Ralph Breaks the Internet

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Ralph Breaks the Internet is a 2018 American 3D computer animated comedy film, set six years after the events of Wreck-It Ralph, in which Ralph and Vanellope, now friends, discover a wi-fi router in their arcade, leading them into a new adventure.

Directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnston. Written by Phil Johnston and Pamela Ribon.
Who broke the internet?


[first lines]
Ralph: Okay, my turn, my turn! Um, I got one.
Vanellope: Great, but can you make it a little more challenging this time?
Ralph: Okay, check this out. I spy with my little eye something yellow and round, and it eats dots.
Vanellope: Seriously, Ralph?
Ralph: Yeah, seriously. You're never gonna get it.
Vanellope: Well, obviously it's Pac-Man!
Ralph: No! That's not – why is that obvious?
Vanellope: Name one other thing in this whole arcade that is yellow and round and eats dots.
Ralph: I can name two things: Ms. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man. Boom! I accept your apology.
Vanellope: Yeah, you're right. Okay, but was it Pac-Man?
Ralph: Yeah, you got me.

[In Game Central Station, a new plug is inserted, and the sign above reads "Wi-Fi"]
Ralph: "Whiffey"? Or "Wifey"? Well, it’s either whiffleball or an arranged marriage game.
Sonic: It's actually pronounced "Wi-Fi", Ralph.
Ralph: Yeah, that’s what I said.
Sonic: And Wi-Fi is the Internet, which is an online community where human beings go to shop and play games and socialize.
Vanellope: Ooh, fun!
[The Surge Protector appears]
Surge Protector: No, it is not! That sign right there says "Wi-Fi", but what it should say is "Die-Fi". [chuckles, but no one responds.] That's a little humor there, but seriously, the Internet is nothing to laugh at. [puts police tape around the entrance] It is new, it is different, and therefore we should fear it. So keep out, for Pete's sake, and get to work. The arcade’s about to open!

[After a girl accidentally broke off the steering wheel from the Sugar Rush game console and broke into two parts, Litwak decides to unplug the game]
Ralph: Where's he going? Is he…? (Oh, no.) Litwak is gonna unplug the game! Let's go! Go, go, go, go, go! Run, run! Come on! Let's go!
[Litwak walks to the extention cable where the plug to the game is. In Game Central Station, the Surge Protector whistles as he checks his clipboard. Hearing a rumbling sound, he notices the citizens of Sugar Rush running out of the game itself, and they run over him!]
Wynchell: Gangway!
Duncan: Yeah, you heard him! Gangway!
Surge Protector: Stop it! No running! Ow! What are you people doing out of the game, for Peter's sake? The arcade is open!
Ralph: Sugar Rush is getting unplugged!
[Everyone looks up to see giant prongs retracting from the terminal. Litwak unplugs the game, which shuts off. The citizens gape]
Wynchell: We're homeless!

[Vanellope glitches into the dressing room of the Disney Princesses]
Vanellope: Uh, hi.
[the princesses surround her on all sides, with their powers and weapons]
Vanellope: Whoa! Whoa! Ladies, I can explain! See, um... I'm a princess, too.
Anna: Wait. What?
Vanellope: Yeah! Princess Vanellope von Schweetz of the Sugar Rush von Schweetzes? I'm sure you've heard of us. It'd be embarrassing for you if you haven't. [laughs nervously]
Pocahontas: What kind of a princess are you?
Vanellope: What kind?
Rapunzel: Do you have magic hair?
Vanellope: No.
Elsa: Magic hands?
Vanellope: No.
Cinderella: Do animals talk to you?
Vanellope: No.
Snow White: Were you poisoned?
Vanellope: No!
Tiana and Aurora: Cursed?
Vanellope: No!
Rapunzel and Belle: Kidnapped or enslaved?
Vanellope: No! Are you guys okay? Should I call the police?
Ariel: Then I have to assume you made a deal with an underwater sea witch, where she took your voice in exchange for a pair of human legs?
Vanellope: No! Good Lord! Who would do that?!
Snow White: Have you ever had true love's kiss?
Vanellope: Ew! Barf!
Jasmine: Do you have daddy issues?
Vanellope: I don't even have a mom!
Numerous princesses: Neither do we!
Rapunzel: And now for the $1,000,000 question: Do people assume all your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?
Vanellope: Yes! What is up with that?
All princesses: She is a Princess!
[Snow White vocalizes]
Cinderella: [eyes Vanellope's clothing] Who made your gown? I've never seen anything quite like it.
Vanellope: Oh, this old thing?
Cinderella: Oh, I'd so love to have one of my own.
Aurora: As would I.
Moana: Me, too!
Elsa: So cool!
Rapunzel: Best outfit ever!
Ariel: I want one too, you guys!
Cinderella: I'll get my mice on this.

[the Princesses are relaxing with Vanellope, all wearing new modern clothes.]
Cinderella: [sighs] So this is love. All hail Princess Vanellope, the queen of comfy.
[the other princesses cheer]
Ariel: Of all the thingamabobs in this entire world, I never thought I'd get to wear a real... what's it called again? Oh, yeah. A shirt. [sings] I once had a dream that I might wear a shirt...
Vanellope: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait. What's going on?
Jasmine: Uh, she's singing.
Vanellope: Yeah, but there was, like, music and the spotlight and... Wait, you all saw it, too, right?
Tiana: That's what happens when a princess sings about her dreams.
Vanellope: Oh, that's never happened to me, I mean, not even once.
Rapunzel: Why don't you give it a try? What is it you really want? Sing about that.
Vanellope: Okay, uh, sure. I can do that. Uh, let's see. [clears throat; sings] Oh, steering wheel, oh, steering wheel. Oh, yes, I want a steering wheel. [scats]
Belle: Well, there's a lot to unpack here. So, this steering wheel you sing of-- That's a metaphor?
Vanellope: Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not a metaphor. It's just... I literally want a steering wheel. I think the issue was I was a little pitchy.
Mulan: Maybe a little. But sometimes your song can't start until you go someplace to reflect.
Pocahontas: What works for some of us is finding a form of water and staring at it.
Vanellope: What?
Snow White: Oh, yes. I like to stare at a wishing well.
Moana: I stare at the ocean.
Mulan: Horse trough.
Cinderella: Soap bubbles.
Vanellope: Wait, you're saying if I just stare at some water...
Ariel: Important water.
Vanellope: Right, of course, important water. I stare at the important water, and somehow magically, I'll start singing about my dream?
Rapunzel: For sure.
Tiana: Mm-hmm.
Vanellope: Uh, yeah. I don't think so, ladies, but thanks.
[C-3PO enters]
C-3PO: Five minutes, Princesses. Another "Which Disney Princess are you?" quizlet starts in five minutes.
[he leaves]
Jasmine: Okay, thank you.
Tiana: Well, I guess it's back to the gowns, girls.
Aurora: It was lovely to meet you, Vanellope.
Belle: And best of luck finding your song.
Merida: (speaking Scottish) Och. Lang may yer lum reek, and may a moose ne'er leave your girnal with a tear drop in his eye. Haste ye back, me lassie!
Vanellope: Uh-huh. What did she just say?
Tiana: We don't know.
Moana: We can't understand her.
Anna: She's from the other studio.
Vanellope: Ah.

[after the server has gone restarting, Ralph crashes out through metal door, carrying an unconscioused Vanellope]
Ralph: Come on, Vanellope. Wake up. Don't leave me kid.
Vanellope: [wakes up] Ralph?
Ralph: Oh, there you are. You okay, kid?
Vanellope: [starts to sobs] Ralph, I (really) messed up so bad.
Ralph: No, no, you didn't, it's okay.
Vanellope: This is all because of me and my glitch. I should’ve just stayed with you instead of followin' some (I'm so) stupid dream. All I need is 1 thing; myself. I’ve ruined everything. [hugs Ralph]
Ralph: No, kid, no. Uh, look. I didn’t mean for it to happen like this. It... It... It was not supposed to be this bad.
Vanellope: You didn’t mean for what to happen?
Ralph: I mighta, kind of, sorta put a… harmless little virus in the game.
Vanellope: A virus? You... You did this?
Ralph: [neurotically] Well, I wouldn’t have done anything if [angrily] I hadn’t heard you tell Shank that you wanted to live in Slaughter Race forever.
Vanellope: [gasps] So, you were spying on me?!
Ralph: [angrily] Hey! You’re not exactly innocent here. You were gonna ditch everybody and abandon Sugar Rush?!
Vanellope: [becomes angry] Oh, please. I’m one of 16 racers! They’d never miss me!
Ralph: What about me?!
Vanellope: [angrily] Why would I ever spend another SECOND WITH YOU AFTER WHAT YOU DID?!! [furiously yanks off the "You're My Hero" he had around his neck and throws it away into the abyss]
Ralph: [gasps, as he tries to catch it] No! [looks down at the abyss] No. [then back at Vanellope who is now leaving] Vanellope, where are you going?!
Vanellope: Wherever you're not!
Ralph: Wait a minute! I can explain...
Vanellope: [angrily stops and turns to Ralph] NO!! You will not follow me!
Ralph: Vanellope, please--!
Vanellope: [worried] A friend would never do what you did! Never! So you LEAVE ME ALONE!! [storms off]
Ralph: Vanellope, no, no, no! Please! Please! What did I do?!
[Arthur emerges from the rebooting Slaughter Race]
Arthur: [spots Ralph, who is begging his friend to come back] Scanning for insecurities.
Ralph: Vanellope! Come on, don't leave me!
Arthur: Insecurity detected. Copying insecurity.
Ralph: No, no, no! [runs into the abyss to retrieve his medal]
Arthur: Distributing insecurity. [starts to shoot off bunches of Virus Ralph]

Vanellope: Ralph, look. I think you fixed your insecurity.
Ralph: Yeah I did. [as Virus Ralph disappears] Woo-hoo! [he starts to fall]
Vanellope: NO!
J.P. Spamley: [comes to the rescue] Park it right here, Ralph! Your old friend J.P. Spamley's got you!
Ralph: [surprised] Woohoo! [goes right through it and still falls, knocked out silly]
J.P. Spamley: [surprised] Wow, that didn't work. [as Ralph was about to fall to his immediate death the princesses see him falling]
Rapunzel: [gasps] Look up there! It's a big, strong man in need of rescuing! [Moana uses her oar to let out the ocean, Ariel uses it to make a loop-de-loop, and lands on Jasmine's Magic Carpet, and Elsa freezes it into a slide for Ralph. Meanwhile, the other princesses are making their dresses to get Ralph to safety and then he approaches it using the other dresses as parachutes and Ariel sings a few notes to get Pocahontas's attention and she blows him to the place where Aurora got cursed to slumber and Tiana approaches Ralph and uses Naveen to kiss and wake him up from his slumber]
Ralph: Ah, thanks, Frogger. [notices that the princesses have saved Ralph from falling to his death] Wait a minute, who are all of you?
Jasmine: We're friends of Vanellope's.
Elsa: Yeah. And any friend of Vanellope's is a friend of ours.
Moana: You're welcome.
Vanellope: [offscreen] Ralph!
Yesss: [laughs] Looking good, big fella!
Ralph: Hey, y'all! [extends his hand that the dress starts to rip as the princesses saw it and laugh] This dress is not made for a big boy. [laughs] It's going right back the alley there. Let me just make a little ajustment. [ajusts the dress and shows his fat belly] There we go. [princesses laugh]

Felix: [approaches to Ralph, sitting peacefully in the bench while watching the sunrise] Hey. You doing okay there Ralph?
Ralph: Yeah. I am, actually. I'm doing great. [as the arcade characters reporting to their games] Come on, Felix. Let's get to work, Buddy. [as the two heads off to Fix-It Felix Jr., we zoom back into the plug of the Linkster Wi-Fi router, then we fade to the interior of the arcade section of Litwak's Family Fun Center, we fade to the doors outside, and finally the parking lot in which Del Litwak's car arrives for work, before cuttin' to the main title; Wreck-It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet]



Main voices


Voices of the Disney Princesses

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