Stanley Edgar Hyman

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Stanley Edgar Hyman (June 11, 1919 - July 29, 1970) was an American literary critic, jazz critic, staff writer for The New Yorker, and teacher at Bennington College in Vermont.


  • Tylor's evolutionary anthropology, carried on by such successors as R. R. Marett and Henry Balfour, became the central tradition of British anthropology, but the emphasis gradually shifted from Tylor's concern with bellief and custom to the more tanglible areas of social organization, economics, and material culture.
    • (1955). "The ritual view of myth and the mythic". The Journal of American Folklore 68 (270): 462–472. DOI:10.2307/536771.
  • Freud in fact defines hysteria as the conflict of two incompatible wishes, as Hegel defined tragedy as the conflict of two incompatible necessities.
    • The Tangled Bank: Darwin, Marx, Frazer and Freud as Imaginative Writers. New York: Atheneum. 1962; 492 p.  2nd edition. 1974.  (p. 312)

Quotes about Hyman

  • For years after he joined the Bennington faculty his course, "Myth-Ritual-Literature," was said to be the most popular undergraduate offering of the college.
  • Reflecting on their friendship many years later, Ellison would credit Hyman as a crucial influence on his fiction. If Ellison was struggling with a project, Hyman often stepped in to encourage him. In 1943, when Ellison was about to ship out to the merchant marine, Hyman urged him first to finish 'Flying Home,' the story that would be his breakthrough work.
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