Jade Simmons

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Jade Simmons on campaign trail

Jade Simmons (born Charleston, South Carolina) is an American classical concert pianist who was an independent presidential candidate in 2020.


  • I was scared to eat food. Every time I heard a crack I instantly knew what it was and would burst into tears.
  • I was too embarrassed to leave the house, I even started to avoid my own family because I was scared they would judge me for how bad they’d got.”
  • I was struggling massively with my mental health because of what had happened. I was severely depressed and prior to this nightmare I already suffered with bipolar, so it massively affected my mental health.
  • I didn’t want to leave the house; I wore a mask at work to keep my mouth covered at all times and I even avoided seeing my own mum out of anxiety and embarrassment.”
  • “It’s honestly changed my life. The clinic must think I’m not grateful because even now, a few weeks after the treatment I’m still having to train myself to smile again and remind myself that I no longer have horrendous teeth. I speak to people now and feel more confident, but it’s a slow process.
  • “People used to think my teeth were bad from taking drugs and my own daughter said I looked like I’d been chewing rocks. It’s a difficult thing to come to terms with but when I look at my smile in the mirror now, I’m forever grateful to the clinic for completely changing my life.
  • I lost myself for a couple of years. Learning to speak properly again has been hard as the damage to my teeth also affected my speech quite badly. I constantly felt judged by everyone that saw me. I’d completely given up on life but I’m finally starting to feel like myself again.”
  • “I shared another video on TikTok showing my new smile and experience in Turkey and that blew up very quickly. I’ve had so much support from people but also thousands of messages and comments saying that I’ll regret going to Turkey and that they’ll be falling out again soon, with a lot of people being very negative about it.
  • “Having my teeth done in Turkey was the best decision of my life, the clinic have done such a good job. You hear so many horror stories about Turkey teeth, but like any country there’s good and bad dentists.”
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