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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Cities page.

Quotes that do not meet WQ:Q guidelines (encyclopedic)

  • Paul Bairoch (1977, 1988) and Jan de Vries (1984) were among the first scholars to illustrate the links between city sizes and economic development. A wide variety of papers in the economics and economic history literature have subsequently used their data sets of city sizes, and showed how likely determinants of long-run economic development affect the growth of cities. For example, DeLong and Shleifer (1993) find that more representative forms of government (oligarchies rather than autocratic princes) had a positive impact on urban growth in the medieval and early modern periods. Relatedly, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2005) have shown that those European cities that could engage in trade relationships with the colonies across the Atlantic grew faster in the period after 1500.