Jen Psaki

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Jen Psaki in 2021

Jennifer Rene Psaki (born December 1, 1978) is an American political advisor serving as the 34th and current White House press secretary. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served in the Obama administration as the White House deputy press secretary (2009); the White House deputy communications director (2009–2011); the spokesperson for the United States Department of State (2013–2015); and the White House communications director (2015–2017).




  • As much as wages are up and unemployment are down, we — unemployment is down — we also recognize there are longer-term issues we want to address, including inflation
  • The tragedy of the treadmill that's delayed!
  • "What our role is and what we're going to continue to do is make the vaccine available, we're going to continue to work in partnership to fight misinformation, and we're going to continue to advocate and work in partnership with local officials and trusted voices to get the word out"


  • "I am used to being doubted and being underestimated. And I find that to be a place to thrive"
    • [2] Matt Lewis & The News
  • "When I’m hiring, I’m always looking for people who have the best attitude and will happily make 400 copies and do it with a smile and ask to do more. Oftentimes that’s the differentiator between people"
    • [3] Matt Lewis Interviews Jen Psaki
  • "I will note I’m a human being. I’m an Irish person who, not to stereotype myself, but I have times where I get a little hot. I try not to, but there are days where I wish I would’ve been calmer, or more gracious, in my responses when you have a moment of human frustration. But I will tell you that how I try to approach it is trying to use it as a forum for providing information to the public. And trying to treat people, on my best days, with respect"
    • [4]on Politico’s Women Rule
  • "The kinds of people you meet on political campaigns are some of the best human beings. They’re survivors, and they’re spunky, and they have personalities, and they spend months sleeping on couches and living on, whatever, pizza and coffee and bad beer"
  • "My armor has always been to do the homework and to be as prepared as you can possibly be. And to ask questions"
    • [6] Matt Lewis Interviews Jen Psaki
  • "I don't think our role is to place blame, but what we can do is provide accurate information to people who are not yet vaccinated about the risks they are incurring not only among on themselves, but also the people around them"
    • [7] on vaccination
  • "The president and the vice president are devoted to ensuring that every American has access to health care, including reproductive health care, regardless of their income, zip code, race, health insurance status, or immigration status"
    • [8] on the president
  • If Roe were to fall, abortion would probably be illegal in about half the states in the country, up to 26 states, particularly in the South, the Midwest, and West, who have all spoken out — many leaders — about how they’re poised to restrict or ban access.  Some have even taken action, even as recently as yesterday, as crazy as that sounds.
And depending on the Court’s position — decision — 13 states even have trigger laws.  Trigger laws mean they would basically immediately put in place bans.  And as a result of all of this, tens of millions of women may lack access to reproductive healthcare services as soon as this summer, if that were a decision to be made.
I’d also note — and as we’re thinking about and working with not just the Gender Policy Council but also the Department of Health and Human Services, also members on the Hill, also the Counsel’s Office, what we’re really focused on is the impact this would have.  It would dramatically reduce access to reproductive care, particularly for women with low incomes, women of color, women in rural communities. 
We know that 75 percent of those seeking abortions are living at or below 200 percent of the poverty level, and the majority of patients seeking abortions identify as Black, Hispanic, and AAPI
So if you look at the 26 states, let’s take for example — or the 13 to 26, depending — and you look at a map, that means that women — the majority of whom are below that poverty level and are Black, Hispanic, or AAPI — are going to be forced to figure out how to travel, how to take time off of work, how to get childcare.  It is a prohibitive cost.  It will not be safe. 
And that is what we are focused on working to address as we’re making policy decisions and considerations.
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