Adebimpe Oyebade

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Adebimpe Oyebade (born 23 March 1997) better known as Mo Bimpe is a Nigerian film actress known for winning the 2018 City People Entertainment Awards for Best New Actress of the Year.


  • The truth is that we all pray to move forward and go high. We all want to keep progressing. But I don’t fear being broke because I’m a positive person and my faith is so strong. I have never thought that someday, I might be backward. I always believe that I’ll keep moving forward at every point in time.
  • I have learnt to be patient. A patient person would never go wrong. Don’t rush things; rather, let them come to you. I’m not saying one shouldn’t work towards his or her goals, but don’t give up easily because you haven’t got the desired results. You can achieve anything and get anywhere if you believe, pray, work hard and are patient.
  • Actresses who ‘bleach’ their skins are not confident and don’t believe in themselves. They also probably don’t have anything to offer, because if they do, they wouldn’t go down that route. Dark-skinned girls are doing well in the industry. I have never been discriminated against because of my complexion.
  • It hasn’t been easy like most people think, but like in all walks of life, our industry has its own pros and cons. I’m not complaining though, because every stress and hard work has its own advantage. Success comes only through hard work and perseverance.
  • Not at all. Nothing gets to me, because to be great in life, you will be misunderstood, hated and mocked. I still have a long way to go. I can’t let little things get to me. People’s opinions don’t really matter. What matters to me is who I am. I don’t care about what people think about me.  I would say it is God’s grace; I’m highly blessed. My being here today is by the grace of God and I don’t take it for granted.
  • I don’t get distracted by trying to fit into a personality I want people to see and know. I want people to know and like me for who I am. I’m just a normal girl; I’m just me. I’m very real. I don’t care what people think.
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