Chennai Express

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Chennai Express is a 2013 action comedy film about a sweet shop owner who chooses a wrong train and it changes his life forever after meeting a South Indian girl.

Directed by Rohit Shetty. Written by Yunus Sajawal.

Rahul Mithaiwala

  • Don't underestimate the power of a common man!
  • Tingu, sir, what I'm saying is peace, love, friendship, Gandhi.
  • I will sleep on the bed because I am your spouse, your husband, your mate and don't they say that there is no business like show-her business. Come on Meenamma let us sleep-amma.


Meenamma: Rahul, I know there's a little problem.
Rahul: A little problem? The fight has been fixed for tonight with that TV tower Tingu, and your father also wants to find out who amongst the two of us is stronger.
Meenamma: Strong?
Rahul: Strong.
Meenamma: Then what will you do, Rahul?
Rahul: I will commit suicide. I will consume poison, tie a noose around my neck and be run over by the Chennai Express.
Meenamma: No.
Rahul: The train is calling me.
Meenamma: Rahul! Rahul!
Rahul: Okay.
Meenamma: Don't panic.
Rahul: But he's so tall!
Meenamma: I will make a plan to run away tonight.
Rahul: He's very hairy or scary!
Meenamma: Till then you remain normal.


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