Molly Fletcher

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Molly Fletcher (born September 20, 1971) is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker and former sports agent. She is the founder of the Molly Fletcher Company, based in Atlanta, Georgia.


  • "At that moment, I was the point person for this contract, and I could see him thinking, 'What is this woman doing in my office?' "
  • "But in that moment of self-doubt, I saw my opportunity to be bold and seize control of the situation,"
  • "That manager and I became great friends at that moment, and I negotiated many contracts with him going forward,"
  • "We all have those times of self-doubt, but in those very moments we have an opportunity to change our mindset into clarity and be bold," Fletcher continued, adding that such moments need not be as momentous as her exchange with the Braves manager. "It's not always about achievement. It's about who we become along the way. Complacency is the enemy of boldness. We don't have to accept it when our power is being dismissed."
  • "Energy is integral to performance. You can't show up in the tough moments if you don't have it," Fletcher said. "There's so much we can't control, but also so much that we can."
  • "The greatest boldness is not only when we help ourselves, but when we help others, the people we serve in our lives. Everyone here has that spark of boldness in them. Now go out and ignite it."
  • Those who stay at the top have an internal drive and desire to get better every day,”
  • Those who get a little complacent and rely solely on their talent lose their jobs,” she continues. “I’ve seen that model repeated with athletes, coaches, newscasters, and others. Drive is a mindset successful athletes embrace every day.”
  • Change is constant today—and it’s not slowing down,” Fletcher says. “The best athletes step right into change. They view obstacles as an opportunity. We’ve got to believe in our ability to evolve and grow.”
  • “Leaders need to be intentional about getting in the heads and hearts of the people we serve and those we lead,” she says. “We need to behave in a way that demonstrates the relationship really matters. When we anticipate the gaps in the relationships that matter most to us, we can do amazing things. It’s a powerful way to lead, sell, and grow.”
  • “the blood would leave my body,” she says. “I wouldn’t want to answer. She was compromising how I showed up to other clients.”
  • “You’d better be better than your problems—so good that you’re worth all of the drama off the court.”
  • “Good business leaders ask themselves where they spend their time,” she says. “But the best of the best ask, where do I spend my energy? Athletes are great at this, so they have energy in the moments that matter the most. But too many business leaders run their lives by the calendar. Managing our energy might be more important than managing our time.”
  • linchpin to becoming a better version of yourself,”
  • “Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson miss cuts and make bogeys—but not two in a row. They recover quickly.”
  • We all have tough meetings, employees, and members. We need to reset ASAP. It’s about being present, controlling what we can in the moment, and picking up the rest later.”
  • That’s a metaphor for life: Step up, lean in, and evolve,” she says. “When I started as a sports agent, there were no women like me trying to sign players. Step in and continue to go for it.”
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