Abena Busia

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Abena Pokua Adompim Busia (born 1953) is a Ghanaian writer, poet, feminist, lecturer and diplomat. She is a daughter of former Prime Minister of Ghana Kofi Abrefa Busia, and is the sister of actress Akosua Busia. Busia is an associate professor of Literature in English, and of women's and gender studies at Rutgers University. She is Ghana's ambassador to Brazil, appointed in 2017, with accreditation to the other 12 republics of South America.



"Interview with Abena Busia" (2015)


Interview with Abena Busia (2015) by RUcore: Rutgers University Community Repository retrieved 29 July 2022

  • I came to the United States of America conscious of my African-ness, conscious of my blackness, I became conscious of women studies and became a feminist.
  • A lot of work is being done by feminist because we have to think about breaking the glass ceilings and think about if the systems we have been living under will work for us what is different what to do.
  • Thinking through what makes a leader, how do you communicate and how do you organize yourself.
  • What makes a leader different is the different communication styles respecting different forms of leadership.
  • Historically leadership and the concept has always been the top down one most of us who do leadership training we do the bottom up leadership you don't impose structure you figure out organically who the people are.

"Interview with Abena Busia" (2016)


[1] (2016) by Women learning partnership: Interview on family law reform.

  • The idea of family however conceived is at the root of old family structure and we leave in a world were those family structure are in the end the basis of the legal, religious,social and state laws under which we live.
  • New family law can end violence against women.
  • Violence is both visible and invisible.

"Extract from Liberation by Abena Busia"

  • Dreamers remember their dreams when they are disturbed;And you shall not escape what we will make of the broken pieces of our lives.

[2] [3]

  • You cannot know how long we cried until we laughed over the broken pieces of our dreams.


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