Hair-Raising Hare

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Hair-Raising Hare is a Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon, released in 1946. It was directed by Chuck Jones and written by Chuck Jones. It stars Bugs Bunny and features the first appearance of Chuck Jones' imposing orange monster character, unnamed here, but in later cartoons named "Rudolph" and then "Gossamer". In the short, a sneaker-wearing, hairy monster chases Bugs through a castle belonging to an evil scientist.

Bugs Bunny

  • I don't know. But, could... Did you ever had the feeling you were so being watched?
  • Ya know, I could've sworn I was being watched. But, I guess it was just my imagination. Well. [notices the female robotic rabbit and goes after it]
  • That's the trouble with some dames. Kiss them and they fly apart!
  • Forgot to open the door!
  • And don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven... Because it hasn't.
  • And so, having disposed of the monster, exit our hero through the front door, stage right. None the worse for his harrowing experience.
  • And so, having redisposed of the Monster, exit our hero through the front door, stage right.
  • [to Gossamer] Hey, Frankenstein!


Bugs Bunny: Is there a doctor in the house? Is there a doctor in the house?!
Doctor in audience: I'm a doctor.
Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, doc?

Bugs Bunny: Oh, for shame. Just look at your fingernails. [rushes off and immediately returns with manicurist's table and equipment and begins to do the Gossamer's nails] My, I bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day - Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting, I said. The places you must go and the places you must see, my stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people. Now let's dip our patties in the water! [dips Gossamer's hands into two bowls, where 2 mousetraps snapped shut on them]
[Gossamer yelps and then sobs]

Bugs Bunny: Hey, wait a minute, Dracula! Did you ever have the feeling you're being watched? That the eyes of strange, eerie things are upon you? [then starts speaking, extra slowly and almost whispers] Look. Out there in the audience.
Gossamer: PEOPLE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! [then runs away through the laboratory walls screaming]
Bugs Bunny: And so, having re-redisposed of the Monster, exit our hero... [notices the mechanical female rabbit from before] Mechanical. [the mechanical female rabbit kisses him] Well. So, it's mechanical!

Voice cast


Home media

  • VHS - March 19, 2002
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