Zombi 3

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Zombi 3 is a 3D horror comedy film about a leaked virus that contaminates the Philippines and turns the population into flesh-eating zombies with a penchant for bad dialogue and worse acting.

Directed by Lucio Fulci, Bruno Mattei, and Claudio Fragasso. Written by Claudio Fragasso.


  • That'll fix ya, you frigging monsters!


  • There's lots more! Many we can't see! They'll come! They'll come!
  • My damn leg...
  • I swear I'll destroy you if I have to, Glenn!


  • It's empty... looks like I've had it!

General Morton

  • Yes... I see. Evacuate the premises, and eliminate everyone there. Bury them in a mass grave. Then transport the body of the infector, with maximum precautions, you-know-where. Well done, lieutenant.
  • You are to shoot anyone moving in a contaminated area... regardless. Your orders are to continue closing off the area with all mobile units, including helicopters. No one must get out alive... no one.

Dr. Holder

  • [first line of the film] We're ready. Give me Death One.
  • This is Dr. Holder. I'm sorry, sir, but I'm obliged to give up work on Death One. Yes, that's all right. Of course I'd be prepared to. You can come and get it. But take every precaution; you see, it's very dangerous. Yes.
  • They have to stop him, or it'll mean the end of everything!


  • Looks like some hunter's gone crazy!
  • I'm feeling better, Patricia, but I'm thirsty... FOR YOUR BLOOD!
  • Hello, Patricia... we'll be together again soon...

Blue Heart

  • Welcome, brothers and sisters, on this hot and sunny day. This is Blue Heart, welcoming you to our beautiful bay. I can't see the traffic, but I can hear it say: "You're gonna have to cool down, there's lots of shucking and jiving all along the way."
  • I'll dedicate my next number to all the undead around the world.


  • General Morton: Oh, Doctor, it's you.
Dr. Holder: Who told you to burn the body of the man infected with Death One?
General Morton: ...I had to close an episode.
Norma: The episode could open again! Hadn't it ever occurred to you that the ashes, assimilated into the air, could fall back to Earth again?
General Morton: That's ridiculous, pure science fiction!
  • Patricia: What's wrong? Why did you turn the radio off?
Glenn: Ecological bullshit. Now even Blue Heart's become an ecological nut. "Don't smoke, don't pick the flowers, don't fuck, don't do this, don't do that." Nobody can do anything anymore! Life's become a real ecological pain in the ass!
Patricia: Now listen, if you don't feel like my company, we can always turn back. No one is forcing us to spend the weekend together.
Glenn: But it's got nothing to do with you.
Patricia: Well, I think nature is something that should be considered sacred, that's all.
Glenn: OK, but let's not make a big deal of it! I like smoking. I take a toke on a joint every now and then. And once in a while, I piss on a bush! Am I going to go to hell for that?
Patricia: No, not for so little.
Glenn: According to these Green Peace people, we're on the brink of total extinction or something...
  • General Morton: We have to cut off the epidemic area!
Dr. Holder: Cut it off!? How? By continuing to kill thousands of innocent victims?
  • Dr. Holder: General Morton! When you asked us to work on Death One, you should have told us about the risks involved!
General Morton: We didn't know ourselves. You're the scientists with the brains; we're just humble soldiers, and we act as such. Tracey! Cheney! Get the anti-contamination squad ready, and put all units on red alert!
  • General Morton: My men have cordoned off the contaminated area. By tomorrow, the situation will be under control.
Dr. Holder: And what are you going to do with the bodies? Burn them again?
General Morton: Any living creature in a contaminated area is not going to get out alive. You can count on that, Dr. Holder!
  • Roger: Look! Do you believe it?
Patricia: Can you fly one of those things?
Ken: Until yesterday, it was my job!
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