Bandy Kiki

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Bandy Kiki (February 20, 1991) is a Cameroonian blogger, LGBT activist and a serial entrepreneur based in the U.K. She is the creator of Kinnaka's Blog, a high traffic English-speaking website in Cameroon for news and entertainment. She is a controversial figure due to her political views and LGBT activism.


  • I meet so many people who read twitter every day, but almost never tweet. If I may beg your indulgence, please add your voice to the public dialogue!
  • Homophobia is like a binding glue when it comes to Cameroonians. When it comes to hating LGBTQ people, they all come together.
  • I totally ignored the hate tirades and focused more on the LGBTQ community in Africa which reached out to me massively. Surprisingly, I also had hundreds of support messages from people my age and my parents’ age. This response has been emotional as well as humbling.
  • no one can legally arrest a homosexual because there are laws in place to defend the human rights of a homosexual, those laws are freedom and equality of treatment for all human beings.
  • As an African woman, who grew up in Africa, the stereotype defines me as someone who should be submissive and usually introversive in most cases.
    • [3] When she was asked in an interview "What are the pros and cons of your industry? – Particularly as a woman and an African/Black woman?"
  • Today, I have become the go to person for very sensitive information. I have become a conveyor of information from those who many not want to be seen or heard sharing any form of sensitive information.
    • [4] in 2017, Kiki Bandy Shares on her : Sexuality and Career
  • It started as a passion for knowledge and then of becoming an information dessiminator.
  • Today, I have earned the respect of many and have been very conspicous in the general public for the various things I do represent.
    • [6] Kiki Bandy Shares on her : Sexuality and Career
  • Well yes. I am Sapiosexual. I have a thing for intelligent and physically/mentally strong women.
  • I have the freedom to express my sexuality without fear of arrest or vigilante execution. I am indeed privileged…
  • I believe I was born this way. If there could be any influence from the environment or society, they it will do well to surpress me instead.
    • [9]Kiki Bandy Shares on her : Sexuality and Career.
  • I am not too surprised about myself – some will say I have an audacity of courage.
  • I come from a country where we are so limited simply by the things we don’t know. And there is so much out there that we are not aware off and which exist for free.
  • I belief, we as Africans, can begin to live change once we have access to information that is vital for our well being.
  • I told myself to be true to me, even if I have just one day left to live. Life is so precious to live in deceit. Coming out was a way to exonerate myself and be and live free.
  • It still officially describes both gay people and homosexual acts as “intrinsically disordered”.
  • it is sad to see opposition to homosexuality continuing despite the headlines carrying the rheorical question, “who am I to judge?”
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