Boo Boo Runs Wild

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Boo Boo Runs Wild is a 1999 stand-alone special parody of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series, The Yogi Bear Show.


  • Huh? Wha? 12 o'clock? It's too soon for noon!
  • [to Cindy Bear, after becoming savage with Boo Boo] HOME WRECKER!!!


  • Gosh, Yogi, we're indecent!

Ranger John Smith

  • [putting up all sorts of signs] Man, keeping order in the forest is hard work! Ah, but it'll be worth it when I see the happy little eyes of the thankful woodland creatures...
  • Why wasn't it you, Yogi? Why didn't you go wild? It would have been easy then!
  • Wait till they get a load of my new rules, WHOA NELLIE! If I know Yogi, he won't last too long. And when he transgresses, I'll have him right where I want him!


Yogi: Boo-Boo?
Boo-Boo: [after slowly snapping from hearing Ranger Smith's latest regulations] I can't take it anymore, Yogi! "Don't do this! Don't do that!" Every time we want to do something fun, or natural, and decent... there's a new rule. And I'm plenty TIRED OF IT! I'm a bear, Yogi... not a man. I was born a bear, and I'm going back to my bear roots!
Yogi: Easy, Boob.
Boo-Boo: NO EASY! NO EASY! From this day forth, I'll no longer dress in the man's attire! And I'll not speak in the man's tongue! From now on, it's going on all fours and grunting for me!

Ranger John Smith: [on the phone] Hello.
The Chief: SMITH!
Ranger John Smith: Oh, hi, Chief! What's up?
The Chief: There's a rogue bear running amok! He's setting a bad example for the other animals!
Ranger John Smith: Y-yes, sir, I know. I was just considering options to alleviate the matter.
The Chief: OPTIONS? You will take the ONLY course of action in this matter! You know what the Rangers handbook says to do about bears!
Ranger John Smith: [sweating] Y-y-y-yes, sir.
The Chief: Then do it, NOW! [hangs up]
Ranger John Smith: I'm sorry, Yogi. I'm afraid I'm going to have to do my duty. [grabs a shotgun]
Yogi Bear: You can't do it, sir! Not to Boob!
Ranger John Smith: Out of my way, Yogi.
Yogi Bear: Think of the Past you remember when Boo-Boo was born.
Ranger John Smith: Of course I do Yogi.
Yogi Bear: Who delivered him?
Ranger John Smith: Uh, I did.
Yogi Bear: How much hair did have?
Ranger John Smith: None!
Yogi Bear: And what about his Eyes?
Ranger John Smith: They were Pink and Swollen I know your game Yogi.
Yogi Bear: How cute was he?
Ranger John Smith: Really cute Yogi.
Yogi Bear: And how about the time you were sick with the group who nursed you back to health?
Ranger John Smith: Boo-Boo did.
Yogi Bear: Remember when I stole your Birthday Cake. who chewed up Pinecone and WRA them in moth wings just for you?
Ranger John Smith: Boo-Boo did. Why wasn't it you, Yogi? Why didn't you go wild? It would have been easy then!

Ranger John Smith: It's Boo-Boo [holds up his gun] I'm sorry, Yogi...
Yogi Bear: I can't let you do it, sir! [grabs the gun barrel]
Ranger John Smith: Let go, Yogi! You think I want this any more than you? I hate this thing! I'm a RANGER, Yogi, first and foremost! Can you understand that? This isn't just for Boo-Boo's sake - what about all the other bears? What of them? What if they follow Boo-Boo's example? Are we going to let the forest go to ruin for the sake of one little bear we both love? Tell me to let the bears down! [Yogi thinks] Oh, your own kind, Yogi!... Step aside, Yogi Bear. Let's be done with it.
Yogi Bear: [clubbing Ranger over the head] No hard feelings, sir, but this is for Boo Boo!
Ranger John Smith: Yogi, no!
Boo-Boo: [shocked] Mister Ranger... Yogi... fighting!
Yogi Bear Ranger John Smith: Boo Boo!
Boo-Boo: Has anyone seen my bowtie...?
Yogi Bear Ranger John Smith: Boo Boo's back!
Boo-Boo: Gosh I must have reverted.


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