The New Pope

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The New Pope is an English-language Italian drama television series created and directed by Paolo Sorrentino for Sky Atlantic, HBO, and Canal+. The series, staring John Malkovich and Jude Law, follows the papacy of Pope John Paul III, born as Sir John Brannox, as he attempts to reform the image of the Pope following Pius XIII's reign and later, Pius' attempts to regain control of the papacy.

Season 1


Episode 2

Sir John Brannox: My parents are only doing what all humans do, blaming everything on others. However, least we Catholics blame everything on God.
Voiello: Actually we give him all the credit.
Sir John Brannox: Is that not the same thing?

Episode 3

Sir John Brannox: Hello...yes, wear the yellow Dior, because it plays up the contrast with your complexion, no... no Meghan, I'm adamant, wear the yellow Dior, I said.
Sofia Dubois: Who was that...Meghan?
Sir John Brannox: Regrettably, yes. They want to be influencers yet they have no idea of colour combinations, she calls me twenty five times a day for beauty tips - she thinks I'm gay.
Sofia Dubois: Well...are you?

Sir John Brannox: I am aware of the opinion you've formed of me Gutierrez, you think I'm a socialite.
Gutierrez: Socializing is important - think of how many remarkable things happened for Jesus at the last supper. That was a social event!

Photographer: That's it Holy Father, we are done.
Sir John Brannox: What? No nudes?

Episode 4

Sir John Brannox: My admiration for well read women will never fail, perhaps that's why I don't miss Meghan.

Episode 5

Stone: Can't the Bible be upgraded?
Pope John Paul III: Alas the Bible is not an iPhone.
Stone: Again, what a shame...
Pope John Paul III: Not at all, anything that can be upgraded - like an iPhone eventually ends up the bin only to be replaced by a more expensive model. The Bible has endured for a very long time and its value has changed little if at all.

Dubois: I agree, that 'No' is a moral declaration of the greatest significance. The Pope produces symbols, the vulgar act of explanation must fall to others.
Pope John Paul III: So, Voiello, you seem to be in the minority but that does not mean you're wrong.
Voiello: I have been in the minority all my life your Holiness in fact I belong to such a small minority that I am the only member.

Episode 8

Pope Pius XIII: What am I?
Voiello: An emeritus pope.
Pope Pius XIII: Like an honorary president. In general, they don't count.

Episode 9

Pope John Paul III: The girls who snubbed us, the boys who deserted us, the strangers who ignored us, the parents who misunderstood us, the employers who rejected us, the mentors who doubted us, the bullies who beat us, the siblings who mocked us, the friends who abandoned us, the conformists who excluded us, the kisses we were denied, because no one saw us: they were all too busy turning their gaze elsewhere while I was directing my gaze at you. Only at you. Because I am one of you. Sorrow has no hierarchy. Suffering is not a sport. There is no final ranking. Tormented by acne and shyness, by stretch marks and discomfort, by baldness and insecurity, by anorexia and bulimia, by obesity and diversity, reviled for the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, our empty wallets, our physical impairments, our arguments with our elders, our inconsolable weeping, the abyss of our insignificance, the caverns of our loss, the emptiness inside us, the recurring, incurable thought of ending it all--nowhere to rest, nowhere to stand, nothing to belong to--nothing, nothing, nothing! Yes, that is how we felt. And just like you, I remember it all. But it no longer matters that the world took issue with us, for now it is us who shall take issue with the world. We will no longer tolerate being named as “problem,” because, in point of fact, they are the problem. We are the solution. We, who have been betrayed and abandoned, rejected and misunderstood, put aside and diminished. “There is no place for you here!” they told us with their silence. “Then where is our place?” we implored them with our silence. We never received that reply, but now we know. Yes, we know our place. Our place is here. Our place is the church. Cardinal Biffi said it first, and in an astonishingly simple way: “We are all miserable wretches whom God brought together to form a glorious church.” Yes, we are all miserable wretches! Yes, we are all the same! And yes, we are the forgotten ones. But no longer. From this day forth, we shall no longer be forgotten, I assure you. They will remember us because we are the Church.

Pope John Paul III: The moment I have always longed for has finally arrived.
Lenny Belardo: What moment?
Pope John Paul III: When I fulfill my one and only ambition. To be forgotten.
Lenny Belardo: But you are the Pope.
Pope John Paul III: No. I am a fragile piece of porcelain. But I have finally understood that my fragility is my strength, not my damnation.
Lenny Belardo: What are you gonna do? Will you return home?
Pope John Paul III: ...I will return to myself.


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