My Super Ex-Girlfriend

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My Super Ex-Girlfriend is a 2006 American romantic comedy superhero film.

He broke her heart. She broke his everything.(taglines)

Jenny Johnson/G-Girl

  • [brandishing a chainsaw when Matt tells Vaughan G-Girl's secret identity in his dream] I WARNED YOU, MATT SAUNDERS!
  • [to Matt] You broke my heart! Now, I'm going to break your EVERYTHING!


[as they're floating up in the sky]
Jenny: I've always wanted to try this.
Matt: Try what?
[Jenny unzips his pants]
Matt: That. Wow. I'm not sure that's gonna work up here. It's drafty, too.

Jenny: [after breaking the bed while having sex] I'm sorry. I'll get you a new one.
Matt: A bed or a penis?
Jenny: Both.

Jenny: [off screen; in a loud yell] Hey, sweetie!
[Matt looks out Hannah's window to see G-Girl hovering in front of him]
Jenny: I hate you, Matt Saunders!
[proceeds to throw a Great White shark into the apartment]
Hannah: Why did G-Girl throw a shark at us?

Jenny Johnson: I thought you were just a jerk, but I didn't think you were this despicable! Teaming up with BARRY! You broke my heart! Now, I'm going to break your EVERYTHING!
Hannah Lewis: [Hannah emerges from the meteor, shockingly gaining the same superpowers as Jenny] *HEY*! Let go of my boyfriend, you crazy BITCH!
Jenny Johnson: Bring it!
[they start fighting]
Vaughn Haige: Yes! GIRLFIGHT!


  • He broke her heart. She broke his everything.
  • If you love someone... set them free
  • Hell hath no fury like a superwoman scorned.
  • He wanted a break... Now she wants to break him

About My Super Ex-Girlfriend

  • Well, I think that one of the great things about the script is that unlike the typical valiant-type superhero that's like, "Oh, yes, I must go save the world"—unlike that, there's a whole comedy base here with the reality of it all. Here's this girl, like any of us, who stumbles on a rock. And, by the way, she says girl because she is girl, and so if she called herself woman at 17 she would have a problem. But she really is more tense than kryptonite. She's just a real person. She wants to have a real life. She just deals with her responsibility of having super powers, but she really resents it. I guess that's the humor in the piece.
    • Uma Thurman [1]


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