Mouse Trouble

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Mouse Trouble is a 1944 American one-reel animated cartoon short and is the 17th Tom and Jerry short produced by Fred Quimby and directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, with music direction by Scott Bradley The cartoon was animated by Ray Patterson, Irven Spence, Ken Muse and Pete Burness. The cartoon won the 1944 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, the second consecutive award bestowed upon the series. It was released in theatres on November 23, 1944 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and reissued on December 12, 1951.

Directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. Produced by Fred Quimby.


[Tom corners Jerry and then consults his book for advice - A CORNERED MOUSE NEVER FIGHTS. Tom uses this knowledge to attack... they both start a huge fight, and Tom gets moderately thrashed and bruised by Jerry]
Tom: [to the audience; said very slow] Don't you believe it!

[repeated line]
Wind-up Female Mouse: Come up and see me sometime.


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