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Röyksopp is an electronic music duo from Tromsø, Norway. The members' names are Torbjørn Brundtland and Svein Berge.

Interview quotes



  • "What first caused you to think to yourself, man, this is a great fucking job?"
    "When me, Han Solo and RoboCop had our first gig on top of the Great Pyramid of Khufu in front of 6 billion people. I was in the middle of my guitar solo when Wolverine shouted to me from behind his drum kit, “Man, this is a great fucking job!” [1]

  • "I think someone should make a pair of jeans made of banana peel; that’s what I’m thinking. Instead of washing them, you just throw them away and they will decompose. Ideally, it shouldn’t be lots of banana peels – you should be able to make it in one piece so it’s one big seamless thing. They would be yellow, which is the colour of the insane" [2]

  • "You see, it's part of the process you go through: the longer the hair and the beard, the more Beaujolais you drink. It's stage three of the seven stages of songwriting." [3]

  • "I feel so unattractively enthusiastic about the new album".

  • "People have certain expectations of how a festival concert will be, with a vocalist, bassist, drummer and two guitarists. When the singer screams "Woaaaaaaaa", the audience must respond "YEAAAA". When we play live, we try not to be too clever and "arty". There shall be an element of party in what we do." [4]


  • "Seriously, who was supposed to add the pressure? The record buying public? I don't think so. The critics? We're not afraid of them. Our mindset, even on Melody A.M., has always been to do our own thing." [5]

  • "Röyksopp is more than a band. It's also a transport system." [6]
    • On being confronted with Röyksopp's ability to take people to a state of mind.

  • "Where would your ideal place be to listen to one of your own songs?". "I think, in a blimp. Over Antarctica". [7]

  • "I get angry when I have to read...Like if you put a DVD into a DVD player, and you actually have to read, that thingy, where it has the copyright control. And if that's on for like half a minute and there's no button that you can press that gets you through it. That fills me with double rage." [8]

  • "I had this bow and arrow that my uncle had given me, and I found a knife and sharpened the arrows. It was a deadly weapon. And I killed birds, I killed a lot of polar bears. I went on a killing spree for days, killing every animal I could see in Northern Norway." [9]
    • Making a sick joke in a BBC interview. This actually made PETA criticize him in public [10], unaware that polar bears does not habit in continental Norway.

  • "The most annoying [pop star]? Well, that's gotta be 50 Cent. Why? I mean, because of the story that goes with him. This story, the story that sold him to a lot of newspapers. I just imagine a reader who's like 50 years old and who's really not into hip-hop... "But this guy, he's been shot 7 times then he must be good", and that story is just so crap so I instantly had a dislike of the whole package." [11]

  • "When you do interviews it's not like you're a politician that people are going to say "Ahh, he didn't really answer the question". If you're an artist it's good to just not answer the question sometimes." [12]

  • "What's next for you? We are going to start a farm where we trying to make nothing grow. that's really difficult. That's gonna be a heavy work.


  • On asked by KCRW about things that influence their creative process:
    • Torbjørn: To be very dull, I would have to say scenery and nature and the world itself. Growing up in Tromsø, as we did, we had a lot of space and a lot of scenery. And without being too New Age about the whole thing, I’m just noting that that is in us, and definitely colouring whatever we do.
      Svein: I think people and humour also has to be thrown into the bowl.
      Torbjørn: Well, not so much humour. [13]

  • On their album The Understanding:
    • Svein: Yes, there is meaning, but we believe there's room for your own interpretation. Listen to the album and see if you can come up with your own.
      Torbjørn: It's like a classical painting like the Mona Lisa. When you tell people what they should look for, they only look at that thing. [14]

  • On being asked about their favourite album in Röyksopp's discography:
    • Torbjørn: That would be like comparing my children, not that I have any.
      Svein: It's like trying to compare two testicles. One is not better than the other. Both are vital to the Röyksopp anatomy. [15]

  • "Tromsø is a city with crime and dope, and with the nature right beside. You can sit by the sea, eat ecstasy, surf on the internet and eat seagull eggs. We have a half-naive love relation to the midnight sun and the nature in Northern Norway. Old people aren't the only ones who can claim that." [16]

Said about Röyksopp

  • "Röyksopp's album Melody A.M. is one of the best records ever made" [17]
  • "This is the one that puts them firmly and officially up there in the top tier of the dance-music crossover-album crowd, up with the Daft Punks and, umm, Basement Jaxxes. Really: Good for them." [18]
  • "This is genius – it is no wonder they are laughing." [19]
  • "Apparently the original title of this striking debut was For Kids and Elderly People, and you can hear why: cornerstone hit Eple is likely to beguile any age." [20]
  • “I always listen to new music. I get new CDs every week from England and America. I prefer listening to new things rather than old, and so at the moment I’m really enjoying listening to the band Röyksopp.” [21]
  • "There's a new Röyksopp record out which is called Senior which I'm really looking forward to hearing." [22]
    • Sir Elton John says he's looking forward for Röyksopp's Senior album.



So Easy

  • Hello?
    Yeah it's me
    I wanna give you some good frequencies
    170, 2.6, 2245...
    3032, 400
    Four hundred?
    I'm coming over.
    Do that.
    Hehe. I'll be there in two seconds.


  • No matter gray or grim
    It's those tiny little sparks
    Daily life that makes me
    Forget my wounded heart

    It doesn't matter when
    It may rain or it may shine
    Blurry memories of us
    Come back from time to time

    No matter gray or grim
    It's those tiny little sparks
    Daily life that makes me
    Forget my wounded heart

    It doesn't matter when
    It may rain or it may shine
    Blurry memories of us
    Come back from time to time

    No matter gray or grim
    It's those tiny little sparks
    Daily life that makes me
    Forget my sulky heart

    It doesn't matter when
    It may rain or it may shine
    But you will always be here
    Stored inside my mind

    Can I give you all my love
    Suck some air
    Tell me what I'm dreaming of
    Oh, whoa, oh...

    Maybe within a thousand years
    You'll be here
    Maybe within a thousand tears
    Oh, whoa, oh...

    Can I be so alone?
    Can I be so alone?

    Oh, whoa..
    La la la la...

Only This Moment

  • Only this moment
    Holds us together
    Close to perfection
    Nothing else out there
    No one to guide us
    Lost in our senses
    Deep down inside I know our love will die

    Only this moment
    Holds us together
    Lost in confusion
    Feelings are out there
    Scared of devotion
    Doubting intentions
    Deep down inside I know our love will die

    Stay or forever go
    Play or you’ll never know
    What heaven decided
    You can't deny it’s
    All you’ve been waiting for

    Stay or forever go
    Play or you’ll never know
    Your spirit’s divided
    You will decide if I’m
    All you’ve been waiting for

    Clouds in my head have been parted with grace
    By the voice of an angel revealing her face
    And her words they make sense and I do understand
    Falling in love isn’t part of a plan

    Forces within me mix reason with lust, but
    I’ll try to accept it and not make it worse
    'Cause I know I might lose it by taking the chance,
    (But) love without pain isn’t really romance

    Only this moment
    Holds us together
    Close to perfection
    Nothing else out there
    Always beside her
    Trusting my senses
    Deep down inside I know love will survive

    Only this moment
    Holds us together
    Close to perfection
    Nothing else out there
    Always beside her
    Trusting my senses
    Deep down inside I know love will survive

49 Percent

  • Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    I won't try to dent your night
    Or stop your flight
    I've known our plight
    You know I'm right
    I know about your little fling
    How you hide your ring
    You senseless thing
    I'll cut this string
    The heat has simmered for a while
    It's not my style
    So versatile and with a smile
    At anytime, I could explode
    When you kissed your toad
    You killed your princely episode

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Bit off more than one could bite
    And the taste is slight
    It leaves this dullish appetite
    About time I've finally seen the light
    And said goodnight
    For the sling is tight
    We'll lose this fight
    In a corner painted white
    As you fly your kite
    I shun the sight, i've seen the light
    And now i've got to say goodnight
    You know I'm right

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    I won't try to stop you flight
    Or chage your night or nothing
    Less than half
    Why won't you try
    To make this damage better

    Math and imagery
    Equates cacophony
    Multiplies muteness
    A sum better disturbed
    For silence subtracts
    And shadows divide light
    Less than half is slight

    Math and imagery
    Equates cacophony
    Multiplies muteness
    A sum better disturbed
    For silence subtracts
    And shadows divide light
    Less than half is slight

    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    I won't try to stop you flight
    Or chage your night or nothing
    Less than half
    Why won't you try
    To make this damage better

    Forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing

    Oh forty-nine percent
    One percent short of half
    And less than half
    Ain't really much of nothing, yeah

    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while
    The heat has simmered for a while

What Else Is There?

  • It was me on that road
    But you couldn`t see me
    Too many lights out, but nowhere near here

    It was me on that road
    Still you couldn`t see me
    And then flashlights and explosions

    Roads end getting nearer
    We cover distance, but not together

    I am the storm and I am the wonder
    And the flashlights, nightmares
    And sudden explosions

    I don't know what more to ask for
    I was given just one wish

    It`s about you and the sun
    A morning run
    The story of my maker
    What I have and what I ache for

    I`ve got a golden ear
    I cut and I spear
    But what else is there?

    Roads end getting nearer
    We cover distance, still not together

    If I am the storm, if I am the wonder
    Will I have flashlights, nightmares
    And sudden explosion?

    There's no room where I can go and
    You`ve got secrets too

    I don`t know what more to ask for
    I was given just one wish

