Hello, I'm Your Aunt!

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Hello, I'm Your Aunt! (Russian: Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя!, Transliteration: Zdravstvuyte, ya vasha tyotya!) is a Soviet 1975 farce comedy film directed by Viktor Titov and is loosely based on the play Charley's Aunt by Brandon Thomas. Runtime - 98 min. Produced by T/O Ekran. The film was an immense hit; many lines of dialogue subsequently became catch phrases themselves.


  • (takes off his boa and opera gloves, takes a boxing stance) I warn you, I won't give in just like that.
  • I am Charlie's aunt! I arrived from Brazil, the country of a lot of wild monkeys!
  • Give me everything! ... That is, I want to say, more garnish.
  • Your guardian is such an assho... Excuse me, all the noble ladies in Brazil swear like that!
  • No, no, no! He is not in love with me! He is in love with my millions!
  • Do you know how many Pedros are in Brazil! Do not count!
  • Shame on you... to frighten... a weak lady!
  • This will be my little whim! Ha-ho!
  • We ladies can do whatever we want with men. It is something!

Colonel Chesney

  • I am an old soldier! and I know not the language of love! But when I first met you, Donna Rosa, I felt like a weary wayfarer who, at the ebb of his life... on a sunlit field... saw, Donna Rrrosa! a tender violet! (A part) Man, I'm good.
  • She likes to drink... This should be used!
  • Nice! She fell in love with me at first (chews) sight.

Judge Criggs

  • I'm running! I'm flying! I'm racing!


Jackie Chesney: You don't have a heart...
Charley Wykeham: You don't know what true love is, aunt.
Babbs: Oh, how wrong you are... Didn't my sadness catch your eye?
Charley Wykeham: No.
Jackie Chesney: Oh, yes...
Charley Wykeham: Ah, yes, yes!

Dona Rosa: It's hard to believe you lived in Brazil. For example all ladies there smoke cigars just like men. Do you have this habit?
Babbs: I adore cigars. Let's smoke! In our Brazilian way!

Brasset: What do you want, sir?
Babbs: Are you crazy? Do I look like sir?
Brasset: Excuse me, milady.
Babbs: Milady wants a little glass of Cognac very much.
Brasset: As you wish, sir, that is, milady.

Charlie: Why? why did you brute have to make fun of him?
Babbs: I had to torture him a little bit, hadn't I?

Judge Criggs: At least a kiss! I entreat you... Rosalia!
Babbs: (after securing the marriage permission) I'll kiss you. Later. If you still want it... you little Criggsy.

Jackie Chesney: Some gin? Brandy? Rum?
Policeman: I'm in service, Sir.
Jackie Chesney: It means — whiskey.



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