Mahendra Mohan Choudhry

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Mahendra Mohan Choudhury (12 April 1908 – 27 December 1982) was a freedom fighter and politician from Nagaon, Undivided Kamrup district (now Barpeta district) of Western Assam. He was Chief Minister of Assam from 1970 to 1972. He also served as governor of Punjab.


  • Mr Rouf, as my hon. friend Beliram Das has rightly stated on the floor of this House yesterday, in his address as the Chairman of the Reception Committee of the Barpeta Session of the Assam Muslim League did most emphatically declare in presence of Muhammad, the then Premier of Assam that the Mussalmans in the 17th and 18th Centuries conquered Assam with gun and cannons and in this 20th Century they will conquer Assam with ploughs and lathis. What does then this mean except a planned invasion on the part of the Muslim League under the garb of ‘solution of landless problem’ and ‘grow-more-food’ etc.
    • Choudhury, Mahendra Mohan. Assembly Debates. 16 March 1946. quoted from Nani Gopal Mahanta - Citizenship Debate over NRC and CAA_ Assam and the Politics of History (2021, SAGE Publications India)
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