Let's Kill Uncle

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Let's Kill Uncle is a 1966 film about a boy who is trapped on an island with his uncle who intends to kill him.

Directed by William Castle. Written by Rohan O'Grady and Mark Rodgers, based on O'Grady's novel.
LOVABLE OR LETHAL? Are they bad seeds...or frightened innocents caught in a diabolical duel with death!  (taglines)

The Uncle - Major Kevin Harrison

  • Come on, I shouldn't be helping you like this. But you are my only nephew. And, a Harrison.


Uncle: Try to think of it as a kind of game, Barnaby.
Barnaby Harrison: A game?
Uncle-: Yes, exactly. For perfectly understandable reasons, I would like something to... um... happen to you. For equally understandable reasons, you would prefer that it did not. Well, that's the game. What's going to happen? Who's going to win? That's the fun of it so to speak.
Barnaby Harrison: What chance do I have?
Uncle: Well, let's analyse the situation shall we? Memorise the rules of the game. Now, you're safe in this house. It's a very large island, and you're safe almost anywhere as long as you're with Sergeant Travis or Justine. [pauses] Oh, yes, Barnaby - two accidental deaths would serve me as well as one.
Barnaby Harrison: No. You leave Chrissie alone.
Uncle: [he muses] She's a charming child too... Where were we? Ah, yes - you've got the safe house going for you, the Sergeant, and your death must be an accident, which deprives me of guns, knives, piano wire et cetera. Now the situation doesn't look so bleak does it? And you were lucky this morning. Never discount the stroke of fortune. I might die of a heart-attack.
Barnaby Harrison: [hopefully] Do you have a bad heart?
Uncle: Ah, that's better, you're playing the game. Just charmed at the thought of old Uncle dropping over with a coronary, aren't you?
Barnaby Harrison: [wide-eyed] Yeah...!
Uncle: Sorry, I'm in excellent health. But look for the breaks, Barnaby, the unexpected turn of events, the victory snatched from the jaws of defeat.

Uncle: Haven't touched your food... extraordinary boy. Never mind, I'll put the chef's hat on for you tonight. How about some steak, mushrooms and a very special little sauce of mine?
Barnaby Harrison: [he gets up] Excuse me.
Uncle: Going out? Remember the rules of the game, Barnaby. I wouldn't forget them for a moment, if I were you.

Chrissie: Barnaby, your uncle's trying to kill you, right?
[he nods]
Chrissie: Well, let's kill uncle first.
Barnaby Harrison: Chrissie, that's a marvelous idea. Why didn't I think of it before?
Chrissie: You didn't think of it. I did.


  • LOVABLE OR LETHAL? Are they bad seeds...or frightened innocents caught in a diabolical duel with death!


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