Sons of the Desert

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Sons of the Desert is a 1933 film about two men who go to a lodge convention while avoiding their wives.

Directed by William A. Seiter. Written by Frank Craven.
Their New Full-Length Feature Picture!  (taglines)




Oliver: Why didn't you want to take the oath?
Stan: I was afraid.
Oliver: Afraid of what?
Stan: Well, I was afraid if I took the oath to go to the convention, that... maybe my wife wouldn't let me go.
Oliver: Of course she'll let you go. Why, she'll have to let you go! You took an oath!
Stan: I know. That's what I'm worrying about. The Exhausted Ruler said that if... you took an oath, it would have to be broken for... generations and... centuries of... hundreds of years. And my wife would let...
Oliver: Do you have to ask your wife everything?
Stan: Well if I didn't ask her, I wouldn't know what she wanted me to do. I wouldn't...
Oliver: I never realized that such a deplorable condition existed in your home. (beat) Why don't you pattern your life after mine? I go places and do things and *then* tell my wife. (beat) Every man should be the king in his own... (smacks his hand) castle!

Oliver: Why did you get a veterinarian?
Stan: Well, I didn't think his religion had anything to do with it.

Oliver: She makes me sick! she knew we were coming home today. What did she have to go to the mountains for?
Stan: Well, if she didn't go to the mountains, Mohammad would have to come here!
Oliver: What has Mohammed got to do with my wife?!


  • Their New Full-Length Feature Picture!


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