Mabel Evwierhoma

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Mabel Itohanosa Erioyunvwen Evwierhoma (born 7 May 1965) is a Nigerian academic. She is Professor of Theatre Arts at the University of Abuja. She specializes in dramatic theory, criticism, gender studies and cultural studies.


  • I look forward to a day of opportunities granted by God, the Governing Council, Vice Chancellor and Administration of University of Abuja to inform the audience on academic input and output on the path to the Chair.
    • [1] Prof Mabel look forward to inaugural lecture in 2016.
  • Womanists and feminists whether they are women or men should continue to ventilate what it means to be a woman through writing – that it does not mean she is second-rate.
    • [2] Prof Mabel speak on Feminists in 2016.
  • It should state clearly that the federating units are free to opt-out of the union without bloodletting.
    • [3] Prof Mabel speak on review of the 1999 constitution in 2019.
  • Rape is an attack on culture and should be treated as such, and this era whereby rapists would be seen walking about freely without prosecution should be attacked.
    • [4] Prof Mabel condemn rape in 2020.
  • Most of the contemporary music that is produced and promoted focus on the female genitalia and depicts acts of non-consensual sex.
    • [5] Prof Envierhoma speak on contemporary music in 2020.
  • Rape victims are not just stigmatised, but nobody wishes to keep a close relationship with them.
    • [6] Prof Mabel speak on Rape Victims in 2020.

Quotes about Mabel Envwierhoma

  • She is God fearing and has genuine commitment to her calling. In all these, she is unassuming, humble and humane. To a large extent, she lives by what she advocates and to that extent, she is an inspiration to many people and a pride to womanhood.
    • [7] Prof Ododo describe Mabel in 2015.
  • The life of Mabel Evwierhoma should be the greatest inspiration for female emancipation and not necessarily her writings. At 50, she has recorded modest but loud and engaging achievements; as a Professor, author of books, cultural activist, Dean of Arts, Fellow of SONTA and moulder of character.
    • [8] Professor Sunday E. Ododo speak on the life of Mabel in 2015.
  • All these attributes position Evwierhoma as a phenomenal success worthy of emulation. She sits comfortably on this high pedestal today out of due sacrifice, self-denial, hard work and determination to reach her goals; and not a product of any gender friendly/sensitive legislation in favour of women.
    • [9] Professor Sunday E. Ododo speak on Evwierhoma attributes in 2015.
  • Today, this audience is presented with a proud mother, a proud wife, a proud sister and a scholar of no mean repute.
    • [10] Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Power, Godknows Igali celebrate Mabel @50 conference in 2015.
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