Red Dead Redemption

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Red Dead Redemption, released in 2010, is Rockstar Games's epic Western action video game. Taking place in the Old West of America in the year 1911, the game chronicles protagonist John Marston's quest to secure the safety of his family by taking up arms against the gang of outlaws he formerly belonged to. It is written by Dan Houser, Michael Unsworth and Christian Cantamessa.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is its 2018 prequel.


Marston: Even in this new country, memories don't really fade. My father was an illiterate Scot, born on the boat into New York. He never saw his homeland, but to hear him talk about it, you would imagine he only ate haggis and wore a kilt. And he hated the English for what they had done to his great-grandparents he'd never met. People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven.
Bonnie: That's true, especially when it comes to money and you know even now, after all his labors, my father's debts are still terrible. I worry every day about us losing the ranch. It would kill him.
Marston: My father died when I was 8 years old. His eyes were...well, let's just say he was blinded in a barfight south of Chicago. My mother died during childbirth. She was a prostitute and he was her, well I don't know what he was. 'Till I was sent off to an orphanage and ran away and fell in with a gang.
Bonnie: My word, what a difficult life you've lived.
Marston: The leader of the gang taught me how to read. Taught me how to see all that was good in the world. He was a great man in a way.
Bonnie: But you killed people?
Marston: Sure, and I've suffered for it. And that's the life I left, or tried to leave. I've said too much, Bonnie. I'm an uneducated killer sent here to do all I can do well, kill a man in cold blood so that another man may do his part to cut crime in an area, and a rich man can be elected governor on the back of these promises.
Bonnie: Civilization is a truly beautiful thing, Mr. Marston.

Bonnie MacFarlane: Are you a religious man?
John Marston: Not in any real sense. Sometimes I tell myself that things happen for a reason. Like what brought me here was fate come-a-callin. But nobody made my path but me.
Bonnie: We all need to look for answers somewhere. Some in big ol' books, and others in big bottles of whiskey.
John: Believing in some kinda divine purpose ain't gonna bring me my wife and kid back. Past is who we are Miss MacFarlane. And there ain't no changing that. Faith is a luxury I can't afford.

Abraham: How do you know my young lover, Laura?
John: It's Luisa. I saved her life awhile not so long back.
Abraham: I will not forget this, compadre. You will be rewarded. Money, women ...Luisa, if you want her.
John: I'm here for two men, and that's it.
Abraham: You have been spending too much time with Captain de Santa.
John: Very funny. Not like that. I'll explain later.

Bonnie: Mr. Marston, I've been hearing about your plans.
John: Have you, Miss MacFarlane?
Bonnie: Yes, from Leigh Johnson. To settle here and build a life for yourself.
John: I'm afraid those aren't my plans. You see, I already have a life. Well, I had one, and I'm trying to reclaim it. Or maybe what you could say is that I had two, and I'm trying to end one of them so the other can survive.
Bonnie: You do so love to talk in riddles, Mr. Marston. Do you do that, I wonder as a substitute for having anything interesting to say?
John: Probably, Miss MacFarlane.

Commercial: Do what you were told to do!!

Bonnie: So, is this your boy?
John: Yeah. Say hello to Miss MacFarlane, Jack.
Jack Marston: Hello.
John: The arrogance of youth. He gets a little fur on his lip and he thinks he knows best all of a sudden.

Dutch: We can't always fight nature, John. We can't fight change. We can't fight gravity. We can't fight nothing. My whole life, John, all I ever did was fight. But I can't give up neither. I can't fight my own nature. That's the paradox, John. You see? When I'm gone they'll just find another monster. They have to. Because they have to justify their wages. Our time is passed, John. (Dutch van der Linde's last words)
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