Hotel Workers Rising

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Hotel Workers Rising is long-term organizing campaign, created by UNITE HERE in 2006, aimed at organizing and mobilizing hotel workers to win improvements in the workplace. Demands include higher wages, better benefits, safer workloads, and the right to unionize freely.


  • UNITE HERE is a labor union that represents 300,000 working people across Canada and the United States. Our members work in the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry, transportation, and airport industries.
Our membership is diverse. We are predominantly women and people of color, and we hail from all corners of the planet. Together, we are building a movement to enable people of all backgrounds to achieve greater equality and opportunity.
  • Actually, the correct answer is Yes, it is possible to work at a hotel and live there. From Feb 2011 to May 2012 I did just that at the small 2 star motel I worked at. No, I was not a management and yes I paid rent monthly. For those who might think it's different now, no it isn't. At the Best Western I've been at since last October, the general manager & family lives on site.

UNITE HERE and allies
