A. Surya Prakash

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A. Surya Prakash is an Indian journalist who was also the chairperson of Prasar Bharati.


  • One of the issues that needs to be addressed as we seek to sort out the problems posed by the Marxist interpretation of history is what Koenraad Elst, the Belgian orientalist and Indologist, describes as negationism in India. Known for his writings on Indian history and Hindu-Muslim relations, Elst says that while negationism in Europe means the denial of Nazi genocide of the Jews and gypsies during World War II, the Indian brand of negationism deals with the section of intelligentsia “trying to erase from Hindu memory the history of their persecution by the swordsmen of Islam”.
    • A Surya Prakash, Islam and the lies of historians [1]
  • Secular, democratic India must know the truth and make peace with it.
    • A Surya Prakash, Islam and the lies of historians [2]
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