Vita Sackville-West

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Vita Sackville-West (1892-1962)[Bearbeiten]

englische Schriftstellerin und Gartengestalterin

Zitate mit Quellenangabe[Bearbeiten]

Unerwartete Leidenschaft[Bearbeiten]

Aus dem Englischen von Hans B. Wagenseil. Verlag Klaus Wagenbach 2015. 1948 zunächst unter dem Titel Erloschenes Feuer im Christian Wegner Verlag Hamburg.

Original: All Passion Spent, Hogarth Press London 1931

  • ("Astronomical truths, enlarging though they may be to the imagination, contain little assistance for immediate problems." - All Passion Spent. PT133
  • (" The longliver has triumphed over at least one of man's initial handicaps: the brevity of life." - All Passion Spent. PT12
  • ("Young people compel one to look forward on a life full of effort. Old people permit one to look backward on a life whose effort is over and done with." - All Passion Spent. PT51
  • ("Nothing earns respect so quickly as letting your fellows see that you are a match for them." - All Passion Spent. PT62