Karen Pollock

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Karen Emma Pollock CBE (born May 1974) is a British writer, activist and chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET).




  • The fact that Hitler and his party came to power from electoral obscurity within two years should serve as a warning just how quickly society can change, how quickly the abnormal can become normal and how the frustrations of a population can change from simmering discontent to a fully-fledged inferno of rage.
  • He and his family were marked out with the yellow star, they were stripped of their property and their rights, they were expelled from their schools, they were forced into a ghetto, they endured starvation and disease. And eventually, they were deported to concentration and death camps and murdered.
  • Out of a Jewish community of 800 before the war, Roman was one of only four survivors from his town. He was alone in the world.
  • "Giving Holocaust victims and survivors a voice matters", The Times (27 January 2022)
    • Roman Halter (1927–2012) was a Polish survivor of the Holocaust but, by the time he was aged 16, his "grandfather, parents and six brothers and sisters" had been killed by the Nazis. See Holocaust Memorial Day (UK).


  • Haya was marched to an execution spot.
    To this day, Hannah freezes as she recalls the moment she saw her mother fall, saw blood on the snow, and understood that her mother was not coming back.
    Hannah was seven years old.
    Incredibly, Hannah survived.
  • The Nazis agreed on, organised and perpetrated the Holocaust. Their actions left permanent scars on humanity and had ramifications still felt the world over.
    So, however passionately we feel about important and pressing issues of the day, it seems to me that comparing those current concerns to the almost unimaginable horrors of the Nazi period is wrong. These comparisons are wrong when the point being made is one we agree with, and when it is not.
  • For the Jewish community, with the Holocaust still in living memory, our dream is simple. I know my parents hoped that I would inherit a world free from the anti-Semitism that blighted their generation, and every generation before them. Today it feels that this dream is more distant than ever. Anti-Semitism across the globe is surging. Here in the UK, anti-Semitism has risen exponentially.
  • And the spread of these antisemitic conspiracies [on X/Twitter] is already having a harmful effect. A recent study published in the Economist found that one in five Americans aged 18-29 believe the Holocaust to be a myth. A different survey found that nearly a quarter of Dutch people born after 1980 similarly believe it to be a myth or the number of its victims to be greatly exaggerated.
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