Syed Ali Shah Geelani

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Syed Ali Shah Geelani (1929–2021) was an Islamist, Pro-Pakistan Kashmiri-separatist leader in the Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, regarded as the father of the Kashmiri jihad.


  • (a) India is a bigger enemy of Islam and Muslims than even Israel;
    (b) Muslims are a qaum wholly separate from the Hindus. Muslims are a complete separate nation on the basis of their religion, culture, civilisation, customs and practices, and thought. Their nationalism and the foundation of their unity cannot be based on their homeland, race, language, colour or economic system. The basis of their unity is Islam and Islam alone;
    (c) Pakistan was created for the hegemony of Islam and for establishing an Islamic system. Pakistan is the land of the dreams of all Kashmiris because it was won in the name of Islam;
    (d) Accession to India would result in the Kashmiri Muslims having to live perpetually under Hindu slavery. The entire struggle of the Kashmiri people is for the sake of Islam and for accession to Pakistan;
    (e) Kashmir must become an Islamic State. Our goal is the establishment of Islamic government. Our struggle is for the sake of Islam;
    f) Islam removes people from the slavery of people, but secularism makes the people slaves of Delhi. The on-going struggle against Indian rule in Kashmir is not an ordinary war, but, rather, a jihad;
    (g) I plead with the Afghan mujahidin to come forward to help liberate us from India and, by doing so, express their, bond of Islamic brotherhood and religious commitment;
    (h) In the light of the Quran, it has now become incumbent on the people of Pakistan to engage in jihad in Kashmir. In fact, participating in the Kashmir jijad is now a binding duty incumbent not just on the Pakistani Muslims but, rather, the entire worldwide Muslim ummah.
    • Syed Shah Geelani. from his book Nava-e-Hurriyat: and in (2023.) Hindus in Hindu Rashtra : Eighth-Class Citizens and Victims of State-Sanctioned Apartheid. by Anand Ranganathan
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