Happiest Season

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Happiest Season is a 2020 American romantic comedy film about a lesbian couple who are visiting the family for the a holidays and one of them struggles to come out to her conservative parents.

Directed by Clea DuVall. Written by Clea DuVall and Mary Holland.
This holiday, everyone's secrets are coming out. taglines


  • Thank you for trying to get me to like Christmas. I love that you love it. I'm just so content taking care of other people's pets when they're away for the holiday.
  • [about Harper]: She is my person and I really want everyone to know that. I want to marry her.
  • I know this is very old-fashioned, but I am probably gonna ask her dad for his blessing and propose to her on Christmas morning.
  • Harper isn't out and her parents don't know we're together.
  • Do you know how painful it's been to watch the person that I love choose to hide me?
  • Yesterday I never felt closer to another person in my entire life, and now I don't know her. I thought she loved me and was happy, but I see her here and she's so terrified of what everyone thinks. It's just making me wonder who the real Harper is.
  • [after meeting Riley]: Well, who knows, maybe another one of your exes will bring out dessert.
  • [to the question that does she have a boyfriend]: No. But I have. Cause... I have had many. Um, but‐but not too many; an‐an appropriate amount. I actually just went through a breakup. Yeah, with, um, he was a... he was a milk man.


  • [to Abby]: How can you not love the lights and the decorations and the Christmas trees?
  • Come with me to my parents' house for Christmas. I want to wake up with you on Christmas morning. And if that doesn't convince you to love Christmas, I'll never bring it up again.
  • I am not hiding you. I am hiding me.
  • [to her sister, Sloane]: Snowman pancakes? God, that’s a lot of work for something that’s just gonna turn to shit. Oh, but that’s kind of like your law degree.
  • Shut up, Jane!
  • Sloane wasn't lying! I'm gay. And I am in love with Abby. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner, but I know how much appearances and reputation matter to you. And me being gay didn't fit into the plan. But I let myself hurt Riley because I was so scared that you'd find out I wasn't who you wanted me to be, and I still regret it. I can't do that to Abby and throw away our life together. So I am done being scared, and I am done keeping secrets.


  • [repeated line to Abby]: I'm tracking you.
  • I track everybody. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
  • Abby, you and Harper have a perfect relationship. Why do you want to ruin that by engaging in one of the most archaic institutions in the history of the human race?
  • Way to stick it to the patriarchy. Really well done.
  • So her parents think that their straight daughter brought home her lesbian friend for Christmas?
  • Have they ever met a lesbian?
  • Everybody's story is different. Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.


  • The money doesn't matter. When I sell my book, I'll take care of all of us.
  • I have a way with routers.
  • I don't know about you, but I am single and I am ready to mingle.
  • Come on, guys. Just hug it out.
  • [to Sloane]: Freeze! Don’t move one more muscle before I hug you!
  • I had night terrors. They put me down here so I wouldn't wake everyone up.
  • Let me know if you guys need any more room. I can make myself real small.
  • [after Harper accidentally destroys her painting]: I put 100 hours into that painting, and you... you just destroyed it like it was nothing. It was something. I am something. And guess what: I like myself. And maybe you all don’t because I’m not fancy. But whether you like it or not, I’m a part of this family, and I will not be left out anymore!


  • I always skated circles around you.
  • You have no idea what goes on in other people’s families, so you need to just keep your mouth shut!
  • Harper is a lesbian! Abby is her girlfriend.
  • Shut up, Jane!
  • [while fighting with Harper and Abby wants to interfere]: You stay out of this, Sappho!
  • [to her parents]: Eric and I are getting a divorce. We separated a few months ago. And the truth is I didn’t tell you because without my family I’m worthless to you. We’ve spent our entire lives trying to earn your love, and I’m done, too.


  • [after Abby is introduced to him as Harper's orphan friend]: Yes, of course. It's terrible. [pats her shoulder] There, there.
  • Isn't this the best time of the year? I mean, really.
  • I love you, girls. And I'm sorry for making you think that anything could ever get in the way of that. I want to do better, and it will take time, but all I want for you is to find the same joy and happiness that you have given me, no matter where it comes from.


  • I started an Instagram feed for your father to give voters a peek behind the curtain. Your mother's going viral!
  • We have been so worried about seeming perfect, but maybe we don't even know what perfect is. We have one daughter who has been unhappy in a marriage and felt like she couldn't tell us! And another daughter who just had her heart broken because she was afraid we wouldn't love her if she told us the truth. And the only reason that Jane is okay is because we gave up on her after she wouldn't stop biting in preschool. That is very far from perfect, if you ask me.


Abby: What are you doing on your phone?
John: I'm sorry, I left a gentleman alone in my apartment so I'm tracking him to make sure he leaves.
Abby: You're tracking him?
John: Yeah, I track everybody. If the NSA can do it, so can I.

Abby: You can be totally honest with me. Like, about anything. Seriously. I can take it.
Harper: Okay. Then you should know that it is very difficult to sit next to you at dinner and not be able to kiss you.

[Abby and Harper are on their way to the Caldwell's house.]
Abby: I am so excited. I can't believe I'm finally gonna meet everyone. I haven't had a family Christmas in 10 years. Also, a fact you don't know about me - I'm actually very good with parents.
Harper: Okay, there's something that we should talk about before we get to my parent's house.
Abby: What is it?
Harper: Do you remember this summer when I came out to my parents and told them we were together and they took it really well?
Abby: Yeah.
Harper: Okay, well that wasn't entirely accurate.
Abby: They didn't take it well?
Harper: No! No, no... um, I didn't tell them.
[Abby is more than surprised. They pull over the car to discuss it.]
Harper: I was going to, and then Dad told us that he was running for mayor, and it just didn’t feel like the right time, and then now he’s trying to get the support of this donor, and our whole Christmas is about impressing this person, which is stressing my mom out even more than usual, and I just‐‐ I know that if I tell them now, their reaction is gonna be colored by all this other stress, and I‐I’m sorry, I don’t think that’s fair. To you or to us.
Abby: Then why did you invite me?
Harper: Because we were just having such a special night, and… and, fine, I got carried away, but it’s because I love you and I want to give you such a great Christmas.
Abby: You’re off to a really great start.
Harper: I am so sorry.
Abby: So who do they think I am?
Harper: My roommate.
Abby: They don’t think it’s weird that you’re bringing your roommate home for Christmas?
Harper: No, because I told them that you had nowhere else to go because your parents are no longer with us.
Abby: I’m not going.
Harper: Look, this is actually a really good opportunity for them to see how amazing and kind and smart you are. You said it yourself, you’re great with parents, so they’re gonna meet you, they’re gonna fall in love with you, and then that’ll make it so much easier when I do tell them. [grabs Abby's hand] Look. I get it, okay? I am asking a lot of you. But I promise I will tell them everything after the holidays.
Abby: Okay, we can do this. It’s five days. How bad can it be?

Abby : So, Sloane and Eric, you guys make gift baskets, right?
Sloane: No. We create curated gift experiences inside of handmade reclaimed wood vessels.
Eric: Yeah, the vessels are gorgeous. She has impeccable taste.
Sloane: Oh, no, honey, you have the eye.
Abby: That sounds great.
Sloane: Yeah, Gwynnie seems to think so. Paltrow. Goop picked us up, and sales have been through the roof ever since.

Harper: When I saw that mess upstairs, I knew my mom would be busy for the next two hours.
Abby: What do you want to do for two hours?
Harper: [playfully leads Abby to the bed] I don't know!
[They lay down and starts kissing each other.]

Harper: Tonight wasn't the best.
Abby: Yeah, but we got through it.
Harper: You know, you're right. You are really good with parents.
Abby: You think they like me?
Harper: Definitely!
Abby: You think they like me as much as they love Connor?
Harper: Oh no. No, no, but they don't even really like me that much, so...
[Abby laughs and Harper kisses her.]
Harper: I love you.
Abby: I love you.

[Having tired of Harper's ignorance, Abby angrily prepares to go home.]
Harper: Abby! Hey, can we just talk for a second?
Abby: No, I have to go. I can't. I can't do this for you anymore. But merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and enjoy Connor.
Harper: What? No! I don't want him! I don't want Connor, I want you!
Abby: Then what was that?
Harper: I don't know! Why are you huddled in a corner with Riley?
Abby: None of this has anything to do with Riley! This is all happening because of you, Harper. You not telling your parents about us is a choice that you made!
Harper: It is not that simple!
Abby: Do you know how painful it's been to watch the person that I love choose to hide me?
Harper: I am not hiding you! I am hiding me! Okay? Our entire life we have been expected to be these perfect, golden children. Love in our house wasn't something we just got for free. It is something that we competed for and if we veered off their course, we lost it. I know it's messed up! Okay, I get it. But they're my parents! And I'm scared that if I tell them who I really am then I will lose them. And I know that if I don't tell them, I will lose you. I don't want to lose you!
[Abby sighs while tries to understand Harper's situation.]
Abby: Come here. Hey, come here.
Harper: No, I don’t want to lose you.
Abby: No, no. Look at me. Come here. Look at me. It’s okay.
Harper: [hugs her] I don’t want to lose you.
Abby: You are not.

Abby: My parents loved Christmas. We would do all the stuff. We would decorate and do the tree and watch, like, every Christmas movie. After they died, I couldn't really bring myself to acknowledge Christmas.
John: Hmm.
Abby: The holidays were just a huge reminder of them not being here. So I really thought maybe this year with Harper and meeting her family, you know, that it would just feel different. I don't think that she loves me as much as I thought she did.
John: Hey, Harper not coming out to her parents has nothing to do with you.
Abby: How could it not?
John: Remind me, what did your parents say when you told them you were gay?
Abby: Um, that they loved and supported me.
John: That's amazing! My dad kicked me out of the house and didn't talk to me for 13 years after I told him. Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words. When your heart is racing and you don't know what's coming next. That moment's really terrifying! And once you say those words, you can't un-say them. A chapter has ended, and a new one's begun. You have to be ready for that. You can't do it for anyone else. Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

[After the Caldwell sisters ruined the Christmas Eve party with their public fight.]
Ted: What the hell happened tonight? Even as children, you never behaved this badly. I expected more from you, especially you, Harper. You know how this world works. Reputation is everything, and tonight you jeopardized mine. Jane, I know you just wanted to be included.
Jane: It was really nice.
Ted: Sloane, making up lies about your sister. You’re better than that. At least you used to be.
[Abby walks in to the living room]:
Abby: Sorry, I’m‐I’m just getting my stuff.
Harper: Wait, Abby. Wait. [sighs, then turns to her parents] Sloane wasn't lying! I'm gay. And I am in love with Abby. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner, but I know how much appearances and reputation matter to you. And me being gay didn't fit into the plan. But I let myself hurt Riley because I was so scared that you'd find out I wasn't who you wanted me to be, and I still regret it. I can't do that to Abby and throw away our life together. So I am done being scared, and I am done keeping secrets. [to Abby] I love you.
[Ted and Tipper looked stunned, they don't know what to say. Sloane stands up from the couch.]
Sloane: Eric and I are getting a divorce. We separated a few months ago. Truth is, I didn't tell you because without my family I'm worthless to you. [She stand right next to Harper.] We've spent our entire lives trying to earn your love, and I'm done too.
Jane: I don't have any secrets, but I am an ally!
[Hurted, Ted walks out of the room.]
Abby: I'm going to go.
Harper: Wait, no. No! [runs to Abby] I did it!
Abby: [sighs] I'm sorry. It's just too late.
[She leaves the living room. Realizing that she just lost her true love, Harper starts crying.]

[Harper shows up at the gas station where Abby is preparing to leave with John.]
Harper: Abby!
Abby: How did you even...
Harper: I tracked you. John taught me.
Abby: I just want to go home.
Harper: I know! I just, please let me say this. You are my family! I mean, you are the love of my life! I was terrible and I wish that I could undo everything, but I promise you I will make it up to you. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, and I won't hurt you like this again. But please, give me another chance. I want to build a life with you. Please?
Abby: [hesitated] But, what about your parents? I...
Harper: No, no. [grabs Abby's face, gently] I don't care what they think. I only care about you. If I have you that's all I need. Be with me?
[Abby looks into Harper's eyes, then looks to John, who whispers to her "Do it!". She smiles at Harper, then starts to kiss her passionately.]


  • This holiday, everyone’s secrets are coming out.
  • This holiday, come out and meet the family.
  • One big secret, two terrible liars.


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