Dragon Tales

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Dragon Tales (1999-2005) is an animated educational fantasy preschool-grade children's television series in which 3 human siblings named Max, Emmy and Enrique go on adventures in a magical land of dragons.

Season 1[edit]

To Fly with Dragons [1.1a][edit]

The Forest of Darkness [1.1b][edit]

Mom: Emmy. Max. Everything okay up there?
Emmy: Yeah, Mom.
Max: Bubble gum.
Emmy: Come on, Max. Let's go to Dragon Land.

To Kingdom Come [1.2a][edit]

Emmy: If you'd shared the Wish Shell in the first place, Ord, we definitely wouldn't be in this mess!

Ord: Hey look, my dragon badge is shining! I did it, I shared!

Good-bye, Little Caterpoozle! [1.2b][edit]

Knot a Problem [1.3a][edit]

Ord's Unhappy Birthday [1.3b][edit]

Tails You Lose [1.4a][edit]

Wheezie: OH! They're dragons Zak, not snails!
Zak: Slow music is better for the game.
Wheezie: Is not!
Zak: Is too!
Wheezie: Is not!
Zak: Is too!
Wheezie: Is NOT!

Emmy: I'm not out! You don't play fair! I want another chance!
Cassie: Sorry Emmy. But we have to play the game by the rules.
Emmy: Rules stink! And losing stinks!
Wheezie: [comforts Emmy] Look at it this way, Emmy. Next time you might win.
Cassie: Don’t go, Emmy!
Emmy: [to Max] COME ON, MAX!
Emmy: [sternly] I SAID, "COME ON, MAX!"
Ord: Oh...! Can Max stay?
Zak: [also trying to cheer Emmy up] We’ll finish this game. Then we’ll play a new one.
Max: [turns to Emmy] WELL, I AM GOING TO STAY!
[Emmy turns away.]
Emmy: [says the "wrapping up" line] I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme to go back home until next time!
[Emmy disappears and exits Dragon Land without Max.]
Max: Bye, Em.

[Back in the playroom, Emmy plays with her whale puppet --named "Mr. Whale".]
Emmy: Hey, Mr. Whale. What do you want to do today? [then as her whale puppet] "NO SILLY GAMES! THAT IS FOR SURE!" [then as her normal voice] How about color? I can't lose at that. No peeking. You can look now, Mr. Whale. What do think? It's Max and and my dragon friends playing Freeze Dance. [then as her whale puppet] "IF THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS, HOW COME YOU ARE NOT PLAYING TOO?" [then back to her normal voice] It's a dumb game. [sighs] They do look like they're have fun. More fun than me anyway… Maybe I should go back, just to make sure Max is alright. Thanks for listening, Mr, Whale. [Emmy puts her puppet away and takes out the dragon scale] I wish, I wish, with all my heart with to fly dragons in a land apart.

Calling Dr. Zak [1.4b][edit]

Emmy: It's in here somewhere. Got it!
Max: And I got my guitar. [imitates guitar]
Emmy: Stop fooling around, Max. We have to get to Dragon Land.
Kids: I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Kids: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: I knew Zak and Wheezie were gonna win the dance contest.
Max: They were great.
Mom: Max! Emmy!
Emmy: What is it, Mom?
Mom: I made a doctor's appointment for you both tomorrow. It's time for your checkups.
[Despite a "doctor's appointment" announcement --made by their mother-- Max and Emmy do not mind.]
Max: Let's play doctor, Emmy.
Emmy: Okay.

Dr. Booboogone: Now Zak, squeeze!
[Zak shuts his eyes and squeezes Wheezie's hand as the thorn is removed]
Zak: I'm squeezing as hard as I can! I'm still squeezing! When are you going to take the thorn out?
Dr. Booboogone: I already have, Zak.
Zak: [shocked] Huh?

Pigment of Your Imagination [1.5a][edit]

Max: Dandelions.
Emmy: Max, no! [Emmy shook his head]
Ord: Anything!

( couching, music playing and painting cans chatting )

The Playroom

Kids: I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home until next time.

Zak's Song [1.5b][edit]

Snow Dragons [1.6a][edit]

The Fury is Out on This One [1.6b][edit]

The Giant of Nod [1.7a][edit]

The Big Sleepover [1.7b][edit]

[Ord makes shadow puppets]
Max: Wow! That's cool! Let me try! [makes a simplistic shadow puppet]
Zak: What is that?
Max: A rock.

Cassie: Emmy! What are you doing here?

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words [1.8a][edit]

[The Doodle Fairy has drawn a picture to communicate with them]
Max: It's a hairy bug!
[The Doodle Fairy shakes her head]
Zak: This is too hard! I quit.
Ord: We can't give up! Please!

The Talent Pool [1.8b][edit]

Cassie: I know. I can't help it.
Emmy: I have an idea, Cassie.
Cassie: Can I try? [giggles] I'm doing it.
Emmy: That's it.
Max: Way to go, Cassie!
Ord: Yay, Cassie!
Cassie: [notices sound] Sorry, Zak. Here. I'll fix your boo-boo.
Zak: [sighs] Thanks for helping me fell better, Cassie.
Cassie: Yeah, but, I can't do anything special for the talent show.
Ord: Don't give up, Cassie.

Cassie: I don't know what to do, Quetzal. I try and try, but, I can't think of anything special I can do.
Quetzal: Why don't we look in the Big Story Book?

Emmy's Dreamhouse [1.9a][edit]

Dragon Sails [1.9b][edit]

Eggs Over Easy [1.10a][edit]

A Liking to Biking [1.10b][edit]

Emmy: [singing] Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Max: Heh, and don't come back!

Cassie: Ord, you're a dragon; use your wings.
Ord: Oh, yeah! [flies safely back up the cliff] I forgot.

[last lines]
Emmy: Look, Max, the rain stopped. We can go outside now.
Max: Yeah!
Emmy: Watch the door!
Max: [crashes and falls] I know, I know. Watch where I'm going.
[both giggle]

Sky Pirates [1.11a][edit]

Four Little Pigs [1.11b][edit]

Wolf: I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.

Max: I miss Zak and Wheezie.

Zak and the Beanstalk [1.12a][edit]

A Feat on Her Feet [1.12b][edit]

Zak: Slow down!
Max: It's Cassie.
Ord: Look out!
[all screaming]
Cassie: Oh, no! [crashes]
Emmy: Sorry, Cassie.
Ord: Are you okay?
Cassie: I'm fine. But, look, my poor flowers. Oh, you poor things. How I will ever get you to Singing Springs now?
Emmy: Why do you need to take the flowers to Singing Springs, Cassie?
Cassie: Because they're Jingle Flowers. I grow them from seeds. But, now, that they're grow up, I need to plant them at Singing Springs. Cause without the foundation music water they'll lose the Jingle Flowers.

Ord: Nice skating, Cassie!
Cassie: Come on, let's get the jingle flowers plant now!

Not Separated at Birth [1.13a][edit]

Zak and Wheezie: Alakazoo, stick like glue!

A Kite for Quetzal [1.13b][edit]

Max: I guess we'll just have to go home now. Huh, Emmy?
Emmy: Guess so, Max.

Dragon Drop [1.14a][edit]

Cassie Loves a Parade [1.14b][edit]

Cassie: I really, really wanted to ride on that float. It's not fair. It's just not fair. Whoa! [Cassie hits the tree, spider web and the flower!] It's just hate today.

Ord: Uh, how are we gonna stop this thing?
Emmy: Easy. You can fly us out of here.
Ord: Oh, yeah.
Zak and Wheezie: Oh, yeah.
Cassie: Oh, yeah.
Cassie: Yeah. I was sad because I didn't get picked for the book float. [giggles] And I ended up having fun anyway.
Emmy: Let's go.
Quetzal: Have fun, niños.
Kids: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Hey I never did get my chocolate milkshake.
Mom: Emmy? Max? Anyone for ice cream?
Emmy: Coming, Mom.
Max: Hey, wait for me.

A Cool School [1.15a][edit]

Ord: Slam dunk...
Max: For Air Ord-an!

Max's Comic Adventure [1.15b][edit]

It Happened One Nightmare [1.16a][edit]

Staying Within the Lines [1.16b][edit]

Follow the Dots [1.17a] in 2000[edit]

Emmy: Like Mexican chili pepper. I know. I'll count them in Spanish. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis. That's 6.
Max: Look, Ord. Dandelions!
Ord: One, two... three, four, five, six... ( groaning ) seven. ( sneezes )

Max: I found another dot!
Ord: I don't see anything we can count.
Max: I do. Stinky-dink bugs! ( muffled ) You write the number this time, because I gotta hold my nose.
Ord: ( muffled ) Okay, Max.
Max: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Phew!

Kids: I wish, I wish with all my heart to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Let's do some more connect the dots, Max.
Max: Here's one.
Emmy: I wonder what it's a picture of.
Max: Maybe, a race car, or a dinosaur. Or a...
Max and Emmy: Norm The Number Gnome!

( music song ends )

A Smashing Success [1.17b][edit]

[After Wheezie blamed Cassie and said it was Cassie who broke her trumpet and after Emmy's lie got her --Cassie-- and Zak in trouble.]
[Cassie says that thanks to Emmy, Wheezie is not going to speak to her --Cassie-- again. And Cassie, she didn't do anything. After Cassie accuses Emmy --for making Wheezie blame her-- Cassie she resumes crying. When Emmy did not tell Wheezie, Wheezie had blamed both Zak and Cassie. So Emmy, her lie had gotten both Zak and Cassie in trouble.]

Quibbling Siblings [1.18a][edit]

  • [By that saying of Zak, Zak is not going to speak to Wheezie ever again once he gets back his sleep, breakfast, and magnifying glass.]

  • Wheezie: I wonder why Zakie is so mad at me.
  • Emmy: Well, you made him angry.
  • Wheezie: [in disbelief] ARE YOU KIDDING?! Name one thing that I could possibly do to make him mad.
  • Max: [for first reason] You kept him up all night with your banging.
  • Wheezie: All right! Name two things that I could have done.
  • Emmy: [for second reason] You ruined his breakfast.
  • Max: [also for second reason] And you took his magnifying glass.
  • Wheezie: You think that is why Zak is so made at me?
  • [Zak takes off his alone cone.]
  • Zak: [in a sing-songy voice] ♪ I CAN'T HEAR YOU!♪
  • [He gets angry.]
  • Zak: BUT YES!
  • [He puts the cone back on his head and resumes hiding in it.]

Wheezie's Hairball [1.18b][edit]

A Tall Tale [1.19a][edit]

Stormy Weather [1.19b][edit]

Max: Super Max Isn't Afraid Of You Know What? Emmy: Definitley!

Blowin' in the Wind [1.20a][edit]

No Hitter [1.20b][edit]

Max: I am pitching.
Emmy: [she refuses to give Max the ball and let him pitch] Uh-uh. You are playing out there with Ord.
[Max and Emmy argue about who should pitch.]
Emmy: DID NOT!
Emmy: DID NOT!
[Max --angrily-- makes a fist.]
[Max hits Emmy on the hand --with his fist-- fast.]
Emmy: [squints her eyes and cries in pain] OW!
[Emmy cries. Quetzal walks over. He --Quetzal-- wants to know what all the commotion is about. Then Emmy, she tearfully reports to Quetzal about what happened.]
Quetzal: (What is all of the commotion?)
Emmy: [crying] MAX HIT ME!
Quetzal: [turns to Max] Why did you hit your sister, Max?
[When Quetzal asks Max if he hit his sister --and now demands an answer-- Max --angrily-- tells him why Emmy is crying after he hit her on the hand. He --Max-- explains why he hit his sister.]
Emmy: [in between tears] I NEVER SAID THAT!
Emmy: [trying to correct her speech] I said, "Okay, let's go." I didn't hear you ask to pitch.
[Emmy resumes crying.]
Quetzal: [to both Emmy and Max] All right, ninos!
[Quetzal --after saying this-- calms both the kids down.]
Quetzal: [to Emmy] Go ahead and pitch, Emmy.
[Quetzal turns to Max.]
Quetzal: [to Max] Max? We need to talk.
[Quetzal takes Max out of the game so he and Max can have a little chat. Because Max hit Emmy, Quetzal is going to take Max out of the game and discipline him.]

Do Not Pass Gnome [1.21a][edit]

Treasure Hunt [1.21b][edit]

The Jumping Bean Express [1.22a][edit]

Get Offa My Cloud [1.22b][edit]

Backwards to Forwards [1.23a][edit]

Sounds Like Trouble [1.23b][edit]

The Greatest Show in Dragon Land [1.24a][edit]

Prepare According to Instructions [1.24b][edit]

Wheezie's Last Laugh [1.25a][edit]

Wheezie: Now you know how it feels to lose your favorite [imitates laugh]!

Frog Prints [1.25b][edit]

Crash Landings [1.26a][edit]

The Big Cake Mix-up [1.26b][edit]

Mom: Max! Emmy!
Emmy: Uh-oh!
Max: What?
Emmy: I think. There's something we didn't plan too well.
Max: What?
Mom: Dinnertime!
Both: Aw!

Quetzal's Magic Pop-Up Book [1.27a][edit]

My Way or Snow Way [1.27b][edit]

Sand Castle Hassle [1.28a][edit]

Zak: They're coming!
Ord: The turtle dragons?
Zak: No, the waves!

True Blue Friend [1.28b][edit]

Max: Then, follow me to Dragon Land.

Zak Takes a Dive [1.29a][edit]

Quetzal: Ord Por favor leave some water for the lake for the others
[Ord Smiles]
Max Come on let's make a big splash like Ord!
Quetzal:: Don't forget to put on your dragon wings
Max:: Dragon wings Cool

[They try to swim but use the wrong arm strokes]
Wheezie: Was that better?
Zak: No! We didn't go anywhere.

Under the Weather [1.29b][edit]

My Emmy or Bust [1.30a][edit]

[Max hears Emmy close the door.]
Max: Oh, no! Huh?
[Emmy goes into the car --to go shopping at the grocery store with their dad.]
[The car drives away.]
Mom: Max? Did you call me?
[But their mom is unaware that Emmy was going grocery shopping with their dad. And Max was left behind --that is, to go to Dragon Land without Emmy. What is more, Emmy --on the other hand-- is going shopping with their dad. That is, even though she was supposed to go to Dragon Land with Max.]
Max: No, Mom! [turns back to himself] The dragons are calling! But, I don't want to go without Emmy! But, what if they need me?! I wish, I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart.

[At the end.]
Emmy: [as she gets back home from the supermarket with their dad] You should have come, Max! Dad gave me a quarter so I could ride on the big blue dinosaur which was in front of the store.
Max: That is nothing. Because I went to Dragon Land by myself. [he tells Emmy about his adventure without her] I was captain of a submarine. And I was searching for a missing sea dragon.
Emmy: Oh Max!
[Emmy talks to Max about the dinosaur at the supermarket. Their dad had given Emmy a quarter and Emmy she got to ride the dinosaur in front of the supermarket.]
Emmy: Just because I got to ride the dinosaur (at the supermarket), you do not need to make up a story.

Light My Firebreath [1.30b][edit]

Emmy: Ready.
Max: Here goes.
Emmy: Let me try. [blows]
Max: Blow harder.
Emmy: Ew. [laughs] Okay, enough volcanoes. Let's go to Dragon Land.
Max: Good idea.
Kids: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Follow the Leader [1.31a][edit]

Max and the Magic Carpet [1.31b][edit]

Rope Trick [1.32a][edit]

Baby Troubles [1.32b][edit]

Small Time [1.33a][edit]

Ord: That's weird. You wouldn't think they'd only send her backpack. [holds up Emmy's backpack]
Zak: Huh? How come Emmy's backpack is here?
Wheezie: And Emmy isn't?
Cassie: Where'd you find that, Ord?
Ord: Right beside these flowers.
Cassie: Careful, Ord, those are shrinking violets. When they bloom, they shrink anything they touch!
Ord: [pulling his finger away] Oh!
Wheezie: Hey, what's this? [picks up the shrunken kickball] I found a marble that looks like a dragon ball.
Cassie: Say, that looks just like Emmy's kickball. It must've shrunk. [gasps] What if Max and Emmy touched the Shrinking Violets?
Zak: Well, then they'd shrink down to teeny, tiny... Oh, No! They shrunk!

Max: Monster caterpoozle!
Emmy: It's just a regular caterpoozle.
Max: We're tiny!

Roller Coaster Dragon [1.33b][edit]

Wheezie: I want to ride the roller coaster dragon so bad I can taste it!
Ord: Really? What does it taste like?
Cassie: Ha ha ha! It's just an expression, Ord!
Ord: Oh. What's an expression taste like?

Wheezie: Hurry up! We have to get our snacks and get back in line before the roller coaster comes back!
Server Dragon: Do I look an octopus, kid? I only have six arms!

Mom: Max! Emmy! I'm going to the store to get dinner and ice cream. Be back in 15 minutes!
Kids: Ice cream!?!
Max: Only 15 minutes? I can wait that long, easy!
Emmy: Me, too. Let's draw.
[They sit down and draw pictures]
Max: I drew a circle. Your turn.
Emmy: There's a triangle.
[Suddenly they realize what they drew]
Max: Oh, no! It looks like an ice cream cone!
Kids: MOM!
[They realize they have to wait as the view goes black]

Up, Up and Away [1.34a][edit]

All: Good. Whoa! [all screaming]

Wild Time [1.34b][edit]

Bad Share Day [1.35a][edit]

[Emmy finds a keyboard in the playroom and starts playing a song on it.]
Emmy: [singing while playing her toy keyboard] Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run.
Max: [giggles] That's funny!
Emmy: [singing while playing her toy keyboard again] Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
[Max wants to play the keyboard too. But Emmy refuses to let him have a turn.]
Max: Let me try.
Emmy: [angrily] NAH-UH! I AM PLAYING WITH IT!
[Max tries to tell their mom. That is, about Emmy not sharing the keyboard.]
Mom: [from outside the playroom --and to Max] Try to find something else until it's your turn, Max.
[Max --who quickly buries the hatchet-- completely forgets about the keyboard and then, regards to Dragon Land.]
Max: Maybe Ord has something cool to share with me.

Cassie: If I don't take my crayon back now, it'll be too late!

Emmy: You can use it.
Max: I didn't want to use, Emmy. I only wait it to share it. Can't we play it together?

Whole Lotta Maracas Goin' On [1.35b][edit]

Emmy: Wake up, sleepyhead.
Max: [yawns] I'm tired.

Ord Sees the Light [1.36a][edit]

The Ugly Dragling [1.36b][edit]

Out with the Garbage [1.37a][edit]

Lights, Camera, Dragons [1.37b][edit]

Bully for You [1.38a][edit]

The Great White Cloud Whale [1.38b][edit]

To Do or Not to Do [1.39a][edit]

Zak: Please don't tell me we're really in the stomach of a giant Dragonocerous!
Glimmer: Honey, you're really in the stomach of a giant Dragonocerous.
Zak: I told you not to tell me that!

Much Ado About Nodlings [1.39b][edit]

[In the grass, the little Nodlings are all shouting in anger after Max broke their wagon.]
Max: What are they saying?
Wheezie: They are very angry!
[It is true --true to what Wheezie says. The nodlings are really, very, very, mad.]
Zak: Because you broke their wagon!
Cassie: And now they don’t have anything to carry their mush trees in!
Max: What’s a mush tree?
Ord: It’s like a mushroom, only it’s a tree. Well, not to the big dragons like us, but to the little Nodlings, these are really huge. And they cut them down, eat their fruit, and chop them up into firewood to keep themselves warm in the winter. But without their wagon, the Nodlings won’t have anything to carry their mush trees home. And then they would be cold and even worse, hungry.
The Giant of Nod: [offscreen] WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!
Ord: [frightened] It’s the Giant of Nod!
[The Giant of Nod --easily-- makes his way through the grass right up to the dragons. And --almost that quickly-- he makes it to the entrance to the nodlings's house where he and the little nodlings live.]
Wheezie: Huh, I still can’t believe you’re a giant. You’re so small.
[Wheezie laughs.]
Zak: Wheezie!?
[The Giant of Nod takes out a megaphone.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --that is, to Wheezie] MAYBE TO YOU! BUT TO MY NODLINGS, I AM GIGANTIC!
[The little nodlings show their leader --the Giant of Nod-- the wagon that Max broke. The Giant of Nod turns to the little nodlings. And when they --the little nodlings-- complain to the Giant of Nod what about happened to their wagon --and about a child boy breaking it-- they are very angry. That is, and so is the Giant of Nod. After the nodlings --angrily-- tell their leader the Giant of Nod, the Giant of Nod sees this. And he turns back to Max, Emmy, and the dragon group, then he screams into his megaphone.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker] WHO DID THIS?!
[The Giant of Nod --when he screams "WHO DID THIS?!"-- he demands an answer. After demanding an answer, everyone --Emmy, Ord, Cassie, and Zak and Wheezie-- in response to him --the Giant of Nod-- look at Max. And they angrily glare at him.]
Max: [sees Emmy, Ord, Cassie, and Zak and Wheezie glare at him, then turns to the Giant of Nod] I guess I did. I am sorry.
[The Giant of Nod turns to Max.]
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --and to Max] SORRY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I COMMAND YOU TO FIX OUR WAGON IMMEDIATELY!
[By the saying of the Giant of Nod, he --even though Max said he was sorry-- says Max did it deliberately. And he demands that Max fixes his and his little nodlings's wagon immediately.]
Max: I did not mean to break it. It was an accident. May we just forget about it?
The Giant of Nod: [from echoes in his speaker --and to Max] SO YOU CAN LEAVE MY NODLINGS WITH NO WAY TO CARRY OUR MUSH TREES?! NEVER!
[So the Giant of Nod is not going to let Max forget about it. Because he does not want the little nodlings having no place to carry their mush trees. That is, as he says --through echoes on the megaphone-- "AND LEAVE MY NODLINGS WITH NO PLACE TO CARRY OUR MUSH TREES?!". So he orders Max to fix his little nodlings's wagon.]

Don't Bug Me! [1.40a][edit]

Emmy: [finding Max in the playroom] Max? [Notices a rubber spider and shrieks]
Max: Scared ya!

Over and Over [1.40b][edit]

Season 2[edit]

Lucky Stone [2.01a][edit]

Max: Pilot to co-pilot. Ready for take off.
Emmy: Ready, Captain Max.

Max: Ord? Where is everybody?

The Mefirst Wizard [2.01b][edit]

Cassie Catches Up [2.02a][edit]

Cassie: [sighs] I feel so bad I let Emmy down.
[first lines]
Emmy: [making shadow puppets] See? This one's a dog and this one's a rabbit. Can you guess what this one is?
Max: Um, a bat?
Emmy: Right! And he's coming to get you...
[last lines]
Max: We could have a jumping contest and a spinning with your eyes shut contest.
Mom: Max! Emmy! Time for lunch!
Emmy: How about a contest to see who can eat the most spaghetti?
Max: I'd win that!
Emmy: Not if I get the spaghetti first!
Max: Heh heh, wait up!

Very Berry [2.02b][edit]

[first lines]
Max: Hey, look, Emmy. I have a banana nose.
Emmy: Hold on. I've almost finished my book. Are you done with your puzzle yet?
[last lines]
Max and Emmy: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme to go back home until next time.
Emmy: Hey, look out the window! It's started to rain. And you know what that means.
Max: Lots and lots of mud puddles!
Emmy: Wait for me!
Ord: Ohh... [his stomach starts making very loud noises] I've ate so many berries before... Should I... or shouldn't I? Well, maybe just a little bite.
Max: My Daddy once read me a story where a bear who got stuck in a hole. 'Cause he too much honey.
Zak: Really? How did he get out?
Max: He stayed there until he got thin again, then he popped out!

Finders Keepers [2.03a][edit]

Remember the Pillow Fort [2.03b][edit]

Big Funky Cloud [2.04a][edit]

Emmy: Yippee! We did it!

Ord: Look out!
All: Watch out!
Ord: Whoa!

Copy Cat [2.04b][edit]

Mom: Max! Emmy! I just got back time the market! Does anyone want the juice pop?
Kids: I do! [laughs]

One Big Wish [2.05a][edit]

Breaking Up is Hard to Do [2.05b][edit]

A New Friend [2.06a][edit]

Have No Fear [2.06b][edit]

Max: Too broken, too bouncy, too big.

Cassie the Green-Eyed Dragon [2.07a][edit]

Something's Missing [2.07b][edit]

A Crown for Princess Kidoodle [2.08a][edit]

Emmy: I'm so full. I don't think I'll be able to eat again for three days.
Mom: Emmy! Max! Dinner!
[kids giggle]

Three's a Crowd [2.08b][edit]

Knuck Knuck, Who's Where? [2.09a][edit]

Cassie: Uh-oh. Which way?
Max: [distant] Emmy. Where are you, Emmy?
Zak: Where are you?
Max: Cassie.

Cassie: There we're so many different ways to go. So, we mark the paths and we ask for directions, too.

Just Desserts [2.09b][edit]

[Mungus is sobbing]
Zak: Look, it's Mungus.

Dragonberry Drought [2.10a][edit]

A Snowman for All Seasons [2.10b][edit]

Mom: Emmy, Max, I think you have spent enough time inside today. Why don't you go outside and some fresh air? You can play in the snow.

I Believe in Me [2.11a][edit]

Cassie: [gasps] Emmy, Max.

Bye Bye Baby Birdie [2.11b][edit]

Back to the Storybook [2.12a][edit]

Emmy: Come on, Max. Today's the day Cassie bringing Kiki and Finn to the School in the Sky.
Max: I'm ready. I was waiting for you.

Cassie: Kiki, Finn, you must be quiet! I'm sorry, Quetzal. Stop!
Bryce: No! Cassie! Let's get out of here!
Cassie: I think, they're tired of play with the toys.

[Emmy wants to know what the sad face --on Goldilocks-- is for.]
Emmy: [to Goldilocks] What is the matter, Goldilocks?
Goldilocks: [before crying] I bumped into the dining room table. And I spilled all the porridge!
[Goldilocks cries --after the accident she just made with the porridge.]
Goldilocks: [crying] BOO HOO!
Max: All three bowls?
Goldilocks: [in between tears] Yes. I cleaned up the mess.
[She shows the group one of the porridge bowls.]
Goldilocks: [in between tears] But now there is no porridge left to eat!
[Goldilocks resumes crying.]

Dragon Scouts [2.12b][edit]

The Serpent's Trail [2.13a][edit]

Head Over Heels [2.13b][edit]

Max: Emmy, remember, it's "ready, hand-hand, foot-foot." Not, "hand-hand, foot-bottom."

Sticky Situation [2.14a][edit]

Green Thumbs [2.14b][edit]

Teasing is Not Pleasing [2.15a][edit]

Team Work [2.15b][edit]

On Thin Ice [2.16a][edit]

Emmy: Hurry, Max. I'm ready.
Max: Found them. I wonder why Quetzal asked us to bring our ice skates today.
Emmy: There's only one way to find out.

The Shape of Things to Come [2.16b][edit]

[For the circle key to Crystal the Door, Max sees a lizard with orange circled shaped spots. The lizard smiles in a friendly smile. Then Max talks to the lizard.]
Max: [to the lizard] Excuse me, Mr. Lizard? Can we maybe borrow one of your spots? We promise to bring it right back.
Mr. Lizard: [laughs mockingly] Ha!
[Then he gets into a bullying tone.]
Mr. Lizard: [continues] Oh sure! After you let me borrow your nose!
[The lizard laughs mockingly and walks away --unless Max lets him borrow his nose so he can borrow one of his spots. Max --in response to the lizard-- pinches his nose and tries to keep the lizard from borrowing it. That is, since he does not want to fall for the lizard's joke.]

Hide and Can't Seek [2.17a][edit]

The Art of Patience [2.17b][edit]

So Long Solo [2.18a][edit]

Hands Together [2.18b][edit]

Ord: [song hums] Clap, stomp. Oh! It's no use!

Quetzal: Hola, Ord.

Sneezy Does It [2.19a][edit]

Try It, You'll Like It [2.19b][edit]

Just for Laughs [2.20a][edit]

Give Zak a Hand [2.20b][edit]

Zak: Sure!

Make No Mistake [2.21a][edit]

The Balancing Act [2.21b][edit]

Emmy: I love my new skateboard, but, I'll never be able to ride it if this rain doesn't stop.
Max: I know a place where you can ride it, Emmy.
Ord: Cookie?
Emmy: Ord! No! [gulps] Whoa!

Max: You can help me build my log tower, if you want. Whoa! It's gonna fall and make a mess!

Room for Change [2.22a][edit]

The Sorrow and the Party [2.22b][edit]

The Grudge Won't Budge [2.23a][edit]

Putting the Fun in Fun Houses [2.23b][edit]

Puzzlewood [2.24a][edit]

Max: Come on, Emmy, let's finish our jigsaw puzzle. The piece that fits here is big at the top and small at the bottom. Look, Emmy, I found it.
Emmy: Me, oh, my, it's my favorite.

Let's Dance [2.24b][edit]

Just the Two of Us [2.25a][edit]

Cowboy Max [2.25b][edit]

Season 3[edit]

To Fly with a New Friend, Part 1 [3.01a][edit]

[first lines]
Max: [imitates galloping hooves as he plays with his horse] Giddy-up! Yee-haw! I thought Enrique was coming over to play, Emmy.
Emmy: He is, Max. Isn't it great having a new friend living next door?
Max: Yeah.
[knocking on the door is heard.]
Emmy and Max: Come in!
[the door opens and Enrique comes in the playroom.]
Emmy: Hi!
Max: Hi, Enrique!
Enrique: Hola! Que tal?
Emmy: Great!
Max: How's it going?
Enrique: Bien. Okay... I guess.
Max: [offers another horse toy] Wanna play cowboy?
Enrique: [grabs the horse toy] I have an uncle who is a real-life cowboy. A vaquero. I used to ride horses with him back home.
Max: Was that in Mexico? That's where our abuelita (Spanish for: grandma) is from.
Enrique: No, in Columbia. But then we moved to Puerto Rico, and I didn't get to ride so much. [pause; Emmy and Max look at him confused and skeptical] You guys would love Puerto Rico! You could play on the beach and swim, and... [sighs sadly]
Emmy: You really miss it, huh?
Enrique: A veces. Uh, sometimes. It's so different here, and it's just hard.
Max: But you speak English really good.
Emmy: "Really well".
[Max glares at her.]
Enrique: It's not that, it's just... I don't know. I've tried to make friends at school but all the kids all know each other already. And they all talk about stuff I don't know anything about.
Max: Anything you want to know about, I'm an expert!
Emmy: [giggles] Oh, brother!
Enrique: Gracias, Max. I just wish there was a place where everyone was as friendly as you and Emmy.
Max: We know a place like that!
Emmy: [whispers] Max! [glares at him]
Max: [whispers] Why can't we take Enrique there?
Emmy: Because we... we just can't. [Max smiles at her] Well, maybe. I guess. [smiles] Definitely!
Max: [giggles]
[Emmy runs to the drawer and Max follows her. She opens the drawer, picks up the case and opens it, revealing the magic dragon scale.]
Enrique: Wow, that is so beautiful! Que es eso? (Spanish for: What's that?]
Max: It's a dragon scale!
Enrique: [chuckles] Sure, right. Seriously, what makes it glow like that?
Max: It's magical. It takes us to a place called Dragon Land.
Enrique: Come on! [Emmy and Max smile at him] Okay, so how does it work?
Emmy: Well, Max and I hold the scale and say: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart. And whoosh, we're there!
Max: [picks out the scale] You want to try?
[Enrique is hesitant as first but shrugs and decides to give it a try as he, Emmy and Max hold the scale together.]
Emmy and Max: I wish, I wish, with all my heart...
Enrique: I wish, I wish, with all I've got...
Emmy: No, it's "with all my heart"!
Enrique: Ah, corazon! Heart! Sorry!
[Emmy, Max and Enrique hold the scale together.]
Emmy, Max and Enrique: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.
[The scale shines bright.]
Enrique: [gasps]
[The dragon tapestries come to life and leap off the wallpaper, and spin around Emmy, Max and Enrique as the three are surrounded in a colorful sparkling light.]
Enrique: What? Whoa! No way!
[Emmy, Max and Enrique transport to Dragon Land.]

Rise and Bloom [3.02a][edit]

Max: Come on, little guys. Rise and bloom. Hmm. I think then need a little moe help waking up.
[all join in, singing in Spanish]

Super Snow Day [3.02b][edit]

Hand in Hand [3.03b][edit]

Enrique: Wow!
Emmy: Hey!
Max: Ow!
[Enrique gasps]
Zak and Wheezie: 1, 2, 3, pull! Pull!
Enrique: Pare! Stop! What are you doing?

Itching for a Cure [3.05a][edit]

Emmy: Careful.
Max: I am.

Enrique: Sorry, I'm late.
Emmy and Max: Huh?
Enrique: [speaks in Spanish] Sorry. I didn't mean to knock down your card house.
Emmy: That's okay, Enrique.
Max: Yeah, we we're just practicing for the big house of cards we're gonna build in Dragon Land.

The Big Race [3.05b][edit]

Max Loves a Train [3.06b][edit]

Max: All aboard! Choo-choo!
Enrique: Wow, Max. What a cool train set!
Emmy: Max loves trains, Enrique.
Max: Yeah, and today, we get to ride the Dragon Land Express.
Enrique: I know. I can't wait either.

Prince for a Day [3.10a][edit]

Enrique: How are you two going to decide whose turn it is to clean up?
Emmy and Max: I know! Rock. Paper. Scissors! [they both do scissors] Rock. Paper. Scissors! [they both do rock]

So Long Solo [3.10b][edit]

[After Wheezie's sheet music has sunken into a pond]
Zak: Oh, Wheezie, it's all my fault! I guess I wasn't holding the music tight enough.
Wheezie: It was an accident, Zak. It's okay. I know that there'll be other shows next year.
Zak: Can't you play a different song? You know hundreds.
Wheezie: I didn't bring any other music.
Zak: Well, if you're not gonna perform, then I'm not gonna perform.
Wheezie: Don't say that! You worked hard on your juggle gym, and I want you to show it off.
Zak: [smiling] Really?
Wheezie: [also smiling] Yeah!
[At that moment, their badges start glowing.]
Wheezie: Zak, look, our dragon badge!
Zak: Ha, it's glowing!
Wheezie: We must have really learned to...
Zak: ...work together!
Wheezie: Aw, Zaky!

Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique [3.12a][edit]

Moving On [3.16a][edit]

Emmy: Hey, the dragon scale is glowing.
Max: They need us in Dragon Land.

Something's Missing [3.24b][edit]

Max: I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Max: I can't wait to see if there's a letter from Emmy, then Mom can read it to me. And I really can't wait till Emmy gets my letter.

Hello, Ms. Tipps [3.26b][edit]


External links[edit]

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