Killing of Jordan Neely

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Jordan Neely died on 1 May 2023. He was a Michael Jackson impersonator.

Quotes by Jordan Neely

  • I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink, I’m fed up, I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.

Quotes about Jordan Neely

  • "The man got on the subway car and began to say a somewhat aggressive speech, saying he was hungry, he was thirsty, that he didn't care about anything, he didn't care about going to jail, he didn't care that he gets a big life sentence," said Juan Alberto Vazquez, who was in the subway car and recording part of what happened afterward. "That 'It doesn't even matter if I died.'"
  • He wasn’t conscious, he wasn’t responsive, and the man still had him in the headlock
    • 4 May 2023 by James King, witness, according to by SB Sun
  • a very good Michael Jackson impersonator. “Over the years, multiple videos have been seen across the internet of him emulating the King of Pop garnishing thousands of views. He was a natural raw talent who touched a lot of people’s lives. Jordan was a very loving and caring individual who did not deserve to have his life taken like this.
    • 4 May 2023 by Mike Cole, fundraiser for Neely's family
  • Neely then took off his jacket and aggressively threw it on the subway-car floor, but did not appear to want to attack anyone, according to the journalist. Then, a white 24-year-old passenger on the train put Neely in a headlock and held him in the position for 15 minutes, Vazquez said.