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Historicity is the historical actuality of persons and events, meaning the quality of being part of history instead of being a historical myth, legend, or fiction.


  • Therein lies the difference between the scriptures of the Christians or the Buddhists and ours; theirs are all Puranas, and not scriptures, because they describe the history of the deluge, and the history of kings and reigning families, and record the lives of great men, and so on. This is the work of the Puranas, and so far as they agree with the Vedas, they are good. ... There are many moral teachings in these, and so far as they agree with the Vedas they have the authority of the Puranas, but no more. ... I was told once by a Christian missionary that their scriptures have a historical character, and therefore are true, to which I replied,
    "Mine have no historical character and therefore they are true; yours being historical, they were evidently made by some man the other day. Yours are man-made and mine are not; their non-historicity is in their favour."
    • (Vivekananda) [1]
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