Pyabelo Chaold Kouly

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Pyabelo Chaold Kouly (Pyabèlo Bernadette Chaold Kouli) is a Togolese author.

Born in 1943 in Pagouda, Togo, she subsequently migrated to Germany in 1961 to study as a laboratory assistant. She is one of the few female Togolese writers to be published.


  1. It was the Germans themselves who published two thousand copies of this manual. I'm about to print another two thousand copies, because it's very informative".
    • Article by Ayodélé Mané Aguiar published in Amina in 1987, source
  • My second title is "Brief einer Togolesin an ihre Bekannten und freunde in Deutschland" (Letter from a Togolese woman to Friends and knowledge in Germany.
    • Article by Ayodélé Mané Aguiar published in Amina in 1987, source
  • I ADMIT that I am more comfortable in German than in French, which explains why most of my works are written in German before being translated into French."
    • Article by Ayodélé Mané Aguiar published in Amina in 1987, source