he did: which is pretty much everyone since he was really impressively fucking stupid -even compared to other creationists. He was so bad that Chick Publications is recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. So now I hear that this creepy old dogmatic fucktard has finally stopped breathing at 92 years old. I’m unapologetically glad about that. His death makes our world a better place. I think that everyone who believes the way that he did should show solidarity by burying their faces in the sand and holding their breath until Jack Chick breathes again. Because our world just doesn’t need anyone like that -making life irritating for everyone capable of rational or compassionate thought.

See also
