Krull (film)

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Krull is a 1983 British-American heroic fantasy-science fiction film directed by Peter Yates and starring Ken Marshall and Lysette Anthony. It was produced by Ron Silverman and released by Columbia Pictures.


  • Thus, it was given to me to know...that many worlds have been enslaved by the Beast and his army, the Slayers. And this, too, was given me to know...that the Beast would come to our world, the world of Krull, and his Black Fortress would be seen in the land. That the smoke of burning villages would darken the sky, and the cries of the dying echo through deserted valleys. But one thing I cannot know, whether the prophecy be true, that a girl of ancient name shall become queen, that she shall choose a king, and that together they shall rule our world, and that their son shall rule the galaxy.
  • I came to find a king... and I find a boy instead.
  • We all risk our lives on this journey! My risk is no greater than yours! I must try.
  • A girl of ancient name shall become queen. She shall choose a king, and together they shall rule our world. And their son shall rule the galaxy.


  • You have been brought here for a marriage. I am the king you will choose.
  • I will allow you to go wherever you please within these walls, for this is the palace from which you will rule this world and countless others. You cannot escape me. You will be my queen.
  • Consider this power! If you consent to be my queen, I will halt the attacks of the Slayers! It is in your power to stop the killing and burning! Each hour you delay, more innocent people will be killed. Think on it.


  • I am Ergo the magnificent! Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose and wide of vision! And I do not travel with peasants and beggars! Goodbye!
  • My name is no jest, beanpole; it's all very simple to have a short name when you're 20 feet tall, but small people need large names to give them weight!


Colwyn: The Glaive is nothing but an ancient symbol! It doesn't really exist!
Ynyr: It exists...up there, in a cave on the highest peak. Without the Glaive, you will never be able to reach Lyssa.
Colwyn: I need weapons, not symbols!
Ynyr: Once, the Glaive was a very powerful weapon. It can be so again, but only in the hands of the right man. For only the right man can retrieve the Glaive.
Colwyn: Am I that man?
Ynyr: I wish I knew. I cannot go with you.
Colwyn: Don't worry. If it's there, I'll come back with it.
Ynyr: If you do not come back with it, you will not come back at all.

Ynyr: [referring to the Glaive] Do not use it until you need it.
Colwyn: Well, how will I know when?
Ynyr: You will know.
Colwyn: If you lead me to the Black Fortress, I'll use this soon enough.
Ynyr: It will not be so easy. At each sunrise, the Black Fortress moves to another location. Sometimes it is in the mountains, sometimes in the desert, sometimes in the sea. Never the same place twice.
Colwyn: But you told me you knew where to find it!!
Ynyr: There are kingly virtues other than bravery! Courtesy is one of them!!
Colwyn: I'm sorry. It's just the thought of Lyssa there...
Ynyr: Yes. Yes. Well, I, too, was young...once. I, too, loved as you do. But your love will be...luckier than mine. What I told you is that I knew how to find the Fortress and that is by seeking the vision of the blind emerald Seer.
Colwyn: But this place isn't known, either.
Ynyr: It is known to me. It is a day's journey from here. Come!

Ergo: Horrible! Horrible! There was a terrible creature over there! And over there, a creature with only one eye!
Thief: One eye?
Ynyr: A Cyclops.
Ergo: He was aiming a spear straight at me!
Ynyr: Had that been so, you would now be dead. He was aiming at a Slayer, for they have ancient hatred between them. Long ago, his ancestors lived on a world far from Krull, and had two eyes like other men. Then they made a bargain with the Beast, who is the leader of the Slayers. They gave up one of their eyes in exchange for the power to see into the future, but they were cheated. And the only future they are permitted to see is the time of their own death. They're sad, solitary creatures... born to know the day they will die.
Ergo: Today would've been my day, if it hadn't been for him.

Colwyn: You've been with us for a long way now.
Rell: Since the beginning. When I learned that the old one had come down, I knew that the time had come.
Colwyn: Join us, then. All men need company.
Rell: Yes. All men.

Ynyr: Lyssa...
Widow of the Web: I was young when I last heard that name.
Ynyr: I was young when I last spoke it to you.
Widow: And my face was as beautiful as my name.
Ynyr: And I loved you, Lyssa, with all my heart.
Widow: But you would not stay with me.
Ynyr: There were responsibilities, duties!
Widow: Ambition. You had a son. We had a son!
Ynyr: said nothing! Where is he?!
Widow: I killed him when he was born...and this is my punishment.
Ynyr: My son?!
Widow: Yes. Since I could not kill you, my rage needed a victim. I know you could never forgive me.
Ynyr: I cannot forgive myself; I have already forgiven you.
Widow: You could never forgive a woman who has killed your son!

Widow: [in the form of a young beautiful woman] Tell me... what can I see for you?
Ynyr: The Black Fortress. Where does it rise?
Widow: Tomorrow... in the Iron Desert. But the knowledge is useless to you, for you cannot leave here; no man has ever escaped the web.
Ynyr: There is a young girl being held in the fortress, a young girl with your name. A young man seeks her, a young man. The age I was when... you and I met... and you and I loved.
Widow: What you ask is beyond my power. [referring to the hourglass] It can be turned only once. That is the lure of the web.
Ynyr: Then the second Lyssa will share your fate. She will die, grow old and lonely. She will die in a place of darkness! This whole world will be a place of darkness!!
Widow: [shows Ynyr the sand inside the hourglass] These are the sands of my life. Accept them and the spider will have no power to harm you. But your own life runs out with the sand.
Ynyr: And what about your life?
Widow: I give it to the girl who bears my name. [breaks open the hourglass and pours out the sand in Ynyr's hands]
Ynyr: I... cannot stop the sands...!
Widow: You cannot stop time. Go now. Save the other Lyssa.


  • A world light-years beyond your imagination.
  • Beyond our time, beyond our universe...There is a planet besieged by alien invaders, where a young king must rescue his love from the clutches of the Beast. Or risk the death of his world.
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