Nike Oshinowo

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Nike Oshonowo

Adenike Asabi Oshinowo (1966) is a Nigerian talk show host, entrepreneur, former pageant director and style icon.


  • It will inject life and fun into the weekday evenings of the viewing audience, bringing a vast array of local and international acts and celebrities from the world of art, cinema, music and politics into the viewer’s living room.
    • [1] Oshinowo on talk show in 2014.
  • This is the only interview I’m going to give about it because my children didn’t choose to come into this world or choose to be famous that way. I’m the one who’s famous. My children are not famous. I’m hoping they’re going to be able to live very normal lives.
    • [2] Nike shows off her twins in 2014.
  • These days, no real questions get answered and no real issues get dealt with but the late night shows will be more real and on when the children are asleep. This will give us an opportunity to have real adult conversation, of whatever could be bothering you.
    • [3] Oshinowo talks about late night show in 2014.
  • I like TV. I like watching precisely the kind of show that I am doing now. I want one show which gives me everything from current affairs to the happening music, movies as well as stars that are doing well like Genevieve, Omotola, while at the same time watching conversations with politicians, business leaders without having to change the channel.
    • [4] Nike unveiled show in 2014.
  • I am impressed with certain females. Being a woman, even though I am not actively promoting this gender alone, there are women featured in the show that dazzled my imagination. Dakore being one, is one of the most intelligent and coherent. She has the most passionate set of morals.
    • [5] Ruth talk about female personalities in 2015.
  • My businesses revolves around things I like..., I love food, sleep, wish I could say I love exercise but I don't! I like to be healthy. I am not about fashion what I am about is beauty; hair, skin.
    • [6] Nike talk about her business in 2015]
  • I have lived with endometriosis since the age of 13. I was sent to boarding school in England when I was seven. I went to prep school. It was during the first few days in secondary school that I began my periods (menstrual). They called the ambulance and I was hospitalized for 10 days because the pain started and wouldn’t stop. I thought I was going to die. Living with endometriosis is a challenge.
    • [7] Ex beauty queen speaks about her struggle with endometriosis in 2016.
  • I chose to have my children look like my cousins, the children of my sister, and the children of my brother – all the same colour. I did what I needed to do to make that happen. My children bear Oshinowo. It’s a very good surname to have!
    • [8] Nike during an interview in 2018.
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