Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (film)

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days is an 2012 American comedy film and a sequel to Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules.

Rodrick Heffley

  • I feel like a gangster right now!
  • This song goes out to a very special little lady. Heather Hills…this one's for you.


[The Heffley family, in their cartoon drawings, walk their way to the pool]
Greg: I can't believe it's so crowded here. School isn't even out yet. Maybe we should come back.
Rodrick: How 'bout never? Does never sound good?
Susan: Boys, a family swim is a great way to kick off the summer.
Frank: Let's not forget, opening day is free.

Rodrick: [to Greg] Aww your getting your yearbook signed. That is so cute.
Greg: [after seeing a picture of himself in the yearbook as a toddler] What the heck?
Susan: Honey, Greg was sick on picture day. Did you remember to send in a photo of him for his yearbook?
Frank: Yeah! I remembered!

Greg: Wait a minute, this isn't camping.

Frank: Hey, what is that? A store-bought s'mores maker? A TV?! Pre-tied knots?! Stan, you're a phony! So much for the big camper.

Rowley: I've never actually played tennis before...
Greg: We've played Ultimate Tennis on the Wii. It's basically the same thing.

Rodrick: Loaded diaper, activate.

Greg: Are you mad?
Frank: Not mad... just disappointed.

Rowley: In case we don't make it, there's something I have to tell you. One time I went to the bathroom and I didn't wash my hands.
Greg: One time, I used your toothbrush to get dog poop off my shoe.
Rowley: What?!

Greg: When did you get a tattoo!?
Rodrick: There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Greggy.

Heather: [after Rodrick knocks down her ice bust; enraged] No. NO! [picks up a microphone stand and walks angrily over to Rodrick] I'm going to KILL YOU!

