Amarachi Nwosu

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Amarachi Nwosu (born 29 September 1994) is a Nigerian-American photographer, visual artist, filmmaker, writer and speaker currently based in New York City. She is also the founder of Melanin Unscripted,a creative platform and agency aimed to dismantle stereotypes and blur cultural lines by exposing complex identities and cultures around the world.


  • My mission is helping to actively and creatively celebrate my culture, because I knew there was a lot of beauty surrounding it.
  • [1] Amarachi Nwosu speaking on African culture at an interview with EFIA SERWAH.
  • Give yourself credit for how far you've come and for the space you helped create for others to be great.
  • Grateful I get to represent my culture and tell stories that matter and empower others.
  • It’s better to admit you’re not emotionally available than take someone on a ride of confusion.
  • Don’t wait for someone to love you right, love yourself right.
  • You don't have to be a prisoner to your past self.Do what is authentic to you.
  • Invest in your own creative vision. Don’t wait for anybody to validate the value that you bring to the table.
  • Don’t let last weeks problems stop you from manifesting this weeks blessings.
  • It takes years to understand the difference between who to let go and who to be patient with.Growth and experience come with time.
  • If you stay in the lane God created for you, you can never lose.
  • Creativity is more about collaboration than competition.
  • Not all your blessings need to be public.
  • Take your time with your art. Don’t let the internet rush you.
  • Enjoy your own vibration, stop giving it away carelessly then wondering why you feel depleted.
  • Your skin glows more when you stop letting people get under it.
  • Business is a sport, once you learn that, you stop taking things personal.
  • Pay attention to your body. There are so many encoded messages within you that are trying to guide you.Your greatest compass is yourself.The keys are within.
  • You don’t know when God is going to change your whole life.You could be struggling today and ready to give up but you could be 3 days away from you greatest breakthrough.Don’t lose faith.Something good is coming.
  • Unity is so important and when we come together as one and try to understand each other,we are more powerful.
  • We have to be the storytellers of our own history, present and future.We need to create the reflections we want to see.
  • Everyday you’re alive, is a level up. Use that blessing.
  • God gave you a gift. Give back.
  • Everyday you’re alive, is a level up. Use that blessing.
  • I just want to see good people win.That’s the mission.To create more value and opportunities for good people to win.
  • Sometimes it’s not about seeking love, It’s about finding all the barriers within yourself that you have built against attracting the love you deserve. It starts from within.
  • I’m learning to be so grateful for the pace of my life.God is working.Even in the quite moments.
  • No billionaire has two heads.Their just smart enough to know where to add value and where value can be added to them.
  • It’s crazy how much can happen when you change your mindset and prioritize your body, mind and health.Life is about living and feeling good in real time. I promise, nothing is worth your misery.
  • I’m not here to convince anybody of my worth. I’m here to remind myself of it through doing the work to be a better person.
  • If you’re not prepared to be wack, you’re not prepared to take any risks in life.You have to be willing to start from the bottom to get to the top.
  • Everything I have, I spoke it into existence. Prayer is power.
  • Slowing my life down changed my perspective. I stopped existing in other peoples expectations and I started LIVING in the moment and having gratitude for everything that life presents, good and bad.
  • Sometimes you have to ignore people for your mental health.
  • There will always be someone who can’t see your worth.Don’t let that person be you.
  • Fall in love with the process of reaching your goals.The destination always changes but the journey is lifelong.
  • Compete with others and someone has to lose.Compete with yourself and you both always win.
  • To be mentally untouchable is to know your power. Train your mind to adapt to every situation.
  • Take a step back, reflect, rethink, learn, unlearn and learn again.Explore the depths of yourself and find the value that already exists within you.
  • You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you just have to take the wheel to the next level.
  • Skinfolk are not always kinfolk.Sometimes your biggest allies don’t even come from the same culture as you.
  • Even the most negative circumstances always become a blessing in disguise.
  • Society tells you that you are paid according to how hard you work, but in reality you are paid according to how hard you are to replace.
  • Happiness that is not attached to external validation is true freedom.
  • The same way you update your phone periodically, update your skill set, your connection with God,purpose and your confidence.Make the vision clearer and the internal software more efficient.
  • Some days you just have to pick yourself up from your own ashes and believe in yourself no matter how deep you have fallen.
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