Gnaeus Domitius Afer

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Gnaeus Domitius Afer (16 B.C.E. – C.E.59) was a Roman orator and advocate, born at Nemausus (Nîmes) in Gallia Narbonensis. He flourished in the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.

Quotes about Gnaeus Domitius Afer:

  • Domitius Afer of Nimes [...] held high offices under Tiberius and Caligula and Nero and had previously practiced in the forum, a better orator than a man, although even the reputation of a good orator abandoned him before his lifetime. (Wilhelm Siegmund Teuffel) [citation needed]
  • This famous man, often praised by Quintilian as the greatest orator he had heard, was born in Nimes, a Roman colony, and having moved to Rome to improve his fortune, was currently walking the path of honors . He had been Praetor a short time before; but as he occupied only a mediocre rank in the City, he sought opportunities to make a name for himself at whatever price he paid. He therefore accused Claudia [Pulcra, great-granddaughter of Augustus] of adultery with Furnius, of spells, and of magical operations directed against the Emperor. (Jean-Baptiste-Louis Crevier) [citation needed]
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