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Squatters is a 2014 American indie drama film about two foster kid runaways; Jonas and Kelly who spends their days living on the streets in Venice Beach and freeloading off society in any way possible when Jonas gets ahold of access codes to the residence of an affluent family and infiltrates the high class lifestyle then learning that everything comes at a price.

Directed by Martin Weisz and written by Justin Shilton.
They want what they have. taglines


  • [Referring to Kelly] What should we do this with this trollop, hmm!
  • [Referring to Kelly] You women are all the same, you are all cunts.
  • [To Jonas] I will take a finger for every day you do not bring me my Porsche Carrera. I told you not to fuck with me didn't I?
  • [To Jonas] Be warned, you little cunt!
  • Didn't they shoot Grease here, Sammy?


  • One man's trash is another man's treasure, my friend, especially if that one man is a rich prick.
  • [After chasing Evelyn's vehicle on bicycle, he collapses by a tree] Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Everybody can go fuck themselves. [Focusing his gaze on a mailbox, it reads; The Needlemans]
  • [Pointing gun at Ronald] Okay, I've got a gun at your head!


  • [Scrolling through menu of digital film archives] Video. TV. Home movies. No Way.
  • Okay. There's one thing you can't hock. It's David's father's ring. It's the only thing he has to remember him by.
  • [Pretending to have just been married into wealth] Yeah. I was gonna invite you, but it happened so quick. It happened in Maui.
  • [To foster mother] We were climbing this volcano and when we got to the top, he proposed, and I said yes.
  • Yeah, you raised me up, didn't you, Wilerd?!
  • [Hands a cash wad to foster brother] Here. Go have some fun, okay? Don't turn into an asshole like Wilerd.
  • [Meets Michael at door of beach house after buying a train ticket] I'm sorry. I tried. [They then make love]


  • Okay, Mr. Silverman, Mr. College graduate, what's next?
  • I was hanging out with some guys who like to smoke. It wasn't the taste and it wasn't the smoke. It was the idea, you know? That- that's what they did at the top. And that's what I wanted. I wanted to be right at the top.
  • No, we can skip all that tonight. Let's just make this about the family and the love that's at this table. And I guarantee you, in twenty years, you'll understand how important that is.


  • [To David] Are you going to bless the meal? [Realising he is not in any mood to celebrate] Michael, turn off the camera.
  • Elijah is a prophet. He represents everyone who is in need and is always welcome.


  • [Mocking her drug addiction] Hey Steph, you got a little something on your face.
  • [Referring to the biblical prophet of Elijah] Yeah, he looks like Superman with a big star on his chest.


  • What? What, I'm fine. I'm fine. Stop, mom. Stop. Oh, look, there's a camera. [Puts arm on mother's shoulders] Look, mom, smile. Smile.
  • I'm fine. I'm just high. [She eventually becomes a fatal drug overdose victim]


  • Well, isn't that my little girl? Well, goddamn, look at you.
  • "Michael". I think you're full of shit.
  • We sacrificed everything for you. We raised you.
  • If you're gonna talk like that, we'll leave. It's time you give back a bit. [Kelly leaves trailer with Carol]
  • Bobby, get away. She ain't your real sister. She's foster trash.


  • Shut up Wilerd. Get back in the house.

Ending credits

  • and THIS is where our STORY ends.


[Waking up under a lifeguard station]
Kelly: Is there any water?
Jonas: No.
Kelly: I'm hungry.
Jonas: Let's hit the dumpsters behind Flake.
Kelly: Do you sell phone cards?
Convenience cashier: We do. One?
Kelly: No, the international one. Sorry, I need two.
Convenience staff: Hey, that guy's stealing!
Convenience cashier: [Jonas fights cashier] Hey! Hey, you little punk! You little fucker! You with him?!
Kelly: No. [She runs out]
Convenience cashier: You are! Come here you little bitch!

Jonas: All, right. What do you say? B.V., you like those, I know. [Throws item to him]
Kelly: Can I have a cigarette? [Mook hands her one]
Jonas: Not healthy. Eat up, eat up. Oh, hey, the drum circle's tonight, remember? Fuck, yeah. It's gonna be dope.
Mook: Al said he'd get us some acid.
Kelly: How much?
Streeter: It's not about the money.
Mook: We work on the barter system.
Kelly: Like, jacking that chick's purse yesterday?
Mook: Bitch, you step off!
Kelly: Don't call me a bitch! What's your problem?! Chill.
Mook: Don't say I'm gonna steal the purse.
Jonas: Everybody, chill. Al owes me a favor. That's why he's hooking us the tabs, okay? That's it. [Hands chocolate cake to Kelly] I got you this.
Kelly: That's sweet. Thank you.
Jonas: It's just a fucking cake.
Kelly: I know.

Alison: Where are you going?
Jonas: One man's trash is another man's treasure, my friend, especially if that one man is a rich prick.
[Writes "Back by evening" on Kelly's arm]

[Jonas is trying to break into vehicles in parking lot when he jumps into a convertible and overhears Mrs. Evelyn talking to housekeeper]
Evelyn: I can't believe we're leaving at 9. You don't have to clean the Saturday before we get back.
Housekeeper: But that's four weeks.
Evelyn: Exactly.
Housekeeper: It's okay. Me and Terrence watch the house.
Evelyn: I know you will. Remember to set the alarm before you leave. You remember the code?
Housekeeper: Yes, Mrs. Evelyn. But sometimes you change it.
Evelyn: The first four numbers of the address, backwards.
Housekeeper: Okay.
Evelyn: If you have any problem, call Bob Needleman. He'll get ahold of him.
Housekeeper: Yes, Mrs. Evelyn. I'll call him. Bye.
[Evelyn gets into her vehicle and starts driving away]
Jonas: There she goes, Jonas. Make a fucking move. [He runs over to a random bicycle and steals it]

[Jonas walks up to Kelly who is severely intoxicated with three thugs at the Venice beach handball courts]
Jonas: Hey Kelly, what's up?
Kelly: Hey asshole...
Jonas: What the fuck, man? I said I'd be back.
Kelly: No you didn't.
Jonas: I did. I wrote it on your left arm. Your other left.
Kelly: Oh, whatever. I, oh... [Collapses into Jonas arms]
Jonas: What the fuck she's on, man, huh?! [To Kelly] What you on?!
Thug 1: Who's this?!
Jonas: Who, me? I'm her brother man.
Thug 1: You her brother?!
Jonas: Yeah. We gotta get outta here.
Thug 2: Where you going?!
Jonas: San Diego bro, come on.
Thug 1: Where's the fire? Stick around.
Jonas: No, I can't. I gotta get this ride.
Thug 1: Leave her with us. Trade her for some meth.
Thug 2: [Starts pulling on Kelly] Yeah, that sounds good to me.
Jonas: Hey! [Thugs all get up and walks towards Jonas with him pulling out a knife]
Thug 2: Big mistake. [Swings a punch, Jonas ducks and slashes the thug] Fuck... fucking white boy!
Jonas: Get back! [Starts carrying her away]
Thug 2: I'm gonna fucking kill you!
Jonas: Come on, Kelly, come on!
Kelly: I don't feel so... [Vomits]
Thug 3: Fucking dead, white boy!
Thug 1: Come on, motherfucker!
Thug 3: Don't come back to Venice ever, or your dead!

Kelly: [Wakes up on a couch] Where are we?
Jonas: Pacific Palisades.
Jonas: How did you find this place?
Jonas: Wasn't easy.
Kelly: It's...
Jonas: It's fucking beautiful.
Kelly: Yeah.
Jonas: Well, it's ours, for like a month.
Kelly: What?
Jonas: [Walks over to liquor table and laughs, holding up a bottle] Jackpot! This guy's got some taste! You want a drink?
Kelly: Sure. [Observes photos] Look, here's the family. The whole family. The kids are like, our age.
Jonas: Here. Try that. All right, so her, [Points to photo] that's Evelyn, she's the one I saw in the parking lot. And that's her husband. David.
Jonas: How do you know his name?
Kelly: It's here. [Points to excellence recognition award]
Jonas: Hm. [Walks away] You know this is one of the most expensive liquors in the world? Enjoy it.
Kelly: Should we be doing this? I mean, it's their house. [Jonas walks up to her and jabs a finger in her face]
Jonas: Tonight, we don't worry.
Kelly: About what?
Jonas: Aw... about anything. We're not gonna worry about what we're gonna eat, where we'll sleep, who's got drugs, how we're gonna make money, where the cops are, not tonight. Tonight, we celebrate.
Kelly: Sounds good.
Jonas: Cheers. [They clink glasses and drink]
Kelly: Oh, that's gross.
Jonas: Gross?! It's cognac. It's the nicest shit you can buy.
Kelly: It tastes like shit.
Jonas: What would you prefer? A nice cheap whisky or something?
Kelly: Yeah.
Jonas: Yeah, okay.
[They walk into a bedroom]
Jonas: They have everything.
Kelly: That's what I'm hoping. [She looks through telescope That's so cool.
Jonas: [He looks through] Wow, that telescope's probably worth a grand, alone.
Kelly: Wow, look at that bathtub.
Jonas: You should go for it, man.
Kelly: What?
Jonas: Take a bath. It looks awesome. Why not?

Jonas: [Throwing money in the air] I got good news and better news. [Stunned at the sight of Kelly in a dress] Jesus. How'd you do that?
Kelly: [Shows off a fancy dress after having a bath] What do you think?
Jonas: You look rich.
Kelly: Heh. Feel like it.
Jonas: Seriously, how'd you do that?!
Kelly: Bet you didn't think I could look like this.
Jonas: Did you think you could look like this?
Kelly: Honestly, no. But it feels pretty good.
Jonas: It looks pretty good.
Kelly: You're next.
Jonas: No.
Kelly: Come on. You have to.
Jonas: Why? All right, fine. I'll do it. Just... go watch TV or something.
Kelly: Okay.
Jonas: And don't come in here.
Kelly: I won't.

[Kelly scrolls through menu of digital film archives of home movies] Video. TV. Home movies. No Way. [She starts "Michael's birth"]
Evelyn: Welcome home, little baby.
David: Everybody meet our son, Michael Silverman.
Relative 1: Yay.
Relative 2: Isn't he cute?
Relative 1: You meet him, too.
[Kelly watching "Hallowe'en"]
Evelyn: Can you say; Happy Hallowe'en?! Happy Hallowe'en. Ready to get some candy? Are you guys ready to get some candy? Come on, you guys look great.
[Kelly watching "Baseball"]
Grandfather: Hi Michael, hi David, hi son.
David: [Throws ball to Michael] Ready? Try to hit it! Yeah! [Laughs] Are you kidding?! [Laughs] You're a natural. Do you realize that?! You're gonna be famous and rich. You're so good.
David: Okay, Mr. Silverman, Mr. College graduate, what's next?
Michael: Well, Mr. Silverman, I think the next step would be graduate school. But not right away.
David: You have all the time in the world. Three, two, one.
Michael: It's a video camera, dad.
Jonas: What you watching?
Kelly: Whoa. Jonas.
Jonas: Found the suit upstairs. Turns out I'm a 40 regular.
Kelly: You look amazing.
Jonas: Thanks. [Dangles vehicle keys] Let's go out.
Kelly: What?
Jonas: Come on.
[They pull up to intersection]
Jonas: Hang on.
Kelly: Why? [Jonas accelerates] Oh my god!

[Pulling up to an upscale restaurant]
Kelly: Jonas, why here? We shouldn't be here.
Jonas: Relax. No one's gonna recognize us. Come on. Look at us. [Gives vehicle key to valet and they walk into the restaurant] Relax, you'll be fine.
Maitre'd: For two?
Jonas: Yes, sir, si. Thank you. Right this way, please. [Jonas and Kelly are seated]
Maitre'd: Enjoy.
Jonas: Every night, when we'd hit the market next door, I'd see these people in here, I'd see what they'd order and see them drinking their fine wine. Damn it, that's what we're gonna have tonight.
Kelly: Yeah.
Jonas: Fuck, I always wanted to eat here.
Waiter: Good evening.
Jonas: Hello.
Waiter: Have you been here before?
Jonas: No.
Waiter: Oh, may I suggest for you the tasting menu?
Jonas: [Points to a table] Is that what they're having?
Waiter: No, they're having a special menu, prepared by the chef.
Jonas: Okay, we'll have that as well.
Waiter: Also, comes with excellent wine pairings.
Jonas: Great, we'll have the same.
Waiter: Absolutely, sir. You will be beyond satisfied.
Jonas: That's what we want.
Kelly: Are you crazy?!
Jonas: [Points to a table] I swear, that guy is famous...
Kelly: For fuck's sake, people are gonna...
Jonas: What? People are gonna stare?
Kelly: Yeah.
Jonas: They're gonna talk.
Kelly: Yes.
Jonas: They're gonna arrest you?
Kelly: Yes.
Jonas: Right. For what? You don't get it do you?! We've got all the markings. We got the fine cars and the fine clothes.
Kelly: Yeah, but they didn't steal it!
Jonas: Yeah, they did. If they didn't work for it, they stole it!
Kelly: What?
Jonas: Please, just try to relax. Just enjoy it, like they do.
Kelly: Okay.
Jonas: Hey. It's funny. I got $1,000 right here in my pocket. I want you to hang onto it. [Holds it under table]
Kelly: No.
Jonas: Come on, hold it.
Kelly: Why?
Jonas: When was the last time you held $1,000 in your hands? Come on, feels good, doesn't it?
[Jonas and Kelly are driving]
Kelly: That was the best meal I ever had,.
Jonas: It was pretty good.
Kelly: What? If that wasn't the best meal you ever had, then who the fuck are who?!
Jonas: Fine, the best meal ever.
Kelly: It was, right?
Jonas: Yeah.
[Jonas and Kelly arrive back at Silverman residence and Kelly stumbles out of vehicle]
Jonas: Shh, keep it down

[Jonas is playing guitar]
Kelly: It's beautiful.
Jonas: It's this thing my dad used to play.
Kelly: Sounds sad.
Jonas: Would you prefer this? [Plays guitar fast-paced] Yeah! Right on! [Vehicle headlights shines through window with Jonas and Kelly dropping to floor] Shh, get the lights!
Kelly: Why did you bring me here?
Jonas: I had to. Those guys could've fucked you up.
Kelly: You could've left me on the boardwalk or something.
Jonas: I could've.
Kelly: You didn't
Jonas: No.
Kelly: So why?
Jonas: What, you want me to spell it out for you? I can take care of you. I like taking care of you.
Kelly: I don't need you taking care of me. I can take care of myself. [Leans in to kiss Jonas and then leans back with Jonas getting on top of her] No, Jonas. No, stop. Get off! I can't.
Jonas: What the hell? I thought you wanted to fuck.
Kelly: I don't want to fuck. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. [Jonas walks away]

[Jonas and Kelly wake up to banging at front door]
Jonas: Hey. Stay here. Who is it?
Kelly: I don't know.
Jonas: Okay. Hey. Just go along with whatever I say.
Kelly: Okay.
Jonas: Don't fuck this up. [Opens door] Oh. Hey. You scared me.
Terrence: Yeah, I gotta get in the garage.
Jonas: Sorry, who are you?
Terrence: Who am I? Um, where's Evelyn?
Jonas: They're on vacation.
Kelly: We're family.
Terrence: Oh, yeah?
Kelly: Yeah. Evelyn's brother's kids.
Jonas: We're taking care of the house while they're away.
Terrence: Yeah, I forgot, they went to Greece or something.
Kelly: I'm Sarah. And this is my brother, Adam.
Terrence: [Shakes hands with Jonas] Right on. I'm Terrence. I work for them. Handyman. [Chuckles] Totally spaced they were gone.
Jonas: That's cool. Um... I guess just wash the cars or whatever a few days before they get back. We don't need anything, right?
Terrence: Yeah, August, right?
Jonas: I think so.
Kelly: Can't remember the date.
Jonas: It's written down. Late August sounds right.
Terrence: All right. Hey, late August, it is. See you.
Jonas: Take it easy.
Jonas: Think that worked?
Kelly: Yeah. But what about the neighbours...
Jonas: The neighbours haven't seen us yet, and they're not going to, so relax. I need to start unloading this stuff.
Kelly: What stuff?
Jonas: Stuff. The cars. The paintings. The jewelery. That's why we're here.
Kelly: Okay. There's one thing you can't hock. It's David's father's ring. It's the only thing he has to remember him by.
Jonas: What's it look like?
Kelly: It's gold. It's black onyx, has the initials RS on it.
Jonas: How do you know all this?
Kelly: The videos.
Jonas: What videos?
Kelly: The home videos.
Jonas: Okay. I need to go and talk to this guy.
Kelly: Just promise me?
Jonas: I won't sell this ring. I gotta go.
Kelly: Okay. I'm just gonna stay here.
Jonas: Do whatever the hell you want.

[Jonas pulls up to Alison and hold a cigarette pack out window]
Jonas: Here you go man.
Alison: For real?
Jonas: Yeah. [Alison walks up to vehicle and Jonas pulls down sunglasses]
Alison: [Laughs] Holy shit!
Jonas: What, what do you think, huh?!
Alison: What, how did you...?
Jonas: It's a long, funny story, my friend.
Alison: You a cop or some shit?! This is Miami Vice bullshit!
Jonas: No, come in, get in. I wanna talk to you.
Alison: [Gets in vehicle] Yeah, I'm getting in, brother. Come on. Aw shit.
Jonas: All right.
Alison: Whoo!
Jonas: Listen up, man.
Alison: What's up?
Jonas: I found alot of shit to sell. Big shit, shit like this.
Alison: Where that shit at?!
Jonas: In Malibu.
Alison: Gotta see that shit.
Jonas: Uh-uh. Not yet. I can't. Gotta lay low. Look. I wanna give you a cut of what I sell if you know somebody big time to handle this.
Alison: I know somebody.
Jonas: You know somebody? You sure?
Alison: Yeah.
Jonas: All right. What's he into?
Alison: Into coke. But I think he's into some other shit.
Jonas: What kind of other shit?
Alison: This kind of other shit, man.
Jonas: All right. Well, look, can you set it up for tonight?
Alison: Yeah! Yeah!
Jonas: Get the fuck out of my car. Set it up for tonight. Some big-time. [Alison gets out]
Alison: Whoo! This is flashy! You and me. You look fly brother! Come on! [Jonas drives away]
Jonas: Tonight, brother.

[Kelly drives to her family's trailer and walks in unpermittedly]
Kelly: Hi Carol. [They hug]
Carol: Oh, my baby, oh...
Wilerd: Well, isn't that my little girl? Well, goddamn, look at you.
Carol: You look so beautiful.
Wilerd: What's going on? What'd you do?
Kelly: "What'd I do"?
Carol: [Kissing her] I'm just so happy you're home.
Kelly: Shut up.
Wilerd: What'd you come here for?
Kelly: To see mom.
Carol: Baby, what...? Did you get married?
Kelly: Yeah. I was gonna invite you, but it happened so quick. It happened in Maui.
Carol: Oh... Hawaii, Wilerd.
Wilerd: Where?!
Kelly: We were climbing this volcano and when we got to the top, he proposed, and I said yes.
Wilerd: Right there on top of a volcano.
Kelly: That's what I said.
Wilerd: What's this one's name?
Kelly: Michael Silverman.
Wilerd: Michael. I think you're full of shit.
Kelly: I don't care.
Wilerd: We sacrificed everything for you. We raised you.
Kelly: Yeah, you raised me up, didn't you, Wilerd?!
Wilerd: If you're gonna talk like that, we'll leave. It's time you give back a bit. [Kelly leaves trailer with Carol]
Kelly: Where's Bobby?
Wilerd: Why, here he is, here he comes, Bobby! [Rides up on bicyle] Hi. Hi Bobby. Come here.
Bobby: Hi. Where have you been?
Kelly: In L.A.
Bobby: Really?
Kelly: Yeah. I just moved into a new house. Come visit soon.
Bobby: Does it have a pool?
Kelly: No, but it's close to the ocean.
Bobby: Can I go now?
Carol: Honey, no. You have to go to school, [To Kelly] but I'll visit really soon, okay?
Wilerd: Bobby, get away. She ain't your real sister. She's foster trash.
Carol: Shut up Wilerd. Get back in the house.
Kelly: [Hands him cash wad] Here. Go have some fun, okay? Don't turn into an asshole like Wilerd.
Wilerd: You heard me, boy!
Carol: Enough!
Wilerd: Get in!
Kelly: Mom, here. [Hands cash wad to her]
Carol: Oh, no. No.
Kelly: Buy yourself something nice.
Carol: Listen, you know I love you like you're my only child. You know that.
Kelly: Yeah. I gotta go okay? I'll come back, okay? I'll bring Michael. I want you to meet him, all right? [She goes to her vehicle]
Carol: Will you do that?! Please?!
Kelly: I will, mom, I swear.

[Jonas walks out to patio to Kelly]
Jonas: Hey. Well, I set it up. Selling all of it.
Kelly: But not the ring.
Jonas: No, not the ring.
Kelly: When?
Jonas: I'm meeting the guy tonight, so we'll see. I wanna do this fast. Scare we're gonna get busted up here. Pushing our luck.
Kelly: Okay.
Jonas: You can fantasize that we belong here.
Kelly: I said, okay, alright?
Jonas: This could be it, Kell. A score this big, it could change everything for us. You're really smart Jonas. You'll pull it off.

[Jonas and Alison pull up to Ronald's residence]
Guard: [Holding a uzi] Who the fuck are you?!
Alison: Oh, man. We good. We're here to see Ronald.
Guard: Who the fuck are you?!
Alison: I'm Al. Ronald's my man. I sold him shit.
Guard: And?!
Alison: No, that's... Just go ask him. I'm telling you, he knows me.
Guard: I'm coming. Come on man.
Alison: Come on.
Guard: Down there.
Alison: I can't see him.
Guard: Straight ahead. [Guard startles Ronald cavorting with bimbos] You have company.
Alison: What's up? It's Al.
Ronald: Who?
Alison: Sold crack to you on Venice.
Ronald: Whoa, whoa, whoa, motherfucker! Okay. Who's with suit? Am I being audited?
Alison: That's my man.
Ronald: Should we roofie him?
Alison: Come on, he's not like that.
Jonas: My name is Jonas, and I have alot of items for sale. Al thought of you.
Ronald: He did? Well, let's go take a gander, eh?! Sunshine. Let's go gander. [To bimbos] Ladies, your hot, sugar daddy cock will be right back!
Jonas: So, in addition to the Porsche Cayenne, there's a 2010 Carrera, loaded, mint. [Opens briefcase] And this collection of watches and jewellery, some of which are antiques.
Ronald: Show me the jewels.
Jonas: I have price evaluations for these items and the Kelley Blue Book on the cars.
Ronald: [Holds up pearl necklace] Oh, I love it.
Alison: It'll look great on you. Right?
Ronald: [Holds up ring] Oh my god.
Jonas: Oh wait, that...
Ronald: It's my initials. Oh, I simply, absolutely must have this. I'll take the whole lot. How do you want?
Jonas: 30,000 for the jewels, 70,000 for the cars.
Ronald: One hundred thousand dollars.
Jonas: None of these items will reported stolen for a week. You can clean the cars, put a fresh coat of paint on them, triple your money.
Ronald: Then why don't you do it yourself?
Jonas: Because I have bigger business in Arizona. I can take one of the cars, maybe the Carrera.
Ronald: I want the Carrera. I love the Carrera. I'm keeping the Carrera. I love the German cars. And I'll give you 50 for the rest. And if you're a smart wee laddie, you'll take it.
Jonas: I am smart, so no less than 80.
Ronald: Okay. But if you're fucking with me, if you're lying to me,
Alison: Ronald, I wouldn't bring someone by...
Ronald: Alistair, do shut up. [Produces a pistol] I don't know you from fucking Adam. I wouldn't let you suck my dick, let alone vouch for this smooth operator. [Points firearm at Alison]
Alison: No, I'm just saying that he... alright.
Ronald: If you fuck with me... [Brushing pistol against Jonah's calm face] ...I will kill you. [Mimics gunshots at Jonah's crotch] And feed you to the coyotes. Do we have a deal?
Jonas: Yes, sir.
Ronald: [Stares hard then relents] Excellent! [Tosses pistol to bodyguard] Bravo! [Puts on wig] How's my hair look?
Jonas: Nice.
Ronald: Haven't you ever wanted to dance like a 14-year-old at a sleepover?
Alison: [Laughs incredulously] No, man.
Ronald: Well then, get out!
Jonas: Sorry. [Picks up briefcase and leaves with Alison] Sorry.
Ronald: Get out!

[Jonas pulls up alongside a convenience store with Alison]
Jonas: Okay. Here's a thousand. [Hands over cash wad]
Alison: Just like that?
Jonas: There's another three when the deal is done. That's five percent.
Alison: Look at you, you ain't from the streets.
Jonas: What's that supposed to mean?
Alison: How you know how to do all this shit?
Jonas: Might've just got lucky. So did you huh?
Alison: Word. So, um, tomorrow at 12.
Jonas: Yeah.
Alison: Alright man. [Gets out vehicle] All right. Go to work tonight, buddy.

[Kelly is watching a home video of a 2008 Seder dinner]
David: To pop.
Evelyn and Michael: To pop.
Evelyn: [Gets ahold of an intoxicated Stephanie] Stephanie.
Stephanie: What? What, I'm fine. I'm fine. Stop, mom. Stop. Oh, look, there's a camera. [Puts arm on mother's shoulders] Look, mom, smile. Smile.
Evelyn: That's enough.
Michael: Hey Steph, you got a little something on your face.
Evelyn: Michael. Turn it off.
Stephanie: I'm fine. I'm just high.
[Kelly is watching a home video of a 2011 Seder dinner with Stephanie absent]
Evelyn: Are you going to bless the meal? [David pounds his glass annoyedly and passivley mute] Michael, turn off the camera.

[Kelly is woken up on the couch to the chatter of the Silvermans returning home]
Evelyn: Michael, can you tell the driver to take my bag upstairs please? Michael, do you hear me? Do you smell that?! It smells like smoke in here! Michael, did you let someone stay while we were gone?!
Michael: No.
David: He wouldn't do something like that!
Evelyn: What the hell is going on here? Will someone call Terrence and ask him if he stayed over?
David: Well, if not someone, who? We've been robbed.
Evelyn: Will someone check my jewelery.
David: It's gone. All of it.
Evelyn: And your father's ring.
David: It's gone.
Michael: Mom, where's your car.
David: Aw... we've been robbed.
Michael: What?!
[Kelly sneaks out of house past the family unnoticed, runs down the street and hides in the bushes]

[Jonas visits a strip club]
Song lyrics of Le Butcherettes New York: The air beneath my legs makes you suffocate, the tongue beneath your mouth makes me wanna rinse it out, rinse it out... New York, New York...
[A stripper gets on Jonas]
Jonas: Hey.
Song lyrics: Your taste is dry like golden whiskey, under your hate, it's my time, it's my time...
Jonas: How much to fuck you right now?! Huh?
Stripper: Can't do it baby.
Jonas: No? Everyone's got a price. My girl's got a price. I got a price. So, what's yours?!
Stripper: Two thousand. Cash.
Jonas: Done!
Stripper: Come on baby.

[Jonas pulls up down street from the Silverman's house with a police cruiser light flashing]
Jonas: Fuck. Shit. Shit.
[Spots Kelly, does a u-turn and she gets in]
Jonas: What happened?!
Kelly: They came back!
Jonas: I know.
Kelly: Where the fuck were you?!
Jonas: Where was I?! I was setting shit up!
Kelly: Too late now, isn't it?!
Jonas: Fuck!
Kelly: Did you sell the ring?!
Jonas: What ring?!
Kelly: Oh, you did. You bastard!
Jonas: I didn't sell the ring.
Kelly: Liar!
Jonas: I don't give a fuck about the ring, okay?!
Kelly: I did.
Jonas: Okay, great. Well I don't give a fuck about you!
Kelly: Pull over!
Jonas: No, look, I'm sorry!
Kelly: Pull over!
Jonas: All right, look! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!
Kelly: Fuck you!
Jonas: I'm sorry!
Jonas: Look, just thank God you weren't pinched!
Kelly: They're going to figure it out Jonas!
Jonas: You know they probably have! Car's gonna be hot in less than an hour!
Kelly: Ditch it!
Jonas: I can't. This is the only thing I have left until I find something else! I just need to find another one of these and change the plates! That's it! Change the plates!

[They pull up to Cairo Cowboy diner]
Kelly: Order me a coffee. [She gets up and starts walking to the backroom] I just need to freshen up a little. [Goes to washroom, contemplates in the mirror and then runs out the back, eventually Jonas realises she has ditched him]

[Kelly is at the Kino Theater watching Charlie Chaplin The Kid when the projector breaks down]
Michael: It's an old print. They break sometimes.
Kelly: [She gets up and walks away] Yeah.
[In street]
Michael: Excuse me. You don't look like a big Charlie Chaplin fan.
Kelly: A fan?
Michael: That's a pretty old film.
Kelly: Yeah. I didn't think it would be that sad.
Michael: Do I know you from somewhere?
Kelly: I don't think so.
Michael: I'm Michael. [Extend hand for handshake]
Kelly: Kelly.
Michael: Hi, Kelly. Do you drink coffee, Kelly?
Kelly: Yeah. But I think I should go.
Michael: Please?
Kelly: Oh, I gotta go...
Michael: Come on. I'll tell you how the film ends.
Kelly: Okay.
Michael: Okay? Come on.
[Sitting on bench]
Michael: This is really great, you know?
Kelly: What?
Michael: A beautiful girl went to see a Charlie Chaplin movie.
Kelly: What's so great about that?
Michael: Girls like you get into bars without waiting. They don't go to black and white movies on the big screen by themselves.
Kelly: You don't know me.
Michael: Oh, yeah? So who are you?
Kelly: I'm nobody. I should go.
Michael: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. At least let me walk you home. It's late.
Kelly: I'm fine.
Michael: [Referring to moped] Well, will you let me give you a ride?
Kelly: Is this yours?
Michael: Yeah. It drives better than it looks.
Michael: [Riding around] I got a surprise for you.
Kelly: [At the beach standing at a lifeguard station] It's beautiful isn't it?
Michael: Yeah.
Kelly: I love it up here. I used to come here a lot.
Michael: Why not anymore?
Kelly: Part of another life. [They sit down]
Michael: Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up anything.
Kelly: It's okay. It's over now. Do you have a girlfriend?
Michael: No. I did. We broke up about a year ago.
Kelly: Why?
Michael: She just couldn't handle it.
Kelly: Handle what?
Michael: I had a sister, but she died about three years ago.
Kelly: I'm sorry.
Michael: It's okay. She got into drugs.
Kelly: Lot of people do.
Michael: Yeah. It's crazy. If you would've met Steph, you'd never think that she'd...
Kelly: It just happens. Sometimes you just don't know what it's gonna hook you until you try it then it's too late.
Michael: Yeah, I guess.
[Michael wakes up at the lifeguard station with Kelly at his side]
Michael: Oh shit. Wake up, wake up. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Sorry. [Checks phone] I'm so late. Shit. Come on. [They scramble to]
[At a beach house]
Michael: I gotta meet me me dad all the way downtown. You can help yourself to the fridge, or take a shower, anything, okay? I won't be gone very long.
Kelly: Thanks.
Michael: Okay. I gotta go. You good?
Kelly: Yeah.
Michael: You sure?
Kelly: Yeah.
Michael: Okay. Will you have dinner with me tonight?
Kelly: Sure.
Michael: Yeah?
Kelly: Okay. Okay. [He kisses her on cheek]
Michael: Okay. Bye.

[Michael goes by father's office]
David: Thank you. [Turns off answering machine] Ah. That's it. That's Wong's factory. The Chinese order is confirmed.
Michael: That's great.
David: I just wish we didn't have to come all the way back home to get that done, but...
Michael: Is there any news on the house?
David: Yeah. Yeah. They said that is was not uncommon. You know, things are bad, and these things happen. Terrence got a good look at them.
Michael: Wait, what?
David: Yeah. He spoke to them. Said they were a very nice looking couple. They called themselves Adam and Sarah, your cousins. They did their homework.
Michael: You're kidding?
David: And he, the kid, knew what he was doing. He got my passwords, he got into my files, he got my gun.
Michael: The old six-shooter.
David: Yeah.
Michael: Surprised he didn't blow his hand off.
David: [Chuckles] It's all right. Everything's insured. Except for my father's ring. [Gets up from desk]
Michael: Shit. Sorry dad.
[They walk out]
[In downtown public square]
David: Wait a minute. She came into the theatre and sat down right next to you?
Michael: Didn't sit down next to me. She was the only person in there.
David: To see The Kid?
Michael: Yeah.
David: Unbelievable.
Michael: I know, right?
David: Well, she sounds pretty interesting.
Michael: Yeah, she's- she's interesting. [They chuckle]
David: And?
Michael: And, um, we're having dinner tonight.
David: Yeah. That's the way it starts.
Michael: What's that?
David: Love.
Michael: Dad. Come on.
David: No, that's the way love starts.
Michael: How do you know it's love, though?
David: Well, for someone to find true love in their twenties, that's rare. So, if it's not true love, at least it's great practice. And if it is true love, then it's a blessing. And you can't ignore that.

[Michael and Kelly wake up in bed at the beach house]
Michael: Hey. You okay?
Kelly: I'm good.
Michael: What are your plans today?
Kelly: I don't know.
Michael: Will you spend the day with me?

[Sitting on driftwood at the beach]
Kelly: What?
Michael: I love spending time with you. [They kiss] Will you go to dinner with me tonight?
Kelly: Okay.
Michael: At my parents house? Yeah, I know it sounds weird. It's a passover dinner. It's a religious thing, but it'll be fun.
Kelly: I don't know. I don't think that's a good idea.
Michael: Why not?
Kelly: I don't know. I...
Michael: Listen, you have nothing to worry about. They're really nice. And I just... I'd really like you to meet them. Please?
Kelly: Let me think about it, okay?
Michael: Okay.

[Jonas meets Ronald with his bodyguard at the Los Angeles river]
Jonas: Hey Ronald. What's up?
Ronald: Where the bloody hell is my Porsche Carrera?
Jonas: Look, there was a bit of a problem. But here's what I'm gonna do, okay? I'm just gonna sell you the Cayenne for half and then we'll just call it even. Cool?
Ronald: Are you fucking kidding me?
Jonas: No, it's a good car.
Ronald: I wouldn't give that car to my mother. Do I look like a soccer mommy? "Get in the back of the car, kids!"
Jonas: No.
Ronald: We made a deal...
Jonas: I know.
Ronald: ...for the Porsche Carrera.
Jonas: There was a problem, alright man? I'm sorry. I can sell you this for half.
Ronald: You believe this guy, Sammy?
Jonas: It's a good car.
Ronald: Go on sunshine.
[Sammy grabs Jonas and forces him onto his vehicle menacingly]
Jonas: Oh, whoa, hey. Hey! No, no, no. Please. I can get it. I can get you the car. I'll get it.
Ronald: I will take a finger...
Jonas: No.
Ronald: ...for every day you do not bring me my Porsche Carrera.
Jonas: No, please, I'll get it. I'll get the Carrera, I'll get it. I'll get it.
Ronald: I told you not to fuck with me, right?
Jonas: Yes, and I won't.
Ronald: Yeah? Did I not?
Jonas: I'll get it. I'll get it.
Ronald: [Starts rubbing forehead against Jonas' ] Not so fucking shiny and smooth now, are you motherfucker? [Kisses Jonas' forehead]
Jonas: Okay. Okay, I'll get it. [To Sammy] Please don't. Please don't. Please don't, no. [Sammy twists Jonas' hand leaving him writhing in pain] Fuck!
[Ronald and Sammy get in their vehicle]
Ronald: Be warned, you little cunt!
Jonas: I'll get it. I'll get you the car.
Ronald: Didn't they shoot Grease here, Sammy?
Sammy: You know, boss, I think they did.

[On phone with Michael in kitchen]
Evelyn: You on your way yet?
Michael: We're leaving.
Evelyn: Well, don't be late.
Michael: I will not be late, I promise.
Evelyn: Michael, love you.
Michael: I love you, too. Bye.
David: Can I help you with anything? [Reaches for a peach from a bowl and Evelyn slaps his hand]
Evelyn: No.
David: Jeez.
Evelyn: [Points] Actually.
Michael: You ready?
Kelly: Can you pour me a glass of wine?
Michael: Are you nervous?
Kelly: Of course, I'm meeting your parents.
Michael: They're gonna love you.
Kelly: I'm not Jewish. I don't know anything about Passover.
Michael: That's okay. Hey, look at me. It's gonna be fine. It's just a party. How bad could it be?
Kelly: Okay.
Michael: It's gonna be okay. [Takes her hand] Let's go. [They leave]
[Jonas is hiding in bushes and spots the Porsche Carrera with David and Evelyn in kitchen]
Jonas: Perfect.
[Jonas sneaks up near Needlemans residence window]
Evelyn: He's excited.
David: He sounds mature. Like I did when I first met you.
Evelyn: Mature? [Laughs]
[Michaels and Kelly are at the door]
Michael: [To Kelly] Are you good? [David answers door] Hey dad.
David: Happy Pesach to you.
Michael: Happy Pesach to you, dad. This is Kelly. Kelly, this is my father, David.
David: Happy Pesach to you. It's such a great pleasure to meet you. Please, come in.
[David leads Michael and Kelly to the patio]
Kelly: [Referring to ocean] Wow.
Michael: It's nice, huh?
Kelly: It's amazing.
David: Michael. [Hands him a cigar]
Michael: Thanks.
David: I suppose you'd...
Kelly: Sure I will.
David: Really?
Kelly: Yeah.
David: All right. [Hands her a cigar] I like you more and more.
Kelly: Thanks. When did you have your first cigar?
David: When? I was 31. I was hanging out with some guys who like to smoke. It wasn't the taste and it wasn't the smoke. It was the idea, you know? That- that's what they did at the top. And that's what I wanted. I wanted to be right at the top.
Kelly: Looks like you made it.
David: Almost. Almost, kiddo.
[They all take their seats at the dining room table]
Evelyn: Come, come.
Michael: Wow, look at that.
David: Yeah, look at that. You know the drill. We record everything. Everything.
Evelyn: Everything.
Kelly: That's great.
Michael: It's been a while.
David: It's a good occasion. It's great occasion. And it's great to have you with us.
Kelly: Thank you.
Michael: All right, well, let's get to the Hebrew, the lamb shank, wicked child, all that stuff.
David: No, we can skip all that tonight. Let's just make this about the family and the love that's at this table. And I guarantee you, in twenty years, you'll understand how important that is.
Michael: Come on, Dad.
Kelly: It's okay. A lot of people don't have this. You have a beautiful family and it's great to be a part of it tonight.
Evelyn: Thank you.
David: Wow. Michael, why don't you go to the door and invite Elijah in?
Evelyn: Elijah is a prophet. He represents everyone who is in need and is always welcome.
Michael: Yeah, he looks like Superman with a big star on his chest.
David: Come on.
Michael: All right.
David: [Takes Evelyn's hand] It's been too long. [A big crash is heard]
Jonas: Go in there.
David: Mike?
Jonas: [Forcing Michel into room at gunpoint] Go in there.
Evelyn: Please, don't.
Jonas: Sit down. You shut up. [Pointing pistol at David and Evelyn] I'm not who you were expecting, huh?
David: Please don't point my gun at anyone. Please.
Jonas: Your gun? This isn't your gun anymore, okay? I'm so sorry to interrupt dinner, all of you looking so... so presentable. But, you know, from the outside, you never see the whole truth.
David: Please, you can have anything you want.
Michael: [Blocks Jonas advance with an arm] Hey, take it easy.
Jonas: [Points gun at Michael] How about instead I pull this trigger?
Kelly: Jonas. Jonas, you win, okay? This has nothing to do with you.
Jonas: You're full of shit.
Evelyn: You know this person?
Jonas: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Michael: It was you?
Kelly: Wait, Michael.
Michael: It was you two?
Kelly: I'm sorry.
Michael: You lied to me?!
Kelly: Yeah.
Michael: You lied to me and you set us up.
Kelly: No.
Jonas: Yeah, something like that, man.
Kelly: No.
Michael: This was all a fucking con?
Jonas: You know what, man? It's call survival. In the real world, it's called survival.
Kelly: Jonas.
Jonas: I don't know what a con is anymore.
Michael: You are not who you say anymore. Don't know what you are talking about.
Jonas: I am so sick of you and your family and your fucking house.
Michael: Then get the fuck out! [Jonas pistol whips him hard]
Evelyn: No!
David: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Jonas: Sit down!
David: You can have anything you want!
Jonas: Whatever I want?! I want your car. The Porsche. The Carrera.
David: Okay. [Hands him keys]
Jonas: Kelly, now we go. Kelly.
Michael: Just leave.
Kelly: I'm sorry.
Michael: Just leave.
Kelly: I'm sorry, I didn't.
Michael: Kelly.
Jonas: Up. [They leave and David rushes over to Michael]

[Jonas and Kelly driving]
Jonas: What the hell did you think you were trying to pull back there?! Huh?! Be one of them, be nice and pretty and rich?! Well, you're not! You are shit, Kelly! You are trash! Like me! The question is, what the fuck you're gonna do now, huh?! After I've made the deal and I'm sitting pretty in Mexico, living off the grid and you're up here running from the cops?! Because they'll never let you go! That's how it works in this world!

[Jonas and Kelly at Ronald's residence]
Jonas: Here. [Throws keys at Ronald with Sammy catching it in midair in front of Ronald's calm face]
Ronald: Sammy, check it out.
Kelly: You got a bathroom?
Ronald: It's a fucking house. We've got the whole jamboree.
Jonas: Don't need bathroom, we're leaving.
Kelly: Fuck you. I need to take a piss.
Ronald: Oh-ho-ho, firecracker. Is she negotiable too?
Jonas: No, she's not. She's with me.
Kelly: I'm not with you. My price is fixed. It's too high for Jonas.
Ronald: Do you think I can afford you?
Kelly: You think I can take a piss?
Ronald: Sure, down the stairs on the left. To the left, to the left... What a cunty little minx she is.
[Kelly is in the bathroom and calls 911]
Emergency dispatch: 911, what's your emergency?
Kelly: There's a robbery taking place at 734 Sycamore in Hollywood. They have guns. They're going to kill me.
Emergency dispatch: Stay with me. I'm sending a police car now. What's your name?
[Kelly arrives back to Ronald and Jonas]
Ronald: Here's our little delight.
Jonas: Let's go.
Kelly: I thought about it. [Gets on Ronald] And I want a new daddy. I want him to keep me safe and warm at night. Nice ring.
Ronald: Oh, yes, thank you. That's me, Ronald Smythe, at your service. [Kelly inserts Ronald finger into her mouth]
Jonas: Kelly, what the fuck are you doing?!
Ronald: She's getting me fucking hard, that's what she's doing. [Kelly takes Ronalds's finger out of mouth with the ring absent and Ronald claps] Very cute. Now, hand it back
Kelly: It's not your ring.
Ronald: Excuse me?! Were you not listen...
Kelly: You're a liar! [Sammy manhandles Kelly into a grip]
Jonas: Don't pull this shit!
Ronald: So are you!
Jonas: Give back the ring!
Ronald: If I were you, I'd listen to your friend. Spit. The ring. Out. No? [Makes eyes and head movements like; I-cannot-believe-what-I-have-got-to-do] Okay.
Jonas: Hey, come on. She'll give it back.
Ronald: Give it back to me. Come on, now. Let's have it.
Jonas: Come on.
Ronald: Spit it out. Spit, my fucking ring out, or you will be spitting fucking blood! Spit it out! [Slaps her] Spit it out. Give it to Daddy. [Bites her chin] What are we going to do with this little trollop, huh?
Jonas: Just don't hurt her, all right?
Ronald: A naughty girl, is what you are. [Makes clichéd boxing movements and punches her in the gut] Boom. I came a bit then.
Jonas: Give it back to him now!
Ronald: How's that hanging, yeah? How you feeling there? It's good? You staying strong? [Punches her in the gut]
Jonas: Stop it!
Ronald: [Mimics] "Stop it"! [Gut punches here twice more] You're a brave one. You women are all the same. You're all cunts. [Punches her hard in the nose]
Jonas: That's it! I've have a gun to your head!
Ronald: Perfect.
Jonas: I got a gun to your head!
Ronald: [Kissing her] I love you. [Headbutts her in the nose hard]
Jonas: You hear me?! I will fucking kill you!
Ronald: Shoot this motherfucker!
Police: Freeze, police! Gun! [The open fire on Sammy and Jonas shoots Ronald]

[Evelyn answers door]
Evelyn: Detective Matthews.
Det. Matthews: How are you, today?
Evelyn: Good.
Det. Matthews: You look lovely today.
Evelyn: Thank you. [David approaches]
Det. Matthews: David.
David: Hey.
Det. Matthews: Mr. Silverman. Well, I am happy to report that we recovered your belongings.
David: Ha, ha, really?
Det. Matthews: Two cars, and looks like a lot of jewelery.
David: How did you manage to do that?!
Det. Matthews: [Laughs] Get this, Bonnie and Clyde had a little bit of a falling out. She ratted him out, called 911 from the bathroom. It was crazy, big shoot-out. But she definitely paid the price.
Michael: What are you talking about?
Det. Matthews: She's in ICU.
Michael: What hospital?
Det. Matthews: What?
Michael: The girl. What hospital?
Det. Matthews: County hospital.
[Michael rushes out door]
David: Michael. [Throws keys to him]

[Michaels runs up to hospital receptionist]
Michael: Hi, um, I'm looking for Kelly, um, Tanner. [Receptionist points to a room with binder] Kelly Tanner. Thank you so... [Rushes into room and meets nurse] Kelly. Is she gonna be okay?
Nurse: Doctor says she's gonna be fine. You family?
Michael: No, I'm just a friend.
Nurse: I'm not supposed to allow you in here.
Michael: Ma'am, please. Please.
Nurse: I haven't seen anybody else coming in.
Michael: Thank you so much please. Thank you.
Nurse: Keep it short.
Michael: Thank you. [Kneels by Kelly] Oh, Kelly, I'm so sorry. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Nurse: That was the only thing she had on her. Wouldn't let go of it for dear life. Not even in her sleep.

[Jonas walks into Kelly's hospital room with lawyer]
Jonas: Kelly. Hi. You look better. Kelly, this is my lawyer.
Kelly: Hi.
Lawyer: Kelly, hi. I want to talk yo you about your confession.
Kelly: What about it?
Lawyer: Well, Jonas' father is a very wealthy man, and he wants to help you pay for your medical bills and to offer my counsel in your defense if case you need it.
Kelly: Why would he do that?
Lawyer: Because you would sign this testimony which states that Ronald Smythe threatened Jonas' life and forced him to rob the Silvermans at gunpoint.
Kelly: That's bullshit.
Lawyer: You don't know that for sure, do you?
Kelly: You're such a coward.
Lawyer: Miss Tanner.
Kelly: Go fuck yourself.
Jonas: Will you step outside, please?
Lawyer: Jonas.
Jonas: Just give us a minute. Just take a walk. [Sits on bed] You remember one time you asked me how I wound up on the street?
Kelly: Yeah.
Jonas: It's cause my Dad kicked me out.
Kelly: Why?
Jonas: It's cause we hate each other. One night he took a swing at me after I got the tattoo, and he hit me so hard, I ended up in the hospital for a week.
Kelly: Sounds like an asshole.
Jonas: He is. That's why you gotta sign this document and have him pay for your medical bills.
Kelly: I should probably sign it. But I can't. I'm not lying or cheating anymore. I'm telling the fucking truth in court.
Jonas: You're making a mistake.
Kelly: That's what I always do.

Judge Janovich: Jonas Turnbull. Fine of $50,000 and 200 hours of community service. I'd say you got off easy, Jonas. Wouldn't you?
Lawyer: Thank you, your honor.
Judge Janovich: Get out of my courtroom. [Jonas and lawyer get up and leave] Kelly Turner. [She stands up]
Kelly: Yes?
Judge Janovich: Breaking and entering, theft, six months sentence, no parole. Pleaded guilty. Turned yourself in. Do you think you belong here?
Kelly: It's the penalty, isn't it? For breaking the law, for lying, for stealing?
Judge Janovich: Okay. See your parole officer on your first day. He or she can lay out the obligations of being on parole. They're easy. Stay out of trouble.
Kelly: I will.

[Kelly is discharged from prison and Michael meets her]
Kelly: Michael. I've missed you. Michael...
Michael: Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out, okay? [They embrace in passionate kissing]

Ending credits lyrics of The Kissaway Trail's New Lipstick: Glass full of fermented juice of grapes, to winnow the truth from conflicting things, the city lights were winking, wine on your jumper of pure virgin yarn, now the city torn by the youth in grief, the young ones did it




  • But sometimes having nothing means having nothing to lose.
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