Waldo Tobler

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Waldo Rudolph Tobler (16 November 193020 February 2018) was an American-Swiss geographer and cartographer, regarded as one of the most influential geographers and cartographers of the late 20th century and early 21st century.


  • The conceptualization of a map as a data-storage medium leads directly to the concept of it as a computer input element.
    • From Waldo Tobler's 1959 article in Geographical Review, Vol 49 issue 4 "Automation and Cartography".
    • Tobler's paper "Automation and Cartography" is often pointed to as the first peer-reviewed literature discussing using computers to aid in cartography.
  • It seems that some basic tasks, common to all cartography, may in the future be largely automated, and that the volume of maps produced in a given time will be increased while the cost is reduced.
    • From Waldo Tobler's 1959 article in Geographical Review, Vol 49 issue 4 "Automation and Cartography".
    • Tobler's paper "Automation and Cartography" is often pointed to as the first peer-reviewed literature discussing using computers to aid in cartography.
  • Maps are generalized representations since it is clearly impossible to display reality in all its complexity at a reduced scale. Not too surprisingly, map makers are unable to provide explicit abstract statements about the process of map generalization, but some empirical evidence suggests constancy of information content per map centimeter squared, regardless of map scale.
  • Soldiers have medals, scholars have publications.
    • From Waldo Tobler's personal website hosted by the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Quotes about Waldo Tobler

  • Tobler’s first major achievement was the transformation of geographical cartography from a field basically concerned with visualization to one where graphical methods could be recast as mathematical operations, and where computers began to be accepted as essential tools for the map-maker.
  • Waldo Tobler was a genius. Very few people are, far fewer than the normal proportions banded around, but Waldo was one. He appeared to greatly dislike being singled out in this way, but now he is dead it has to be said.
  • The academic contributions of Waldo Tobler are noteworthy and significant, spanning essentially all disciplines that involve the study of geographic phenomena.
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