The First Purge

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The First Purge is a 2018 prequel film about the origins of the annual "Purge", in which the NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America), a Federal Purge rights lobbyist political party association/paramilitary militia establishment comes to power and conducts the social experiment of the Purge: no laws for 12 hours on Staten Island. No one has to stay on the island, but $5,000 is given to anyone who does.

Directed by Gerard McMurray. Written by James DeMonaco.
Witness the birth of an American tradition.  (taglines)

Dmitri Cimber

  • [killing one of his soldiers who tried to double-cross him] Take care of these fools, man. And let the girls walk. But make sure that they know never to step foot on this island again.


  • Look here - this is the greatest shit show on Earth. They turnin' our island into ancient Rome, our ' hood into the Coliseum. Now the question is, are we gonna be the Christians or the lions? Gladiators or the slaves? Right?


  • Dr. Updale: Please don't tell me you're sending mercenaries into the island disguised as purgers?
  • Skeletor: Skeletor's purge is on!
  • Nya: [After fighting off a rapist] Pussy-grabbin' motherfucker!
  • Capital A: [Sustains a head shot] FUCK Y...
  • Dolores: It tastes like old man ass!


Reporter #2: So, we are here with Arlo Sabian. He is the chief of staff for the NFFA. He got this whole thing pushed through Congress. Well, you got protests all over the place now.
Arlo Sabian: Please. The idea of the Purge was analyzed for years. We allowed Island citizens to vote on participation. They voted yes.
Reporter #2: Yeah, and you know why? Because a lot of those people felt coerced by the fact they don't have money, and you're offering money. So what do you say to the lower-income people who are out here risking their lives tonight?
Arlo Sabian: Well, Van, as with any scientific trial, those who participate receive payment.
Reporter #2: Yeah. I'm gonna turn to you, Dr. Updale. You are the behavioral scientist who actually came up with this whole experiment. A lot of people have a lot of concerns about this, and one concern comes up over and over again. I want the truth from you. Is the Purge a political device?
Dr. Updale: I do not work for the NFFA. I did not conceive of the experiment for them. The NFFA had the courage to test it, but the conceit is not a political one. It is a psychological one. The benefit of acting violently without worry of consequence, that's a freeing violence.
Reporter #2: "A freeing violence." Okay, that's a... that's a new one on me. I have a question for you. What is your definition of success?
Arlo Sabian: Well, the level of participation in certain areas is key. Uh, the Park Hill Towers, for example, are the center of this community. If there's considerable participation there, I think that'll be a strong indication that this night is a great success.
Reporter #2: Well, we'll see.

Nya: Hey. I didn't expect to see you. I thought you would've left the island by now.
Luisa: Oh, I was going to, but, you know, the money, Nya. $5,000 to stay? That's life-changing for us. We need it.
Nya: Yeah. Pastor Almory opened up the church to everyone. Okay? We got cots, there's gonna be security at the door, food. And Pastor's gonna deliver a sermon later tonight.
Dolores: Oh, Lord forgive me. Pastor's a wonderful man, but his sermons bore me to death. It's a goddamned snoozefest, okay?

Nya: Dolores, you're okay!
Dolores: No, I'm not okay. I was out there looking for your little narrow ass. I was scared to death out there. I lost my damn cell phone. I couldn't call nobody for help. Then I get the bubble guts, try to run home. That was a bad idea, 'cause I realized I don't have my asthma pump. Oh, but it gets better. 'Cause I shit on myself a little bit when I was on my way home. My fucking bowels done joined the Purge, too.

Freddy: D! You come to see the show?
Dmitri: OG! All three of you old men out today? What's the occasion? Am I... am I the luckiest man in the world?
Sharpie: Three kings at your service.
Taz: Nah. We the Three Wise Men.
Freddy: Man, who are you fuckers kidding? We the Three Stooges on our best day. Moe, Larry, Jheri curl.

7 & 7: Check this out. I got some brand-new shit this week. Gun dealer said we got a big new batch from an unknown supplier. This shit was cheap, got all-new tech. I snatched it all up, yo.
Dmitri: [picking something up] The hell is this?
7 & 7: This is an explosive device. It's like C-4 with a handheld detonator.
Dmitri: NFFA been puttin' all this shit in the streets, y'all. Hopin' that we'd off each other. We didn't, and now they're stoking the fire in another motherfucking way! Our neighborhood is under siege, gentlemen, from a government who doesn't give a shit about any of us! Now, there's a lot of good people out there who we're gonna have to protect now. See, the NFFA forgot about one thing. They forgot about us. This is our home. So let's show these white-haired motherfuckers never to fuck with our island again.

Roenick: I tracked those trucks all the way across the island to here. A remote area of abandoned factories. Watch this now. At around midnight, something strange happens.
[playing the footage, Updale sees a string of vehicles emerge]
Roenick: I did a vehicle search on all systems, and every one of these vehicles ended up in Park Hill, Mariners Harbor, and Stapleton.
Dr. Updale: The low-income areas of the island.
Roenick: And they're attacking crowded places, churches, apartment buildings, Purge parties.
Dr. Updale: The gangs know where people are gathering because of the tracking implants.
Roenick: How would gangs know how to monitor the tracking implants?
Dr. Updale: They're not gangs.

7 & 7: [seeing a couple having sex on top of a car hood] Oh, shit! Look at these crazy fuckers buckin' the system, yo!
Dmitri: Well, shit. I mean, that's illegal, so I guess they purging, too.
7 & 7: Yo, I purge like that every night.

Arlo Sabian: Did you really think you could just snoop around an NFFA building?
Dr. Updale: I know what you're doing. You're sending soldiers into the island disguised as gangs, as citizens, hunting people down using the tracking implants. You're making it look like people are participating because there wasn't enough purging.
Arlo Sabian: But they're not soldiers. They're mercenaries from all over. This country is overpopulated, Doctor. There's too much crime. Too much unemployment...
Dr. Updale: Is that even true? Or did you falsify those numbers, too?
Arlo Sabian: ...bankrupt governments that can't afford to take care of its own citizenry. People don't want us to raise taxes, our debt has tripled. We can't pay for anything. We, the NFFA, we inherited all this mess. All right? Something needed to be done.
Dr. Updale: Not like this.
Arlo Sabian: Well, what, then? You tell me. Because we exhausted every possibility. I need for this to work. I need to sell this on a country-wide scale because this is our last hope.
Dr. Updale: You're trying to depopulate the lower classes just so the NFFA doesn't have to support them.
Arlo Sabian: Come on. We both know there's... there's no easy answer where somebody, some group doesn't suffer.
Dr. Updale: What have I done?
Arlo Sabian: You saved us. I thank you for it.
Dr. Updale: No! No! Don't... don't do this. The American people don't need this.
Arlo Sabian: I'm terribly sorry.
Dr. Updale: Do not build this on a lie! I was wrong!
Arlo Sabian: The NFFA and America will remember you fondly. As a hero to your nation.

Dmitri: Your time is up now, A. It was short. Hope the crown felt good.
Capital A: Yo. Yo, D.
Dmitri: You thought that you could use their purge to take my ass out, but didn't anybody tell you, A? I don't know how to die. You can't purge me, man. I purge you. In plain sight.

Nya: Are we gonna talk or what?
Isaiah: Well, what do you want me to say? That I'm wrong and I'm sorry? That I learned my lesson tonight? Or that I was just being plain-ass stupid?
Nya: Yeah, that's what I want you to say.
Isaiah: I just said it. I fucking hate our apartment, Nya. The leaks, roaches... the fact that we never have anything for anything.
Nya: I don't like it either. But there are other ways.
Isaiah: Are there? 'Cause I ain't seeing 'em. I ain't seeing a way out, Nya.
Nya: When I was with Dmitri, I saw a lot of stupid shit. People getting hooked. Friends getting locked up. I've been down this road before and I saw a way out. Just let me help you see it, too. Deal?


  • Witness the birth of an American tradition.
  • Citizens, join the first Purge.
  • A nation reborn.
  • It Changed Our Country. It Challenged Our Beliefs. Now, Witness How It All Began.
  • The movement that began as a simple experiment...


  • Derek Basco - Taz
  • DK Bowser - Sharpie
  • Mitchell Edwards as Kels, a member of Dmitri's gang and Isaiah's friend
  • Maria Rivera - Anna
  • Chyna Layne - Elsa
  • Ian Blackman - NFFA President Bracken
  • Melonie Diaz - Juani
  • Naszir Nance - Terence
  • Peter Johnson - Pastor Carl Almory
  • Levy Tran - Roenick
  • Kevin Carrigan - General Smiley
  • Desiigner - a member of Kels' crew
  • Qurrat Ann Kadwani - news reporter #3
  • Cindy Robinson - the Purge Emergency Broadcast System announcement voice

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