Pokémon—Zoroark: Master of Illusions

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Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions is a 2010 Japanese animated adventure film. The film was directed by Kunihiko Yuyama from a screenplay by Hideki Sonoda. It is the thirteenth animated installment in the Pokémon film series, and was released in Japan on July 10, 2010.


[First lines]
Narrator: The astounding world of Pokémon! Teaming with majesty and intrigue. Attempting to count every kind of Pokémon might be challeging indeed, with numbers heading well into the hundreds. Possibly beyond! This is where we find a young man named Ash, from Pallet Town, working with his partner Pikachu to catch other Pokémon and perfect the fine art of the Pokémon battle! On a continuing journey to one day become a Pokémon Master as up ahead, an exciting world of different Pokémon awaits, and this Pokémon world is jam-packed with incredible adventure!

Rowena: Mr. Kodai, all final preparations are complete.
Grings Kodai: Action start.

Grings Kodai: Zoroark. Tell me... is Zorua that important? [Zoroark transforms into Raikou] Good. Just perfect.

[Grings Kodai activates the Illusion Canceler device]
Rowena: I was still surprised, even though I had switched on my Illusion Canceler. I'm sorry, sir.
Grings Kodai: Even the camera was fooled. [groans pleased] Zoroark's powers of illusion are nothing less than monumental.
Goone: [on the screen] Mr. Kodai. We will soon be landing in Crown City.

Grings Kodai: Training complete. Good, Zoroark! Excellent. [moves his arm to call Ninjask to take Zorua away in the hole, Zoroark is restrained by electric bolts and it pains] You wouldn't want any harm to come to the Zorua you've cared for like it was your own, now would you? [Zoroark looks disgusted] Be smart and obey!

Grings Kodai: So Zorua escaped?
Goone: Forgive me, sir.
Grings Kodai: Do you have Zorua's visual data?
Goone: Yes.
Grings Kodai: That would be good enough.

Grings Kodai: Just one day and the Time Ripple's gone! Before then... I must find it!

Narrator: As Ash's quest to become a Pokémon Master continues, our heroes have decided to take a shortcut to the Pokemon Baccer Championship in Crown City. However...

Brock: I'm glad we avoided a fight.
Ash: Yeah.
Zorua: I wouldn't have needed your help, anyway.
Ash: Excuse me, but you were just about to get pushed off of a cliff, right there.
Dawn: He's right.
Brock: That's one tough Pokémon.
Ash, Dawn, and Brock: [get surprised] You talked!?
Zorua: [chuckles] Yeah. So, I did.
Ash, Dawn, and Brock: Huh.
Brock: That's telepathy.
Zorua: Mima told me, I should never talk to strangers. Too late.
Ash: I've never seen this kinda Pokémon.
Dawn: Have you, Brock?
Brock: No, never.
Zorua: [goes to the cliff facing the city] I'm going to that city, down there.
Brock: Hey, that's Crown City!
[Ash and Dawn are excited]
Ash: So, that's it.
Zorua: I'm going to save Mima.
Dawn: But who's Mima?
Zorua: Mima's Mima.
Ash: So, this Mima, you're trying to save, is in Crown City?
Zorua: Mima was trying to protect me and wound up getting caught. Some really bad people brought us here from across the sea.
Dawn: You mean, they did it against your will?
Ash: Then what?
Zorua: They put us on a flying boat.
Brock: You mean an airplane?
Zorua: Then, I fell of the boat.
Dawn: So you escaped.
[Pikachu and Piplup convince Ash and his friends to help Zorua]
Ash and Dawn: Mm-hmm.
Ash: Yeah, let's do this!
Dawn: Yeah!
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup!
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: All right, so I'll help you out.
Dawn: Me too.
Brock: Count me in.
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Zorua: OK. I guess, I can let you be my friends. [transforms into Ash]
[Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, Piplup and Brock are surprised and Zorua chuckles]
Ash: No way!
Pikachu: Pikapi.
Brock: Well, obviously, it can change its appearance.
Zorua: Come on. [walks]
Ash and Brock: [look at the Zorua's still-visible tail] Ah!
Dawn: Look, a tail.
Pikachu: Pikachu! [grabs Zorua's tail]
Zorua: [changes back to its true form, transforms into Pikachu and chuckles]
Pikachu: Pika!
Zorua: I like this better.

Karl: So, Kodai was involved in the whole thing.
Ash: The only thing we wanna do, is bring Zorua back to Zoroark and fast.
Pikachu: Pika.
Zorua: I'm gonna go find my Mima.
Karl: Right, I'll help anyway I can.
Ash: Awesome, wow, thanks!
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: Hey, I'm Ash, and this is my partner, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Dawn: My name is Dawn, and this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup.
Brock: I'm Brock.
Karl: The name's Karl. I'm a journalist.

Karl: I had a hunch, Kodai has been keeping some kinda secret and I've been investigating it.
[The gang and Karl enter the windmill, Karl opens the floor door]
Brock: What's that?
Karl: It connects to the old part of the city.
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Huh?
Karl: The truth is, Crown City is my home town.
[The gang and Karl are inside the underground sewers]
Karl: [releases Bronzor] Bronzor, use Flash. [Bronzor uses Flash to shine the underground sewers] Grings Kodai has been called "The man who can see into the future".
Ash: Future? Woah.
Karl: And it sure seems that way. Kodai has had an incredible series of business successes. Like he knows what's going to happen. He now has control over the main stream media. The word on the street is, in order to get what he wants, there's absolutely nothing he won't do.
Brock: But, what's Kodai doing this time? By controlling Zoroark?
Karl: Beats me.
Zorua: But he's a bad man! [transforms into Dawn]
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Ah!
Zorua: Let's hurry!
Dawn: [annoyed] Hey, don't you dare change into me!
Piplup: [grabs Zorua's tail] Lup, Piplup!
[Zorua changes back to its true form[
Dawn: Good.
Zorua: [chuckles]

Dawn: Wow, what a pretty place.
Brock: Sure is.
[The gang looks at the Celebi statue]
Ash: Hey, Karl, isn't that Celebi?
Karl: Right. They say, that Celebi sometimes comes here to visit.
Brock: Take a look. It's like the city in forest coexist in perfect harmony.
Karl: Yeah, but it wasn't always this way.
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Huh?
Karl: Twenty years ago, almost all of the trees and flower here died off.
Ash: How did that happen?
Karl: No one knows. Anyway... It was a terrible time. But working together, people and Pokémon, finally brought Crown City back to it's beautiful life.
Ash: Wow.
Dawn: You could never tell, that things were once so bad.

Karl: That's weird. [looks at the bus stop and realizes that the news video was edited]
Ash: Huh?
Karl: It's not destroyed.
Dawn: You're right.
Brock: But I saw Entei on the news.
Ash: What does it mean?
Karl: Kodai did this. He manipulated the TV news images.
Brock: Fake video?
Karl: Zoroark has the power to take the shape of the Legendary Pokémon.
Dawn: So, you mean, Legendary Pokémon aren't really here?
Ash: Then Kodai tricked us.
Zorua: Mima's scent is this way.
Ash: OK, let's go!
Pikachu: Pika!

Zorua: Mima's scent is here too.
Brock: Huh? [points to a statue] Hey, Karl, what's that a statue of?
Karl: The city's guardian protectors.
Dawn: Guardian protectors?
Karl: When Crown City was in danger in ancient times, it is said, that Entei, Raikou and Suicune came here to rescue it and its people. There statues are all over the city.
Brock: And to think Celebi comes here, as well.
Dawn: Sad to know, it's being hurt.
Karl: [looks at the statue and realizes that the video was edited too] That's still in one piece too.
Zorua: Mima's this way! [runs]
Ash: Zorua!

Grings Kodai: [on the news screen] ...controlled by the dark Pokémon, Zoroark, and are now running amok.
Zorua: It's all lies!
Grings Kodai: No one will be allowed to enter the city, until we capture it...
[Zorua uses Scratch on the screen and chuckles]

Grings Kodai: [on the TV news screen] Entei, Raikou and Suicune are now controlled by the evil Pokémon Zoroark. Those three are terrorizing your city. Citiz...
Karl: [shuts down the TV] Zoroark must have changed into the shape of those Legendary Pokémon. The city hasn't been destroyed.
Tammy: So, this whole event was nothing but a trick?
Joe: I knew all along, that our guardian protectors wouldn't do any of this.
Ash: Yeah, Kodai's the only bad guy.
Tammy: And of course, that means, Zoroark is innocent too.
Dawn: You're right.
Brock: But, why didn't the two of you evacuate?
Joe: The truth is, neither one of us, could bear the thought of leaving our beautiful home.
Tammy: And after all, Celebi finally just returned, after so long.
Ash: Celebi's here?
Karl: Are you sure?
Tammy: Mm-hmm. Tangrowth and I, both saw it with our very own eyes.
Joe: Right, see it's been twenty long years, since the day, when all our lush greenery died, and that's when Celebi stopped coming back to visit.
Zorua: [sleeping, still under Sleep Powder] Mima...?

[Ash, Dawn, Brock and Karl are caged under Kodai's drone]
Ash: What do you think... [grabs the metal fence and gets electrocuted] Aaaaahh! [falls down] Uhh!
Dawn: Ash, no.
Brock: Are you OK?
Grings Kodai: Not one of you, has the power to resist me.
Dawn: It's you.
Karl: Kodai.
Ash: So, why did you lock us up?
Grings Kodai: I don't know who you are, and I couldn't care less. But, I'm certain I won't allow you to get in my way, and that you can depend on.
Ash: What do you mean?
Grings Kodai: I have the power to see the future.
Karl: Future?
Grings Kodai: And all obstacles in my path. And so, I must remove all of them.
[Kodai's drone locks the gang in the dark]
Karl: [grabs Ash as he tries to touch the electrified cage] No use.
Ash: But, Karl...

[Kodai's drone opens]
Dawn: Who are you?
Rowena: My name's Rowena. Mr. Kodai's executive secretary.
Karl: Right, and I'm his mom.
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Huh?
Rowena: I'm actually a newspaper reporter, just like Karl. I'm working undercover right now. [fixes her hair] Investigating Kodai.
Dawn: Wow!
Ash: You're on our side!
Brock: [excited] Excellent!
Karl: I had a feeling you'd show up.
Rowena: My investigation's complete. [shows the device] It's all here.

Karl: So, this is it.
Rowena: You see, Kodai is trying to locate the Time Ripple.
Ash: Time...
Dawn: ...Ripple?
Karl: Grandpa told me about it. It appears, when Celebi comes to visit us, from the future.
Rowena: Right. The Time Ripple is a temporary focal point that actually collects time energy. The Time Ripple lasts for only about a day, and it provides all the necessary energy for Celebi to be able to time travel. Kodai wants that energy for himself, before it disappears. Which he'll accomplish by absorbing it into his body.
Ash: Why would he wanna do that?
Rowena: So, he'll have the power to see into the future.
Karl: The future?
Brock: Of course. Remember, he said he could do that.
Karl: Hmm.
Rowena: It was twenty years ago, when Kodai gain the power to see into the future.
Karl: Huh?
Rowena: By deciphering the ancient texts, Kodai was able to unlock the secrets of the prophets, and he learned that the Time Ripple actually contains the power to show people the future. And so Kodai came here. To the city, where Celebi is known to appear.
[In the flashback]
Grings Kodai: Shuppet, Foresight. [Shuppet uses Foresight around the place, and the Time Ripple appears] Finally, there it is. The Time Ripple. [Celebi arrives] Don't let Celebi touch the Time Ripple. [Misdreavus uses Psychic to atract Celebi and Shuppet uses Shadow Ball on it, Celebi falls to the ground, hurt, and tries to get up] I've learned, the Time Ripple disappears, when you touch it. But, now it belongs to me. [uses a robotic arm to reach into the Time Ripple, its energy flows into his body, initially causing him great pain, and triggers a backlash that causes all of the city's plant life to rot away, then he experiences a vision of the future, revealing his destiny and goals, and laughs evily] I did it. The future truly is all mine! [laughs again]
[Flashback ends]
Rowena: So, the flow of energy was reversed, and the trees and the flowers in the city withered and died, and Kodai gained the power to see into the future. Since that time, Kodai's plan has become reality.
Karl: So then, Kodai was the one responsible for killing all the cities greenery.
[Next scene in the park with Grings Kodai and Goone, Shuppet uses Foresight]
Grings Kodai: Not here.
Goone: Is this the last of the countdown clocks, Mr. Kodai?
Grings Kodai: Yes. We've checked all the others. Where is it? My visions never failed me before. Ah! [experiences a vision of the future and groans]
Goone: Mr. Kodai!
Grings Kodai: [smiles evily] It's Celebi.
[Next scene in the motorboat with Ash, Dawn, Brock, Karl and Rowena]
Rowena: But now, Kodai's power to see the future is fading.
Karl: Huh?
Rowena: And that's why he so desperate to absorb the energy of the Time Ripple again.
Karl: I get it now.
Rowena: Now, according to one of Kodai's visions, the Time Ripple is near a countdown clock. So, needless to say, he's frantic to find it.
Ash, Dawn, Brock and Karl: Huh?
Brock: But, if Kodai finds the Time Ripple again...
Karl: Then the city will wither and die, like before.
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Ah!
Rowena: You've got it.
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Huh.
Ash: We won't let that happen!
Dawn and Brock: Hmm.

Joe: So, Kodai was behind Crown City's disaster from twenty years ago too.
[Brock finishes bandaging Celebi's arm]
Celebi: Lebi?
Brock: You'll be just fine.
Celebi: Bi.
Zorua: I couldn't protect Celebi.
Pikachu: Pika.
Tammy: Not long before you came back, we actually got a glimpse of the real Entei, Raikou and Suicune.
Joe: They must have sensed that the city is in grave danger.
Tammy: Yes, but they're all convinced that the enemy is Zoroark.
Joe: So, how can we get them to understand that they're wrong?
Zorua: [grieves] Mima! [moves]
Celebi: Lebi! [tries to fly but falls down due to its injured arm] Bi!
Dawn: Celebi.
Ash: Ah! [catches Celebi from falling down]
Zorua: [stops moving] Ah.
Ash: Take it easy, Celebi.
Rowena: If we can somehow reach the Time Ripple, then Celebi should be just fine.
Dawn: Yeah, but where is the Time Ripple?
Rowena: Kodai was searching around the vicinity of the countdown clocks. But he had already checked them all.
Brock: So, you mean, Kodai's already gotten his hands on the Time Ripple?
Karl: No, not yet. The city's still lush and green.
Joe: The thing is, there's one other countdown clock.
Rowena: Huh?
Joe: [looks at the photo of the Time Ripple and a drawing of its design] Up there. See? I'm the one who designed them all. It's in the stadium. Located among the trees that were moved there from the city. [A small flying camera is recording everything he says]
[Next scene in the jeep with Kodai and Goone]
Joe: I placed the prototype there to commemorate the stadium's completion. [Kodai laughs evily] So, the Time Ripple must be there too.
Grings Kodai: And I'll be the one to reach it first! [drives the jeep]
[Next scene in Joe's workshop, a flying camera is about to fly making a noise]
Pikachu: [senses the camera] Pika? [uses Thunderbolt on it] Pikachuuuuu!
[The camera falls down]
Ash: What's that?
Rowena: One of Kodai's robots.
Karl: But, what we just said...
Rowena: He heard all of it.
Ash: Huh?
Dawn: Ah?
Karl: We've got to get to the Time Ripple.
Joe: Or what happened twenty years ago will happen again.
Tammy: It just can't!
Ash: Tammy's right.
Karl: So, we've got to get Celebi to the Time Ripple first.
Celebi: Lebi! [tries to fly again but falls down]
Ash: [grabs Celebi] Don't worry, Celebi. I'll take you there myself.
Dawn: I'm going.
Brock: Me too.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Piplup: Piplup.
Zorua: There's now way I'd ever give up. So, you can count me in too.
Celebi: Lebi.
Ash: All right, let's go.
[Ash, Dawn and Brock start noving but Karl interrupts them]
Karl: Wait a minute. Kodai can see the future, right?
Joe and Tammy: Huh?
Ash, Dawn and Brock: Huh?
Karl: That's why, we'll work together to change the future.

Grings Kodai: I've thoroughly enjoyed playing our little game of tag. Ah. However, I already knew it would end this way! [uses a robotic arm to reach into the Time Ripple, its energy flows into his body, causing him great pain]
Ash: Stop, Kodai! All the trees and flowers will die!
Pikachu: Pika!
Grings Kodai: What do I care! So long as my visionary powers grow, it's all worth it!
Ash: So, you don't care what happens to Crown City?
[The Time Ripple triggers a big backlash over the city]
Grings Kodai: It's true that twenty years ago, when I touched the Time Ripple, Crown City withered. But no one knows a thing about that. Just as no one will know what I've done today. All anyone knows is that I'm doing my level best to capture the evil Pokémon, Zoroark. :[The city's plant life begins rotting away] [laughs evily] VICTORY IS MINE! [laughs again louder] [Zoroark smirks, and time appears to start reversing, revealing an illusion created by Zoroark itself] This can't be an illusion? But, my Illusion Canceler... Huh! [remembers that Zorua bit and destroyed the Illusion Canceler device] When it bit me!
[Zoroark gets up weakly, Karl and Rowena arrive]
Karl: [with the camera on hand] You're finished, Kodai. Give it up.
Ash: It's Karl.
Pikachu: Pika!
Grings Kodai: [grunts] Not you!

[Grings Kodai attacks Zoroark with his mechanical arm, shocking it]
Zorua: Mima!
Grings Kodai: [angry] How dare you trick me! For what you've done, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!

Grings Kodai: The Time Ripple... THE TIME RIPPLE WILL BE MINE!
[The Shiny Pokémon Legendaries Entei, Raikou and Suicune arrive, Kodai runs away scared]

[At the stadium, Kodai regains consciousness after falling out of the Zoroark's illusion, a video of Kodai's confession appears on the screen]
Ash: Stop, Kodai! All the trees and flowers will die!
Pikachu: Pika!
Grings Kodai: What do I care! So long as my visionary powers grow, it's all worth it!
Ash: So, you don't care what happens to Crown City?
Grings Kodai: It's true that twenty years ago, when I touched the Time Ripple, Crown City withered.
[Next scene on the outskirts of the city, it is revealed that the video is broadcasted throughout the city and the people watch it]
Grings Kodai: But no one knows a thing about that. Just as no one will know what I've done today.
Peg: [outraged] Such a terrible man!
[Next scene at the stadium]
Grings Kodai: All anyone knows is that I'm doing my level best to capture the evil Pokémon, Zoroark.
[Kodai looks at Ash, Dawn, Brock, Karl, Rowena, Joe, Tammy, Officer Jenny, deputy and Pokémon]
Officer Jenny: You can tell me all about it, back at the precinct!
[Kodai tries to back away but falls to the ground and gets angry, and Zoroark roars]

[In the port, Dawn, Piplup, Brock, Joe, Mightyena, Tammy and Tangrowth bid farewell to Ash, Pikachu, Karl and Rowena on the ship]
Dawn: Have a great trip!
Piplup: Piplup!
Brock: You take good care!
Joe: Come back again, anytime!
Tammy: Don't be strangers!
[Suddenly, the other Ash and Pikachu arrive to bid farewell]
Ash: Hey, Zorua! Will you please stop lookin' like me, already?! [eats a pie]
[It is revealed that "Ash" and "Pikachu" are Zorua and Zoroark transformed, Zorua chuckles, Rowena grabs its tail, Zorua and Zoroark change back to their true form]
Ash: Zorua! [runs along with his friends to the edge of the port] We promise we'll come and visit you in your region next, Zorua!
Pikachu: Pika!
Zorua: Ash.
Ash: Count on it! We can't wait!
Pikachu: Pikapika!

[Last lines]
James: What would you two do if you could peer into the future?
Meowth: I'd be bored out of my creative mind.
James: Why pretell?
Jessie: Not knowing what will happen is the spice of life. The uncertainty of the future makes the here and now a party.
Meowth: [annoyed] Hey, stop simplifying my stitch.
James: Ah? Lovely breeze.
Jessie: A day of ease.
Meowth: Life's but a dream.
Jessie: Float down stream.
Jessie, James and Meowth: And this time in a boat.