Talk:Agni Yoga

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  • The battle with ignorance is as indeferrable as that with dissolution and corruption....the battle with ignorance is a battle with chaos. 341.
  • Realize the healing power of prana. The torpor of life is dispelled in the pure rays of the sunset.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One, The Call, 138. (1924)
  • That which is the most dear but least of all belonging to us is the best load to carry on the way. Song brings us health, and blossoms will heal wounds. Therefore, I say, happy are those who understand sound and color. From the very beginning the prophets have noted sound and color. The ancient instruction about the ringing of bells is full of meaning.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden: Book Two: Illumination, 108. (1925)
  • Avoid uniformity, as to both place and work. Actually, uniformity accompanies that greatest fallacy, the concept of personal ownership. First of all, the slave of property loses mobility of spirit... How much new health there is in diversity of place and of labor!
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden: Book Two: Illumination, 327. (1925)
  • Some say that work can be fatiguing and even injurious to the health. Thus say lazy and inert people. Understand that work properly apportioned cannot in itself be fatiguing. One should understand how to effect a proper change of the group of working nerves, and then no fatigue can find access. Do not try to find rest in idleness. Idleness is but the microbe of indolence.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden: Book Two: Illumination, 336. (1925)
  • When a physician prescribes a diversified treatment, time and opportunities are found to carry it out. In the same way one can find a rational change of work. This concerns all kinds of labor. It is sad to come upon that immobility of mind which impedes the work of the higher centers.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden: Book Two: Illumination, 336. (1925)
  • People do not think enough about the natural environment. They are quite content with basic sanitary measures, and the essential foundations of life are overlooked. It is not possible to promote health without a proper understanding of psychic life... the association with those whose attention is focused upon illness can only intensify the fear of disease and aggravate their ailments. It would be good to remember the remedy of ancient times when sick people would go into seclusion and remain close to nature. This was done not only in cases of contagious diseases, but when the organism was in need of renewal. Even now, there are those who prefer to live in mobile homes or in tents. Of course, a collection of many tents in one place only replicates urban conditions, but the fact that people dream of and look for seclusion reveals a healthy instinct for the preservation and restoration of health. We transmit thoughts of health, but of health correctly understood. It is especially important to think about health now. Many people are aware that the destruction of the nervous system has reached an extreme point. They understand that progress is impossible on this path of decay, but only a few know the significance of health in its full sense.
  • It is not psychology with its indifferent analysis that is needed, but enlightened striving toward the restoration of health. There are many cases of city dwellers who take jobs as farm laborers to escape the sickening environment of the big cities. This is a praiseworthy decision if one knows how to avoid crowds in the new environment. Let us recollect various quests in which people sensed the need to change their unhealthy conditions. A longing for nature should be combined with psychic joy, otherwise the seeker will begin to weep at the first rainfall or other discomfort. The time will come when physicians understand that the human organism can fight diseases without outside help.
  • One must manifest special caution. You can see how even the morals of a nation change. Hence, ignorance reacts to the pressure of the atmosphere. One must observe that ignorance clearly affirms the foundations of darkness. One can imagine how easily the undeveloped brain deteriorates when the heart is silent. The morals of the peoples droop like a withered apple tree. Thus the danger of fiery epidemics is now great. The Chaldeans classified all sickness according to the elements; and they were not far from the truth, for the elements and luminaries chiefly condition the organism—the cosmic as well as the human. (6)
    • Fiery World, Part I (1933)
  • Just think! Each of us carries within himself the One Fire, immutable throughout the entire Universe. No one cares to imagine that the universal treasure is within him. The elements are not identical in the entire Cosmos; the change in their qualities does not permit us to ascribe to them identicalness. But the fire of the heart alone unites through its magnet all world structures. One must think about this pre-eminence. It is necessary to utilize this treasure in the entire structure of life. There is but one Light of Fire in all the world. We can understand that Fire manifests at the most remote distances. There is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. Even a lesser disciple has heard about the all-pervading Fire, but he has failed to realize its application. (7)
    • Fiery World, Part I (1933)
  • To a certain degree, the difficulty of understanding is due to the limitations of the earthly language. All the symbols and higher concepts are conventionalized to an absurd degree. When man observed something beyond the limits of daily life, he began to speak of it in vague and unusual terms, which meant something entirely different to his neighbor. To this were added the anomalies of sight, taste, and hearing, resulting in a complete Babel. When man attempted to express the supreme Hierarchic Concept, he tried to string together the best syllables and only achieved extreme confusion. Notice that everyone who speaks about a transcendental concept meets with the most surprising explanations. People frequently speak about the same thing, but in such different terms that there is no possibility of reconciling these concepts with words. Then, do not tire yourself with argument, but remain silent in cordial solicitude. Let the fiery energy work, it will know how (43)
    • Fiery World, Part I (1933)
  • Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is high time that thinking was accepted as a chemical process. Likewise, the manifestation of Armageddon should not only be understood as a war in the conventional sense but should also be viewed in terms of all the events in life. The epidemic of possession is a phenomenon that characterizes the time of the Great Battle. Certainly, our convulsed planet is overrun with suicides as well as physical and spiritual calamities. Amidst humanity can be found unusual diseases of the brain and nerves, as well as every sort of perversion. ... Of course, the mad ones do not see all the luminous warriors, and they allow the dark forces to drag them into the abyss. So every seeker must summon up all his strength in fortifying himself on the foundation of the Hierarchy. Even on an ordinary battlefield a warrior must not let his communications get cut off.
  • There is no one who can get by without courage. Only utter madness whispers that everything will fall into place of its own accord — that cannot happen! Being unable to govern by the basic principles, the dark forces have violated them; therefore, we must close ranks and go forward undivided in everything. The warriors should understand that the spiritual tension of the present time is no longer at the level of the Subtle World, but is already approaching the Fiery World. The Teacher is reminding us: not terror but a sense of the majestic should fill the hearts of the warriors of Armageddon. 380.
  • The dying out of generations of human and animal life, as well as the depletion of nature’s generative forces, indicates the end of the Kali Yuga. This process is taking place before your very eyes, but only a few people take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation. There are times when even you ascribe all this to chance, while in fact it is evidence of the stern law that humanity has called into action. It would seem impossible for people to overlook what has been happening these past several years! All the same, they lull themselves with the comforting thought that things went all right yesterday; yet if they come across threatening signs somewhere, they fall into an animal fear. Meanwhile, nobody harkens to words about the heart. Its great salutary substance remains unapplied. 474.
  • Let the inquirers understand that Armageddon changes many of life’s circumstances. It is impossible to apply peaceful measures in time of war. This means that seekers must don a coat of armor and, above all, strive to the Lords. 531.
  • How stupid are all who deny hope! How blind are those who affirm the advantage of wars! How few are the consciousnesses that can perceive the regeneration of the planet by way of culture! Certainly, those who do not comprehend creativeness by means of higher measures will perish in the same old upheavals. Those who do not comprehend the new ways are greatly in need of understanding the Epoch of Maitreya.
    • Morya, ' Hierarchy, 390, (1931)
  • Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm.
    • Morya, Hierarchy, 390, (1931)
  • A whole new science can be developed that will study the dissemination of the energy of word and thought. 68.
  • Interplanetary chemistry is a science of the future. No matter what name it may be given, this subject will be attentively studied even in the schools. It would be more correct to call it psychochemistry, for not only every heavenly body, but all that exists produces strong chemical reactions. It is time to pay attention to these interactions, not only from the point of view of so-called magnetism but also from the point of view of chemistry. A chemical reaction is created in every handshake. Not only can physical infection be transmitted, but a chemical substance is also created. People deny the existence of these reactions, not realizing that all of interplanetary space is permeated with them. 87.
  • The technique of foresight will become a great science in the future, but it can be given only when human consciousness gains its sanity. You are right in disapproving of the neglect shown to the humanities. Only intelligent cooperation among all sciences will create an understanding of the unity of knowledge. But any excess of zeal will prove to be corrupting. One must understand that fanaticism is a form of ignorance, and is based upon negation and condemnation. 142.
  • Science is of little help if it is not unbiased. Even though it is precisely science that could be expected to help... Morality and biology have unrecognized connections. It is inconceivable that humanity, even amidst today’s armageddonal calamities and terrors, does not learn to look beyond the ashes of their own hearths! Man does not properly apply the wonderful inventions that fill this present life. It would seem that radio, for example, should prompt him to think about thought transmission, but in fact this invention is mainly used for deception. Where lies the solution? ...Science must assist; science should be free; science should penetrate the depths of the human consciousness. 777.
  • It is frightful to see petrified brains which do not admit new attainments! No one inclined to negation can be called a scientist. Science is free, honest, and fearless. Science can instantly alter and elucidate the problems of the Universe. Science is beautiful and therefore infinite. Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Science can find the great even in quests of the small. Inquire of great scientists how many times the most stupendous discoveries have been made in the process of routine observations. The eye was open, and the brain not dust laden.
    The path of those who know how to investigate freely will be the path of the future. Actually, the battle with ignorance is as indeferrable as that with dissolution and corruption. 341.
The most negative manifestation of free will is seen in outbursts of war... There is a difference between the karma of aggression and that of defense...'You who intrude into the lands of your neighbors, has no one told you the consequences of your 'fratricide?'... We consider war to be the shame of mankind. ~ The Master Koot Hoomi
  • One may recall an arrogant monarch who, before the Great War [World War I], received Our warnings, but preferred to lose his throne by rejecting Our Advice. Likewise, another head of state did not want to listen to Our Ambassador and preferred to plunge his country into confusion. It cannot be said that in ancient times Indications were given more often. Now also many such Counsels are given, but as usual the ear of humanity is deaf. We stand vigil the world over. 25
  • We are all saddened by the barbarism of humanity. The most negative manifestation of free will is seen in outbursts of war. People refuse to think about the terrible currents they evoke by mass murder and the consequences it will bring. The ancient Scriptures correctly warned that he who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.
    There is a difference between the karma of aggression and that of defense. It can be shown how aggressors suffer the most grievous consequences... People delude themselves by thinking that great conquerors do not reap bad karma during their earthly lives. But karma has its own timely approach, and does not show itself immediately. Life is continuous, and the wise ones understand their lives as a single necklace.
    Aggressors burden their karma not only by killing but also by polluting the atmosphere... The poisoning of Earth and of the other spheres is long-lasting. You who intrude into the lands of your neighbors, has no one told you the consequences of your 'fratricide?'
    Our Abode has witnessed many wars, and We can testify how this evil is increasing in the most unexpected ways... How sad We are to see free will, which was bestowed as the Highest Gift, manifested in this horrible, uncontrolled way. 88.
  • You certainly know that We consider war to be the shame of mankind, but one situation that can be considered as worse is the decay of humanity. Armageddon should not be understood as only a physical battle. It is full of incalculable dangers, among which will be epidemics, but the most ruinous consequence will be psychic perversions. People will lose trust in one another, and will compete in doing evil. They will develop a persistent hatred of all except their own kind, and will sink into irresponsibility and depravity.
    To all these insanities will be added the most shameful—the intensified competition between male and female. We insist upon equal and full rights for women, but the servants of darkness will expel them from many fields of activity, even where they bring the most benefit. We have spoken about the many maladies in the world, but the renewed struggle between the male and female principles will be the most tragic. It is hard to imagine how disastrous this will be, for it is a struggle against evolution itself! What a high price humanity pays for every such opposition to evolution! In these convulsions the young generations are corrupted.
    There are those who think so and imagine that they can cheat evolution, not realizing that the worst war is in their own homes. 286.
  • The Thinker instructed, “Everyone can declare war on his own ignorance. Such a war is honorable; it is a guarantee of achievement and a service to his nation.” 625.
  • Not magic but God-inspiredness was ordained in the ancient Covenants. When Higher Communion began to be interrupted, people themselves compiled magic from the earthly world, as a means of forced communion. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. Therefore, on the path to the future one should eschew all magic. It must not be forgotten that the old methods of magic were connected with other forms of life. Of course, magic is based on precise fulfillment of technical conditions, but if all the formulas of life have been altered, then too all magical effects must be correspondingly changed. This is why contemporary magic has sunk into necromancy and the other low manifestations. All those who study the mechanics of formulas fail to take into account the fact that they were written down for a completely different application. In addition, they completely forget that the higher formulas, and all the conditions, have not been written down altogether; and if they have been noted at all it is in such symbols that now their meaning is quite obscured.
  • Thus, contemporary studies of magic either amount to senseless scholastics, or else, flowing down, they lapse into the black mass. Therefore We speak much-needed words, in advising the abolition of magic. Let it be left to the dark necromancers. There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to the Higher Communion is through the heart. Violence must not stain this fiery path. Can people possibly think that the invocation of lower entities can go unpunished! And what sort of improvement of life could result from such evocation? No one can point to a benefit resulting from necromancy, nor to a heart which has been uplifted through necromancy. One must turn to the short and higher Path, which will bestow health of spirit; and thence comes the bodily health. The abolition of magic will be a white stone on the path of the World. 249.
  • Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term “magical” can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical.
    Our mirrors cannot be called magical. They simply increase the effectiveness of Our energy. Many appliances can be found that make energy more effective. Strong magnets could hardly be called magical, even though their action is remarkable. The subtle body and all experiments connected with it belong to science, not to magic. Thus, one should abolish the superstitious use of the confusing term “magical.” 2.
  • The time will come when people will learn to recognize the chemical compounds to be found in various strata. They will not then attribute manifestations to magic or conjurations, but will realize that man himself is a kind of magician at every moment of his life. Great power is given to a man who knows how to create the formulas of good and evil. We must not regard such people as magicians, but understand that the weaving of good or evil continues at every hour. Let us encourage the weavers of good and pity the weavers of evil, who will one day bitterly regret the dark shrouds they have woven. 294.

New Era Community, Morya, (1926)


(Full text)

  • The path of life is one of mutual help. Participants in the great task cannot be humanity-haters. This term denoting a shameful hatred is a long one. But perhaps people will the better remember it and be ashamed. 5.
  • Also let us not forget that realization is simplified through clear consciousness. But let us not lose the shortest Path. Time is precious. We should not deprive anyone because of our sluggishness. Laziness and ignorance sleep in the same cradle. 6.
  • Malice admits leprosy and pestilence. Malice can transform a peaceful fireside into a swarm of snakes. Qualities of malice are not befitting the community. The common task is General Welfare. 7.
  • Cooperation must be based upon sound rules. This teaches orderliness; that is, it helps the acquirement of a rhythm. Thus even in daily work are expressed the great laws of the Universe. It is especially needed to become accustomed from childhood to continuous labor. Let the better evolution be built upon labor as the measure of value. 8.
  • And another absolute condition must be fulfilled. Labor must be voluntary. Cooperation must be voluntary. Community must be voluntary. Labor must not be enslaved by force. The condition of voluntary agreement must be laid into the foundation of advancement. No one may bring dissolution into the new house. Workers, builders, creators, can be likened to high-soaring eagles. Only in a broad flight does the dust and rubbish of decay fall away. 9.
  • A lofty quality will enter into pure labor through love of a favorite craft. A beautiful quality will be affirmed throughout life. Nothing will remain in darkness. Ignorance will be a shameful offence. Darkness is infectious but Light is attractive. Hence, let us affirm the love of a favorite craft, which uplifts the life. Science should indicate the best quality. Science should attract the strongest energies. Let the knowledge of the spirit shine over every workbench. 10.
  • There should be instilled respect for craftsmanship, in order that it be understood as a higher distinction. Ancient working community-guilds left testimony of their vitality. One can see how people cultivated their skills toward perfection. They knew how to shield each other and how to guard the dignity of their community. So long as people do not learn to defend the merit of their fellow-workers they will not achieve the happiness of Common Good. 12.
  • The concept of justice proves itself upon the foundation of labor. Likewise courage grows easily in the vouching for each other. Indeed, all as one, yet each one contributing his own best aptitude. Let us not destroy, but let us bring forth the warmth of the heart. 13.
  • Our feeling is one of absence of specialty, because We live for the whole complex of life. Every specialist approaching Us inevitably loses his monochromatic eye-glasses. Therefore, make every effort that the specialty should become but one of the dishes at your table. As birds over the Earth, as bees above all the flowers, we can embrace the entire universe. 14.
  • The teaching of the New World will solve all discomforts. Verily, only the shield of the Community can give meaning to the sojourn on Earth... If all possibilities are stipulated by a community, then their manifestation will take place through the channel of the spirit... this conquest will begin not in the observatories and not in the optician’s shop. Harkening of the spirit will bring the first tidings; not for master degrees, but for life which forges evolution. The Teaching can point out to the sensitive ones—on awakening, remember the far-off worlds; on going to sleep, remember the far-off worlds... Earth cannot live without community. You understand that without the broadening of the heavenly ways the existence becomes nil. The New World is in need of new boundaries. The seekers must have a path. Is it narrow throughout the entire horizon? It is fortunate that the seekers do not have to bend the ear down to earth but may turn their gaze upward into spiritual heights. It is easier for the ray to seek out uplifted heads. And every movement of the world is conditioned by the community. 29.
  • Community—cooperation—is the sole rational means of human living together... Only consciousness of cooperation—community—affirms the evolution of the biological process. He who wishes to devote himself to the true community acts in agreement with the fundamentals of Existence. The conscious community excludes two enemies of society: precisely inequality and heirdom. Any inequality leads to tyranny. Heirdom is a compromise, and it brings in corruption of the foundations. Needed is clarity of construction, a dislike of conventionalities, and faith in children as a symbol of the progress of mankind. Only from within the community can we think about the future. Let us shift the consciousness to the betterment of all life, and the struggle for existence will be replaced by the conquest of possibilities. Thus think about the community. Improve your consciousness. 200.
  • Can there be in the community associations of women, men, and children? Assuredly there can. True associations can be formed following many categories—of age, sex, occupation, and of thought. It is necessary that such branches grow healthy; and not only should they not impede the strivings of people, but they should help each other—and this assistance should be voluntary. One should contribute to the success of each sensible act of unification. Indeed, when cooperations are of varied nature, then blossoming becomes especially possible. We do not put on shackles, but broaden the horizon. Let children take up the most introspective problems. Let women carry aloft the ordained Banner. Let men give Us joy by constructing the City. 274.



Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism—but of practice in daily life. It is the yoga of fiery energy, of consciousness, of responsible, directed thought. It teaches that the evolution of the planetary consciousness is a pressing necessity and that, through individual striving, it is an attainable aspiration for mankind... Agni Yoga has been called a “living ethics.”